Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 26: will depart after the banquet

Kronpiss patted Limulu on the shoulder and said: "When you evolve next time, give the family a new blessing, no matter what, you must give Shion a cooking skill, just like Ligurud's [Banquet] King] same."

Limulu was dubious: "Is this all right? [King of Wisdom]?"

"tell. You can try to challenge, the success rate is 3.1415926%. "

"Pi! But the probability of Shion being able to cook well is really low... Then please, [King of Wisdom], I will thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. "

"Sure enough, you've become a bit tongue-in-cheek, haven't you?"

"That was an illusion. "

Cloenpis sent Fabridis and Evnia back to her body to sleep, then discussed with Limuru about handling the ingredients, and returned to the banquet scene together.

Shion is still there.

"Aster, why don't you handle the ingredients?" Limuru asked Aster according to the agreed-upon question.

"Um, well... because it will cut down the building together."

"What? It's not the chopping board or the stove, but the whole house?" Limulu somewhat heard it and was mentally prepared, but she was still shocked when she heard it with her own ears.

It turns out that Ziyuan is very dedicated to knives. When she has a knife, she will never touch other weapons, so she has been cooking with her main weapon "Gangliwan".

When Shion was still arguing with Limuru, Crohnpiss was digging in his big cuff, and secretly used Kachino to record the Heroic Emiya class card that projected Zanpakuto in the world of Bleach "Limited "Expand" summoned Ichimaru Gin's Zanpakuto "Sharp Spear", which is completely constructed of magic essence, and directly enters the initial solution state.

"Isn't it okay to use this length as a kitchen knife?" Kraunpiss asked as he waved the Zanpakuto "Sharp Spear" in the shortest form.

"Well, basically, but this Wakizashi look doesn't fit well, does it?" Rimuru asked.

"It's okay to shrink the 'Gangli Pill' to such a short length. Since it's made of magic steel, it's also possible to make the knife blend into the properties of the enchanted object, isn't it?" Crohnpiss said, pointing the knife in the direction of the open space.


"Hee hee, it's very convenient, right?" Crohnpiss put the knife back with a smile, but was embarrassed to find a cloak stuck on it, who didn't know who it was. "Look, it's also very convenient to take things from a distance."

"That's not the problem! It's a magic weapon!" Limulu slapped his hands in a gesture of complaint, and shouted to the dwarf group, "Kajin!"

A dwarf with a beard and a smell of alcohol ran over: "Master, what are your orders?"

"That knife is constructed with magic essence, can it be incorporated into the 'Gangli Pill' in the form of enchantment?" Limulu asked.

"I think it shouldn't be a problem. Can you ask Kurobei to help?"

"Okay." Limulu glanced at the guy who was smelling of alcohol, and thought that it would be better to inform Heibingwei in person. He is a blacksmith of the ghost-human tribe. He is not strong in combat but has the skill of "researcher". Reliable.

The banquet is still going on.

Perhaps it has something to do with the legendary patron saint coming out of the mountain. The atmosphere of the banquet gradually faded until the early morning, and many monsters slept in disorder on the street. People who don't know it may think that a massacre has just happened here, leaving corpses all over the place.

Of course, the above does not include the existence of over-specs.

"Veldora, what are you doing?"

Crohnpiss and Pixy lay down in front of the smoldering fire and watched Veldora perform "Su Qin carrying the sword" while copying the frying pan.

"Needless to say? Of course I'm learning cooking."

"No, we know you are learning cooking. But why do you want to learn at this time?"

"The legendary storm dragon is actually learning to cook or something..."

Veldora proudly said: "Quack quack quack quack! I have fully experienced everyone's enthusiasm for cooking, and I will definitely let you all worship under my Veldora's cooking."

"Isn't this taste bad?" Picosi said while eating the pancake Veldora made at some time.

"At least it can be imported by the residents here. It's amazing how long it took to learn it. Maybe Veldora can become the God of Cookery in time." Kraunpiss also gnawed on the Veldora pancake and commented. .

"Quack quack quack! I like this title, but I am a storm dragon, so I should be called Dragon God!"

"That has nothing to do with food, it is at the top of all dragon species! Its nature has completely changed!" Pixie exclaimed.

It's a pity that no one responded, and everyone basically fell asleep drunk.

Crohnpiss glanced at the street that had no response except for the sound of the wind, and said, "If there is complete resistance to abnormal states, drinking will become mostly tasteless."

"Well, I have the same feeling." Pixie agreed.

If it’s ale, wine and other fruit wines that are sweet in nature, they can be drunk as fruit juice or sugar water with a special taste; if they are only supported by alcohol, then they taste like clear water or even rancid water. It's different.

But now there is a lack of fruit, and because of the lack of sugar, many fruits are used as sweeteners in cooking, and almost none are made into wine. The wine imported from the dwarves is the latter in their eyes.

The rested Limulu also came: "Ah, it seems that we have to consider introducing fruits. It is better to find varieties suitable for the local water and soil and plant them directly. There is another purpose for going to the human country. Viru Dora, you have lived for so long, do you know where the fruit is suitable for growing here?"

"I don't know. I used to be less interested in human food."

"Well, you are really useless in this regard." Rimuru was the one who was weaker than Veldora, and only Rimuru dared to speak to Veldora in such a tone.

Veldora really didn't know As a friend, he didn't care about this level of sarcasm.

"Okay, I will pay more attention to inquire and study in the future. But relatively, can the supply of the scriptures be available?" Veldora put down the frying pan, rubbed his hands flatteringly, and asked.

"Oh, you mean comics and light novels, right? I still have a lot in my memory. As long as your performance satisfies me, it will be printed naturally."

"Okay, it's a deal."

Veldora and Rimuru agreed with each other by high-fiving each other.

"If you want a book, I also have it here. Of course, I won't be used to you. Show some actual results. With Limuru's contact with human beings, the situation of the Demon Kingdom will change greatly." Klauen Piss said .

"No problem. The protection of the Demon Kingdom is on my shoulders. After all, it is a country named after you and me. It would be embarrassing to lose it. The current me will never lose!" Veldora is full of confidence.

"Ah, it's reliable, it's reliable." Limuru read.

(to be continued)