Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 249: Moguo characteristic theme park

"Hippocut herb is an important raw material for healing potions. It can't be said that it can be cultivated and mass-produced in one sentence, right?!" Hinata was shocked by the content of the technical presentation.

"Ah, that, ordinary monsters don't do research on purpose, and the environment required for the growth of medicinal herbs is highly toxic to you, so you haven't discovered this, and it doesn't appear that human beings are incompetent. Really." Kraunpi Silk sneered.

"Mr. Princess, it seems that there are medicines that we can't usually buy. Can I buy them?" Chloe pulled the hem of Clown Pith's skirt and asked.

These children sometimes go hunting wild monsters to experience and earn pocket money, so this request is not surprising.

"But, it's very crowded. Will the medicine here be moved to the store for sale in the future?" Jian Ye asked.

"I don't think it will happen in a short time at least." Crohnpith said in his heart that the drugs published by the technology are all exaggerated effects, such as drugs that can restore people as long as they keep their souls, and others The rest of the stuff, including Orochimaru, is still pretty incredible to normal people.

"Then, hurry up and buy it now!" Chloe said with great interest.

"Then, who will squeeze?" Mrs. Liang asked, pointing at the wall of people.

It is still very easy for them to squeeze in. The question is what to do afterwards?

"Heh heh heh, I'm really indispensable at this time! Peter, Oswald, Garfield!" Alice called out her three smaller dolls, and began to collect everyone's point cards...

"You can buy it here, but don't buy any potions that are used for research and have no effect on you but are dangerous." Croynpiss warned.

After a while, several large packets of medicine bottles were carried out by three dolls, temporarily stored in their personal subspace by Chloe and Alice who had learned the skill [Space], and planned to go back and divide them later.

Crohnpiss noticed it anyway, apparently mixed in with a few bottles of something that would be absolutely weird for kids.

"Buy everything you need. Next, let's go to the theme park. On the first day, because there are many activities in the public house, and it will not be open to ordinary people from outside, it will be relatively empty. There are still a few people on this road. It is estimated that the food stalls will start to be full in an hour or two, and now is a good time to go." Crohnpiss pointed in one direction.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" x5

Half an hour later, the children packed a bunch of snacks and arrived outside the gate of the newly opened theme park.

"Wow, it looks good! I miss it so much!"

"When I passed by here last week, it was still a construction site for some kind of construction, right?"

"I thought that there are no decent games in this world, and I have begun to accept the cruel reality."



"Hahahaha, my contribution is also great, you all feel free to worship me!" Ramiris suddenly appeared.

Although it didn't cause any reaction.

The children greeted Ramiris casually and ran into the theme park with a "Hula".

There were really not many people in the theme park. Except for the five children who had just entered, there were also a few C-rank monsters and some children who were still adventurer students playing, and some were resting.

Hinata counted the facilities in detail and said: "All kinds of roller coasters and sightseeing cars, Ferris wheels, bungee jumping, water amusement facilities, and outdoor sports expansion series, you just built them when you said they were built?"

Crohnpiss: "It's not difficult, is it? Compared with the exaggerated buildings in big cities, it's not difficult at all."

Hinata: "The premise is that you want it."

Crohnpiss: "There are quite a lot of 'visitors from other worlds', right? Clothing and food culture have been influenced by multiple planes. Isn't it strange that many things have no technical problems but haven't thought of them until now?"

Hinata: "The people's lives have this kind of leeway."

"Hee hee," Crohn Piss laughed, poked Shimoka Hinata's waist, and said in a strange manner, "I know that some countries are afraid of the 'Heavenly Demon War' and the invasion of monsters, so they forcibly suppress all-round development and bring more Put your energy into consolidating the defense, but now that the Demon Kingdom is helping you share it, it will be very bad if you don’t let go of the development exhibition."

Hinata; "What do you mean?"

Cloenpiss: "Limuru just wants you and me to be good together. But you really think Limuru is showing off his wealth and production?"

Hinata: "Is he really so naive? I really think so."

Kraunpiss nodded, and further said: "The advantages of humans in this world compared to monsters are civilization and technology. I have been to different demon kingdoms and different human countries, and I am quite sure about this. But Limuru is only for If life is more comfortable, you can forcefully expand the civilization of monsters with your own thoughts as the center, leveling or even surpassing human civilization, Hinata, what do you think will happen?"

Hinata raised his chin and thought for a while, then his complexion sank: "Most human beings are weaker than monsters in terms of physical ability and magic. If they can't keep up with the development and lose even the only advantage they have, they will become inferior to slaves and beasts." , do you want to convey this matter? Rimuru will do it?"

Crohnpith shrugged: "Of course not, Limuru, but it's not impossible. What's more, it's unpredictable what kind of new monster country will appear in the future. In the final analysis, it is still mainstream to look for monsters and demons who prey on the weak. Like, that blond foreigner over there on the water slide—"

Hinata followed Klaumpis' gaze, she was a doll-like little girl in a swimsuit, she was no different from a human, but she didn't hide the aura of a monster. Experienced people can understand that it is not a human, but a race. Can't see it, and its strength is also unpredictable.

Although it is not surprising that there are such outsiders playing here in the Demon, Hinata still made up his mind to report to Ruminas.

She fixed her eyes again, why is the color of the water in the slide and the pool below so strange? Leaving aside monsters, it seems that they are not suitable for humans?

"Aren't you going to play a round?" Crompiss invited.

"Okay." Hinata is really interested in playing with the children.

"Hey, mom!" Verustila in a red one-piece apron swimsuit poked her head out of the swimming pool connected by the water slide, holding an air volleyball in her hand, "The water here will make your body soft and crispy." , very comfortable!"

"Hey, I'll go back later!" Crohnpiss beckoned, the cheap daughter was more natural than her own, more like a pet to be honest.

But she immediately caught the boy who wanted to run over.

Due to some overly monster-style settings added when Ramiris participated in the production, the water facilities are temporarily inconvenient to open to humans. Of course, there are no traps in the water.

(to be continued)