Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 289: Fairy Ninini and Reincarnated Dragon Egg

The only thing that Klauenpis cared about about the sealed cave was the evil spider that he discovered when he and Likulas explored the place that day.

The history shown by the white spider is that a plane transfer occurred soon after, and the situation should be similar to the situation when Klauenpis first visited this world and when Ainz met a mysterious man with a powerful doll in the Great Forest of Top. Feeling weird is by no means a matter of strength alone, but more importantly, it seems to be governed by another law alone.

"It should be possible."

I have experience, and when there are coordinates that overlap with other planes, the magic [Call from Another World] is quite easy to activate successfully. In view of the experience of the last sea surge, the quality is reduced this time.

There is no need to draw a magic circle, and when there is [Hecatia, the King of Demon Gods], it is used like breathing.

"Ha!" Klauenpis reached out and grabbed it out of thin air, and then held a cylinder that did not exist in this world before.

She took a look at-

"Canned coffee? A brand you haven't seen before."

There was no problem with the identification. She opened it and drank it, and it felt good.


A piece of alloy with a strange shape and a hard texture is obviously not a natural thing.

After that, it was a frog that looked like a monster, a fire-breathing monster that looked like an eel, a fire-breathing monster that looked like a salamander, and an ordinary stone that smelled as if simmered with sour milk and tires for three hours. The big bug, a mass of white silk thread that looks good in texture, is nothing but useless stuff.

Isn't that how Ramiris's treasury came to be?

Then came something that looked a little useful—

A fighter jet, well maintained, can't find the cockpit, perhaps unmanned or remotely controlled. However, after groping, I found that it cannot be used directly without a control terminal. I feel that the combat power is just the same. It is better to leave it to someone you like to study and play.

And then the ninth draw—

The white things that look like mochi have been identified as fresh excrement and have the effect of restoring physical strength... Occasionally, the excrement also has medicinal value.

I feel more and more boring, it seems that there is not a particularly interesting world over there, let's come for the last time—

This time, a bomb came out. It is estimated that it takes an adult Leon to lift the big egg safely!

The identification found that it is a dragon egg, and ten consecutive draws can still guarantee the bottom?

"Wait, there is still something incongruent." Klauenpis found that the soul nurtured in it was already wise enough, so it should not be new.

"This feeling, is it human? The kind that reincarnates after death? Well, yes, Rimuru has company?"

Klauenpis cleaned up all the "garbage" he had summoned before, and when he lifted the dragon egg and was about to leave, he happened to bump into the evolved fairy of the lake.

"Are you still there?"

"Thanks to you, Lord, I was able to get rid of the shackles of my body being fixed in one place. This must be fate, and now you are my god!" The fairy of the lake knelt down with her arms in front of her and prayed.

"I don't refuse to increase my faith, but why?"

"Didn't you just give me my name just now?"


"Lord, didn't you call me Ninini when I held you and asked you for your name cheeky?"

"Is this all right? Naming is an opportunity as usual... No, you deliberately rolled at that time to let the 'Voice of the World' judgment sentence have a naming meaning? Was it put together?! But this is not enough, I have neither I felt that the magic element was being taken away, and I didn't build a soul corridor."

"But the lake is dyed with the 'color' of the giant tree on the top of the mountain. I think I will be of great use to the Lord. The Voice of the World responded."

Klauenpis thought that Ninini should be referring to the fact that she used the energy residues that the divine tree did not need as the material for the sublimation of the name.

In other words, another guy who made Otsutsuki vomit was born. In other words, [Hecatia, the King of Demon Gods] decided that this was beneficial to Klauenpis without requiring the owner to pay any price to recognize it, so that the naming seemed so casual and smooth.

While thinking about whether to mass-produce this kind of creature in preparation for the official crusade against the Otsutsukimoto family, Klauenpis acquiesced to Ninini to follow him and left the sealed cave with the dragon egg.


Rimuru looked at the dome that stood up to the same height as herself. After hearing that it was a reincarnation of a human in a previous life, she patted her chest and said, "No problem, leave it to me."

"It shouldn't be long before it hatches, and it has its own skill protection. It doesn't need to be hatched specially. Just be careful not to bring it to the wrong object."

"Don't worry, I won't do such a thing to Veldora. It's not good to be spoiled by that uncle."

"...No one is referring to him. I'm leaving."

"Wuyun Changlong, this is for you." Limuru took out a uniform and handed it to Klauenpis.

"What is this? A military uniform that has been changed to have a spy flavor? I won't complain about wearing such a short plaid skirt. What the **** is striped socks?"

"Klauenpis, you also know that we all wear combat uniforms according to our own preferences, right? There is no uniform military uniform, so I at least want to unify the basic characteristics, which is tailor-made for you by Zhu Cai. I know you'll be able to make your own fitting clothes, at least this time, Crowenpis? By the way, and a military cap."

Limuru took out another hat, and Klauenpis took it and looked at it: "Is it a beret?"

"It's a military cap, too. I tried a few hats in the mirror, and a beret fits your head. If you wear a more formal military cap, you'll look like a follower or an adjutant or something, don't you think?"

"Haha, you're on the right track. Let me identify...Is it only one step away from the divine weapon? Then I will happily accept it, but except for the equipment with automatic counterattack effect, I will put it on the inside of this demon army uniform. Is it okay?"

"Well, what's important is the image, the image. But, don't split up and weaken yourself like last time to give yourself a chance to improve. It's better to use your strength to defeat the enemy seriously." Rimuru Say it carefully.

"I know, I'll show my strength. Goodbye."

Klauenpis turned around and opened a [Gate], walked in and disappeared.

Ninini, who was still a follower, was about to follow up, but the "door" closed immediately. Unwilling, she slammed into the waist, trying to get through before it was completely closed, but was caught.

Limuru glanced at this guy who didn't remember who it was, but seemed to have some impressions and seemed to look a bit like himself. Thinking that Klauenpis's prank was a bit bad, he activated [Space Control] to hold Ni Nini's **** pushed her over.

Absolutely no meaning to smear.

(to be continued)