Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 281: The sweet thing that poisoned Otsutsuki

Falling in love with, Re, me who slaughtered by Guaotian

Just as Mary silently wiped out the desserts made by Chloe, and frowned at the strange taste of the dessert, she was shocked to discover—

Everything around him is still, even the existences such as Klanpith who are not affected by time ability!

Could it be that time is stagnant, but that you have been thrown into a certain time gap?

"Hmph, planting a divine tree on this planet is really blind." An indifferent voice sounded faintly from above.

Mary looked up and saw Otsutsuki Qiangshi, who had participated in the competition before and was easily killed, sitting there—floating in the air, clearly not feeling that he was using any abilities.

He continued: "Do you understand, I made you my 'tool', but without the 'tool', we who are dead and souls will perish completely. The 'tool' will be used as a means of resurrection, and it will also become a deterrent. I'm waiting for the 'anchor' to come."

"So what?" Mary had some guesses, but out of anger at the enemy, it was possible to get more information, and she tilted her head with a confused look on purpose.

"You still don't understand. So bastard... It was my mistake to find out that you were bastard, but there's nothing I can do. The person who produced you really died, right?"

"Well, indeed. I'm not interested in fulfilling the responsibilities of the Otsutsugi clan." Mary told the truth, but Klauenpis used "the world in the painting" to stuff her soul into the belly of the women of the Otsutsuki Hamura clan. inner.

The other party snorted and continued: "That's right. But you still have the aptitude as Otsutsuki. I'm dead, so I must not lose you. That's what I think about it."

"So?" Mary didn't change her face, and continued to make the same reaction as before.

"Hmph, talking to **** is a hassle. Don't you understand, your current master and her disciples are feeding you poison, and they are not considered harmful to you and others when they are separated, and they are combined together. But it just happens to destroy the stable structure of your bastard, separate and destroy the bloodline that belongs to your master and the bloodline that belongs to us in your body, and then deprive you of all your life. I have no choice but to put all my remaining unfrozen genetic data. Unblocking it directly and using it to repair your dead part saved your life. Of course, those things became yours, and I was naturally so harmed that I couldn't be resurrected on you."

Mary smiled: "Really, I don't even know when you made your move, should I say that you have the ability of time. I'm really happy that it came to such a result."

"Don't get carried away, little girl!" Qiang Shi glared at it, looked away again, and said without any regrets, "That is to say, even if your appearance has not changed, you have become a complete Otsutsuki. The soul of a low-level creature, you are more suitable than any compatriots to be unconditionally made into chakra fruit or a sacrifice for the root of the divine tree. Since there is a divine tree here, they will come sooner or later, and the means will not be like mine. So gentle, how easy it is for us to wipe out a planet's civilization if we don't care about the quality of the seedbed."

"Then, why did you tell me? Are you afraid that the prepared resistance will cause additional losses to your compatriots? Or is it that you can't be resurrected, and you came to disgust me before you really died?"

"No, no," Qiang Shi smiled slightly, "It's better to say that I have expectations. Your master has calculated that he must have been related to the clansmen of other factions of my clan, and obtained a lot of relevant information. The information on the weaknesses of our family. It seems that this guy is not willing to exist on one planet and one world. Since he deliberately changed the divine tree, he must use it when he hits the road. Although it is useless to ask which faction you are uniting with, but he will do it. The matter of blaspheming the tree of gods must not be my family, as long as it is a matter of deflating my family, I am happy. Just work hard."

After speaking, he completely turned into fly ash, further into finer dust, and finally completely decomposed and disappeared.

Of course he won't reveal it all. Although converting all the genetic data into things that can't help his true resurrection will indeed make the real self unable to resurrect, but since it was originally his own data, his consciousness will naturally be retained, even if Without a soul, once Mary's own will becomes weak, her spirit will be gradually affected by his will, and it will be dyed in the shape of Otsutsuki Qiang. Although it is a pity to lose her own ability, Mary's power quality is not bad, as long as the attack power may be stronger, it is enough for him.

The world in Mary's eyes returned to flow.

"It seems that the Otsutsugi clan also has internal and external troubles." She thought.

Sunflower patted Mary's shoulder and said, "Go to the research institute with us and give Uncle Snake a physical examination."

"Do you know what happened just now?" Mary asked.

"What happened in your eyes? In short, the instrument detected that your physical condition has changed as calculated by me and Uncle Snake, but the difference between the change and the calculated result is 49.21%, which is too slapped. Wait a minute to eat you Let me explain the feelings of those desserts, we are going to record the experiments.”

Mary glanced at the lively scene and asked, "Does it have to be now?"

"Changes exist all the time, and we want real-time data. We've filled out our tickets, so hurry up."

Mary hurriedly assigned her votes to different contestants according to her own ideas, put them in the hands of Fabrice, and left with them.

On the way, Mary asked, "How on earth did Pess do it?"

"You don't want to listen to the specifics. In short, Uncle Snake uses the spirit power equivalent to the natural energy that is effective for Otsutsuki and the metabolized substances that are highly toxic to Otsutsuki, which are excreted by the divine tree. A drug that has no effect on us or even may be beneficial. Didn’t Rimuru hope to develop a beneficial new drug using the herb mutated due to the influence of the sacred tree? This is one of the results. The day before yesterday, Gaviru was at the technology conference. published and sold.

"But because Gaviru and the others didn't have the conditions for the controlled experiment, they probably didn't know that it could poison Otsutsuki, so they bought it for that kid Chloe."

"Then, why does the metabolite of the divine tree... ah, could it be that Otsutsuki needs to use the divine tree to absorb the natural energy of the planet to transform the chakra, and what it discharges is highly poisonous to them. The curse mark prototype of the Naruto world. , Dragon Veins, and Greer Ore are all related to these."

"Those are indeed either exuberant in life and energy, or very suitable for turning people into monsters, that kind of feeling, but how many years ago did this happen?"

"For us, it's something we've been watching all the time."

After that, the hidden danger buried in Mary's body was successfully removed.