Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 210: Check and plugging

Rimuru vowed to hold a founding ceremony for the Demon Kingdom to announce his existence to the world, and by the way, ridicule all potential enemies and eliminate them in one fell swoop.

Then he began to be "cracked" in the face by Crohnpith's barrage of questions.

"If the other party harbors malice from the beginning, that is to say, the enemy who fights economic warfare—it will only be counterproductive! Economically, you can't expect religious face. Maybe after dug out the enemy that popped up, there is still something behind the scenes. The enemy took advantage of the trend to sneak into the people who supported the demon country and gave us favor, making us think that we had won, but we were actually infiltrated properly. Even if we fail, the worst is to use your tactic of asking you to enter the urn to fight deliberately, even if we win surely. Losing face and losing part of our reputation, this thing that makes us lose face is enough to lose a lot of large orders, and the enemy's goal has been achieved. The trouble is that they can not take action against us, assassinate important people in other countries and then blame us! How do you solve these problems?

"Except for these big problems, it's different from holding festivals by yourself in the past. Considering the purpose, there must be an event to support many foreigners, right? These demon kingdoms have no experience at all, and you want to get everything done within a week? What do you want? What to do? What to do? What to do?"

"Hey... this," Rimuru glanced at the face that was getting closer and closer while spitting out Lianju, "There are also many experienced people, Yuuki, King Gazel, Ellen's father You should also be willing to help. Youmu is also the king now, and there is also the Brumund Kingdom that has established diplomatic relations for a long time. As long as the credit problem is resolved first, you can ask them for a loan. There is always a way."

"Hey," Crohnpiss sat down again, propped his face with his hands, and said, "The result is that he is the shopkeeper as always?"

"Hey! Didn't you say you want to discuss it before? Now that you've found a problem, shouldn't it be time to discuss it?"

"Isn't it okay to ask everyone to abide by the rules of our country?" Ziyuan interrupted suddenly, "Since we want to get along with us friendly, how can we make our country feel uncomfortable? If they want to find fault, it must be the enemy, just clean it up."

Diablo smiled and said, "Hehehehe, as expected of the first secretary, Ms. Ziyuan. You are right."

Limulu glanced at Ziyuan in surprise, thinking how could Ziyuan be so smart, isn't she really a counterfeit?

Crompiss: "Okay, for the festival, you can find Ligrud and the others to find a solution. Let's re-discuss the problems that may be caused by the enemy."

In short, the general direction is to postpone the festival time according to the preparation time of the festival in this world. During this period, we should try our best to do a few large transactions with the countries that have established diplomatic relations with the countries that require the payment of universal currency and bonds recognized by human beings. The Kingdom of Erms asked for an indemnity to be charged to the reserves of the Demon Kingdom.

The problem lies in the compensation, because they have already pinned the blame on the original Farmus Kingdom, so it was indeed blown up. The Kingdom demanded a large amount of compensation, plus money was needed everywhere for the previous wars and the repairs of the damage caused by Milim and Ultima.

"Diablo, I'll leave it to you." Rimuru continued to play to her strengths.

"Understood, Master Rimuru, I'll go back as soon as I go." After Diablo put his hands on his chest and saluted gracefully, he was about to activate the teleportation magic directly—

"Wait, go and come back? Don't forcefully search for people's fat and people's anointing."

Diablo bowed again: "Understood, let's use the old royal family and the nobles of the opposition. Hohohohohohoho, there is no need for Mrs. Rimuru to worry. I am very experienced in this kind of thing, and it will not degrade Youmu. The public's standard of living will not be lowered."

"Oh, come on."

The issue of the security of dignitaries can only be worked hard, and efforts must be made to the extent that it does not affect the atmosphere of the festival.

Once the foundation is finalized, it is how to lure the enemy to make a move.

"How about going to Soma?" Virustila suggested.

"Where is Soma?"

"The ruins that the Freedom Guild is exploring."

"How did you know?"

"It's not a secret, just ask casually during the chat."

"Then how do you get them out?"

"You don't need to be tempted, Yuuki is mentally dominated by the Rozo clan after all."

"Oh, that's it... ah?! There is such a thing?! Why didn't you say it earlier! Where did the news come from?" Rimuru patted his forehead. If Virustila's words were true, he originally planned to hope that Yuuki would participate Some things have to be rescheduled.

"It's true." Crompis patted Virustila's head to chime in, "Part of the brave team's activities are similar to adventurers, so they deal with the Freedom Guild. Part of Victoria's intelligence power is still With my help, let’s not talk about Virus Tira’s eyesight, can you still trust my eyesight?”

"When did you investigate?" Limulu asked immediately.

"Didn't I tell you? My astral body is lurking in the human country." Klauen Piss confessed "truthfully".

"Same as the Yaosi clan, can Xingyou body talk?!" Limulu suddenly became anxious, "Even if it's inconvenient to appear publicly, at least secretly report that you're safe, it makes me so worried and sad!"

"Ah, this..." Kraunpiss scratched her hair. She confessed that the main reason for this part was that she was worried that she would not be able to hide it from, and she would be reported to lower her reputation. She found a reason, " Isn't this... Seeing Limuru getting more and more decadent from being used to it, just a trial came to you, and I want to motivate you? Everyone is alive, and the result is all-right, isn't it?"

Limulu wanted to refute something, but remembering that Kronoa said that if there was no such war, he would definitely die from the attack of the Eastern Empire, so he felt very complicated.

After a few more discussions, Limuru still decided to take the initiative to attack and set up an ambush first.

If the opponent comes with killing intent, you don't have to be polite, but in the case of economic and political warfare, Limulu decided not to resort to force first before the bottom line is touched. At worst, he just needs to enter the council that dominates the Western economy. He is willing to fight with him There are plenty of co-prosperous countries. As long as you are strong enough to keep from being taken advantage of, you don't have to be afraid of anything.

Seeing that they had finally finalized the matter, Mary finally couldn't help but said, "Now that it's all settled, can I ask a question about the tendency of the strongest brave man to reveal himself as the person involved? Why does Crono Is Ya always chasing me?"

Chloe racked her brains and thought for a while, with a confused expression on her face.

(to be continued)