Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 245: puppet king

The puppet state Kistau, formerly Clayman's castle—

Coberia was sitting on the sofa in Clayman's luxurious hall. This was originally the upper seat of the four seats in the east, west, north, south, and south seats of Clayman's entertainment circle for the new generation of demon kings. sitting.

The other three are the three puppets of Clayman's five-fingered group who have free decision-making power and certain power: Ice Demon Swordsman Yamza, Witch Miaolan, and Necromancer King Adman.

On the square table in the center was a small object—the "identity card" that Clayman was recognized as the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord's ring. With it, it means that this country may still be recognized as having a demon king, no matter who will inherit the status of the demon king next.

Of course, who will inherit the position of Demon King is the key point.

"Not long ago, the ring conveyed the notice of the Demon King's feast, but unfortunately, Clayman is dead, which can be confirmed by the disappearance of the curse. Next, should we just give up like this, or recommend a new candidate, and in the Demon King How about trying to be recognized as the new Demon King at the feast? What do you think?" Cobelia spoke first.

Yamza cast a contemptuous look, and said, "Hey, new boy, how about being straight to the point?"

Unlike other members of the Five Fingers, he was not created or manipulated by various means, but he voluntarily pledged his allegiance to Clayman.

At the same time, Clayman's reputation began to deteriorate, and it had something to do with him being the strongest fighter and army commander of the Five Fingers Regiment, but also a despicable and cruel villain.

All the old subordinates who have been with Clayman's predecessor, Kazalim, know that although Clayman consumes chess pieces as one-time props, he is actually a veritable warm man in the circle of real companions, who is gentle and caring. . Otherwise, it is not easy to convince the public with his strength.

Therefore, apart from the ragtag demons and opportunistic demons who were forced to expand the force and absorb later, Yamza was actually very unpopular in Kasalim's old department.

Yamza received the blessing of the Demon King when Clayman awakened, and his strength increased greatly. If he cooperates with a few pieces of fairly advanced magic equipment bestowed by Clayman, his strength is basically comparable to that of Clayman in the state of the Demon King.

Going on like this, and working hard for dozens or even hundreds of years-this is not a problem for the lifespan of a demon, and then find enough sacrifices, maybe he can become a real demon king. Therefore, he believes that regardless of whether he succeeds or not, the qualification to become the Demon King is none other than him.

Therefore, he disliked Coppelia, who had become the chairperson of the Five Fingers Group meeting on her own.

Although in terms of seniority, the butot doll has been fighting as Clayman for a longer period of time, but it is the most recent thing to be given the name Cobelia to gain intelligence, and the soul of the former demon in the butot doll is male, so Yamza Calling him "the new boy", he thought it was stupid for Coppelia, who was so new both in soul and intellect, to want to compete with him.

Coberia slapped Yamza with a black breath entwined in her hand, and slapped him at a speed that Yamza couldn't react to, and then slapped him several times in a row, making him roll on the ground.

"Hmph." When Yamza got up, his eyes were full of anger, but he said harshly, "I'll leave it to you this time, and I will settle the score sooner or later", and left in a hurry.

Coppelia looked at her palm and thought: "The effect is weaker than expected, that is to say, his desire to serve Clayman is largely false."

The core of Cobelia is Mary Ann Bell, and what she just cast continuously is the derivative skill [Mammon] of [King of Greed].

As the name suggests, it is a mental attack that steals hearts. Different from general spiritual domination, this trick can directly replace the target's loyalists with other targets you designate.

The principle is the same as Marian Bell's method of using [Greedy One] to forcibly turn the desire for life into a desire for death, but the coercive power is higher than that, because it will not change the personality and endanger life. Mammon [mammon] is the ultimate ability of the intelligence department that goes hand in hand, neither outsiders nor the target can detect it.

It took so many hits just now for Cobelia to take effect, which shows that the opponent's virtue is at this level.

Although there are still better skills, but now Coberia is asking for stability. Judging from the death of Gulan Bell and all his companions and the fact that the original green has not moved, it can be said that the Rozo clan has nothing to do in human society. thing.

She still has another trick, which is to directly dominate the top leaders of various countries, but judging from the previous battle with Limulu, it may be easily cracked and directly openly lower the slaughter knife against the Luozuo family in the name of this, which is meaningless.

However, she has experienced the feeling of the spiritual life body demon, and she is not so attached to the identity of a human being. Anyway, her ambition has never been to strengthen the Rozo clan and protect the peace of mankind.

Although Clayman's territory is not as large as the human country as a whole, the scope of his business is wider. The puppet country also has a large population and a solid foundation. It is quite a good asset to start a new business.

It may not be impossible to use Kleiman's existing connections to take over most of the current underground assets of the Luo Zuo family. Therefore, no matter what, he had to strive to inherit Clayman's position, even if he was not recognized as the Demon Lord, at least he had to be recognized as the king of the puppet country Kistau.

When he found out that Clayman's dance doll was going to update the kernel, he ordered him to make Coppelia as his own backup just in case, but it really worked. As a new work after Clayman's awakening, it can be explained in any way when Clayman is dead.

"You two, do you have any other opinions?" She said to Miao Lan and Aardman in a tone that could not be objected.

"I am now the queen of the kingdom of I have no nostalgia for this country." Miao Lan said.

She doesn't know the truth about Cobelia, but she can still see the gap in strength between the two sides and part of Cobelia's ambition based on experience. She didn't like this country, and she didn't want to get involved in any power struggle.

Aardman said: "I will continue to serve as the Homeland Defense Force."

Even if he became the king of the dead, he was still an earth-bound spirit, and he was used to being called. This time he was called, and he only intended to treat it as a briefing. No matter who would take over as the boss, he just had to accept the result.

If someone wants to kill him—that's fine, the feeling of being bound to this land is not very comfortable, and liberation is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Very well, then let's make this decision." Coberia said cheerfully, "Although Clayman does have shortcomings, and there are scum like Yamza among his subordinates, there are also many good demons and people, so we can't let them go. Disorder continues to spread. From now on, this country is mine."

As for what to do, she already has half a lifetime of experience and enough knowledge of this world, so there is no problem.

(to be continued)