Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 3: they have 1 leg

The original demon Ultima was happy with the arrival of his master Klaumpis, but he was very annoyed to see that his master was besieged unexpectedly.

The consequences would not have been serious, because their attacks basically couldn't hurt the master.

But when she found out that Jing used a trick that made Crohnpiss feel the pain, she immediately became less calm.

The master ordered not to make a move, and she, as the contracted demon, cannot violate such a clear order.

So, she teleported to Jing's side, cast magic without singing or moving to smash Jing's attack, and then kicked at Jing's face.

Ultima is clear about her position, she won't really go against Klaumpis' intentions, and she also knows Klaumpice's bottom line. Feeling angry because she had gained the upper hand in some kind of struggle with Zhihei, she, who is also the original demon, just vented a little.

If she really wanted to kill, the [Frozen Hell] just now would be included in the attack range together with Jing-in fact, it would be easier to use it without precise manipulation.

She was a little surprised by the fact that she didn't dodge or evade.

Then, Jing's reason for not flashing was immediately apparent - Ultima's leg flew! The black-smoky leg spun around and flew more than ten meters away, then fell to the ground, and gradually turned back into a purple-black wooden leg.

"Could it be that mask!" The startled Ultima stepped back on one foot and jumped to Klaumpis's side, opening a little distance to confront him.

"Wow, the cut is really accurate." Crohnpiss complained in a low voice, just breaking from the absolute area between the skirt and stockings, wouldn't it be considered good? Must be a coincidence, right?

The smell of gunpowder at the scene suddenly dropped.

The words of Ultima just now are very clear, that is - they actually did something like attacking Rimuru's benefactor!

"Ultima, your leg..." Jing slowly stretched out her hand towards Ultima's broken leg. She knew the performance of her anti-magic mask, so she didn't dodge, but she didn't expect to break her leg directly , she has only seen similar phenomena in high-level magic generals.

In this way, combined with the conversation just now, it can be judged that Ultima and the primordial black may be the same kind of existence. Jing wondered whether this matter should be spoken out, but he did not actually do anything bad, and the attack just now was to protect the Lord, so speaking out would only cause panic. At the same time, she wondered how much she had thought to do such a thing as naming the original demon.

"Hey, Ultima smashed Jing's elf power, and Jing took Ultima's leg, and each got a point. This training is about to end, right?" Croynpiss clapped his hands , said with a smile as he took off his mask.

"It's too much! Kraunpiss calls this training?!" Limulu, who escaped from Lanka, complained loudly.

The misunderstanding was resolved in this way, and after accepting the deep apologies from everyone, Crompis prepared to go to the town of monsters under their leadership.

Rimuru gave Ultima a large potion of complete restoration made by herself. Originally, Crohnpiss was worried about whether the recovery potion would have adverse effects on the demons, but the recovery potion did not have a sacred attribute, but was relieved by the abundant magic essence to enhance the effect of the herb.

When Crohnpiss helped Ultima connect her legs, she also improved the material of the container so that it could be leveled with Pixy.

On the way, Crompis asked Limulu why the man named Jing was here.


Slime perspective—

Limulu was relieved to see that Crompiss was not very angry.

[Great Sage] detected Klaumpis, and the result was that he was more than ten times stronger than him. Limuru thought it was ten times more, but [Great Sage] actually "kindly" added ten times The above also includes hundreds of times and thousands of times. In short, it has not measured the upper limit.

Ultima could actually measure it—about 5% of the amount of Veldora's magic essence. This comparison is a bit small, but Veldora and He Xulongye, 5% is already scary.

But Limulu is a good slime who values ​​harmony, everyone gets along well and the result is all-right, and it makes him happy to have thighs to hug in the development of the town.

He tells Crohnpiss about Jing.

Jing's full name is Izawa Shizue, and she is Limuru's "townsman". In this world, she is a well-known hero with the title of "Burst Flame Ruler". Just now, she got into a fight because of a misunderstanding.

Limuru didn't think much about it, thinking that it was normal for Croenpiss to ask this question. Not long ago, Jing and three death-killing adventurers came to do the investigation mission, but he was rescued by him in death-defying danger.

But Jing was on the verge of limit, and not long after, the Flame Spirit went berserk. Rimuru couldn't bear the death of the host if the spirit of the flames was peeled off. Fortunately, Rimuru who obtained the magic power and magic essence of Kraunpiss and Veldora at the same time was much stronger. In [Great Sage] precision According to calculations, Jing was forced to kill once, causing her to die for a few seconds. During this period, she completely controlled and dominated the flame elf, and after making it obedient, Jing was resurrected with resurrection magic.

But in this way, to ensure that the flame elves don't get out of control, Jing can't stay too far away from Limuru for the time being. [Great Sage] said that there is a way to analyze the flame elf to make a safe substitute, but it will take some time, and it has not been completed yet.

Although Limulu actually talked about a lot of private matters with Jing, they were private, because Limulu was a "citizen" who only spoke out, and they would not be introduced to Cloenpiss without permission.

"Even if I was wearing a mask just don't you think you are still overly nervous?" Crohnpiss also raised such a question.

Limulu is also very helpless about this. On the one hand, since the establishment of the town, all kinds of idiots who want to rule them by force have appeared here and there. Not long ago, there were a bunch of arrogant people who wanted to kill him and take the monsters as their own. The lizard man Gavilu; on the other hand, the legendary pig-head emperor was born and led an army of 200,000 pig-heads to invade. The culprit was the masked devil; It is too sophisticated, and has been sponsored and supported by the Demon King.

Everyone is too sensitive at this time.

Limulu explained everything, and invited by the way: "I'm just about to convene a meeting of the six major departments. Is Crohnpiss coming?"

"Six departments?"

"The six departments of construction, management, administration, military, intelligence, and security. But to be honest, it's a bit embarrassing. Monsters basically have no experience in administration, and they don't know how to train a regular army. Ultima can help if she understands this. I'm very busy." Limulu said, with reluctance and gratitude in his tone.

(to be continued)