Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 293: Teammates sacrifice to heaven, with boun

Gaidola had envisioned various possibilities and resistances during the negotiation, but what he didn't expect was that because the intelligence of the empire was all lagging behind, the actual situation was much worse than what he knew, and all the chips had already expired.

So, he scolded his own intelligence department bitterly in his heart, and at the same time he didn't think much about revenge. After all, it seemed that the "Master Qiyao" who designed to kill his friend Aardman was really gone.

Crohnpiss asked casually pretending to be curious: "What kind of enmity do you have with them?"

It's not something shameful, so Gaidola briefly introduced the fact that his friend Aardman was killed by "Master Qiyao".

"Oh, that guy, although he is not 100% free, but he evolved after Clayman's awakening, and because of Clayman's death, he is free to some extent, and now he lives quite comfortably "Crown Piss laughed, "So, I'm still your benefactor?"

"how do I say this?"

Crownpiss added details and briefly described the merits of Aardman being blessed by the devil to evolve and the war that he died once gave birth to; there was also the last battle planned and implemented by the Rozo clan, in which Mary Ann Bell controlled Aardman and others Fighting against Limuru's side as a combat power, Aardman was caught by Crompis in seconds, released the control, and rescued him without pain.

"If you don't believe me, I can help you contact Aardman." Croupis held up her face and smiled in a teasing tone. She reached out and grabbed a man in armor by the neck. inside.

"If you're serious, you might even be able to kill this Lord Gadora." She kicked him lightly, removing his disguise by the way.

"You belong to the Knights of the Guards! Your Majesty is directly under... It seems that the old man is not trusted at all." Gedo stood up and stared at the man and said.

"[Fantasy only for believers [fantasy only for believers]]."

The man stood up at the same time that Crohnpiss cast the illusion.

"I am Maynard, the twenty-second member of the Knights of the Guards. Why do you need to say more, since the opponent has no will to surrender, he should be killed immediately—"

Then he was seriously injured by his trick and fell to the ground.

Ainz saw that the battle was about to start, and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Although he was scolded by Gaidora just now, he probably didn't know the existence of warrior-like magic. Facing a professional magician like Gaidora, who knew it at a glance Still this attitude is better.

Crown Piss said: "Mr. Feifei, don't give the army time to react, you go and clean them up."

"Understood, you should also be careful." Ainz left Clounpiss without hesitation and left, heading for the imperial army.

"Are you alone? It's too dangerous, I'm here to help—" Fuss wanted to keep up, and the "Feifei" she felt was a very dangerous existence to her, maybe it was still above Karion, But 250,000 people standing up and being chopped by him is enough to exhaust a person's physical strength, right?

As a result, she was caught by the tail again by Crounpiss.

"Don't go if you don't want to be involved. Sometimes war is more about quality than quantity."

At this time, Ainz took off the armor on his body, revealing the magic robe and the appearance of the undead inside, and unfolded a huge hemispherical magic circle of super magic.

The people in the barracks were taken aback by the monster coming alone, but they reacted correctly, and quickly sent troops to attack, to interrupt the magic that was so powerful just by looking at the magic circle.

But even if they used heavy magic cannons and machine guns, the shells and the hail of bullets that made craters at least half a meter deep could only achieve the result of blowing Ainz's clothes.

It looked spectacular, but the soldiers themselves were too weak to break through Ainz's passive skills.

"Ah la la, is it alright for you to just look at it like this?" Cloenpiss turned his head and said to Gedora with a smile.

"Before you saw through your power just now, you made a rash move. Is it the old man who died? Anyway, there is no important person for the old man. The old man and the empire are just using the relationship. If it is not good for the old man's revenge, then there is nothing to miss. "

"Hmph, you're smart."

Ainz's battle took less than half an hour.

A super magic [Iashub-niggurath] destroyed tens of thousands first, and the number of black goats summoned this time was as high as five, breaking the record again, which put Ainz in a good mood.

Then he ordered the black goats to start ravaging, and contacted Messet to send a batch of undead to participate in the siege.

Then he kept an eye on whether there were any masters in the army who had the level of Kraunpiss to kill the guy just now, and found two successively, killed one, and captured the other alive—after all, such people should have some valuable information.

By the end of the black goat summoning time, the enemy had wiped out more than 200,000 people, leaving less than 54,000 scattered and fled.

Because there was no order to wipe them out, Ainz returned with the prisoner after killing the enemy soldiers, and threw them beside Maynard, who was heaving for breath.

"This Ladd who identified himself on the battlefield as the ninety-first," he said.

Crohnpiss slapped them a few times to wake them up. Although it is easy to directly torture the soul, but hiding this kind of thing that seems to have no combat effectiveness and will reduce the impression point is hidden around Gedora, so don't do it yet.

As for why Gaidola should be kept—this person is quite a positive celebrity, if he hadn’t had a grudge against "Master Qiyao", he would not have gone to the empire, so it would be nice to bring him back to increase the positive image of the monster princess?

The two woke up, and without giving them time to think, Crohnpiss pointed to the battlefield that had been trampled by the black goat: "Tell me everything you know—if you don't want to become like that~www.mtlnovel .com~ Ladd and Maynard turned their bodies around and looked at the battlefield full of minced meat. Their reactions were as expected. Desperation, sorrow, and fear made them let out miserable roars, as if they were about to shed blood and tears.

At the same time, the breath began to expand rapidly, and Maynard even surpassed the immortal, and began to approach the level of the saint, and the expansion did not slow down at all!

Maynard felt humiliated and indignant because he didn't even know how to be knocked down, the army was easily wiped out, and the betrayal of the biggest hero of the empire's expansion was not discovered and could not be stopped. Therefore, he had already cultivated a powerful force. He turned all these into motivation and awakened new power.

Ainz wanted to stop them from growing stronger, but Crompiss reached out to stop him.

"What if their strength continues to increase until they can threaten us?" Ainz looked at Crounpiss' curious expression and seriously offered his opinion.

"You can guess where their power comes from, right? Hee hee hee, then there is nothing to worry about, and don't you know that I will do that? They don't know."

(to be continued)