Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 300: The enemy is too stupid to get up

The officers and soldiers of the empire already had a premonition that the current battle was about to fail. Just as the general who was sitting on the flagship—Beast King Gradim gave the order to "turn in", for some reason there suddenly appeared on the general's seat as a show of honor. The "Girl in Military Uniform" of red wine.

Next to the "girl in military uniform" stood a high-ranking fox orc girl, a winged girl, and a girl with twin ponytails who looked like a human but exuded a demonic aura.

Among them, the girl of the winged clan also fixed her eyes on a major general in their army, maybe that major general happened to be related to her clan. In the same way, the orc girl also exudes the most hostile atmosphere towards Beast King Gradim. If the general is not strong, the identity gap should be too big, and the officers and soldiers have no doubt that she will attack immediately.

Although many people put their hands near the guns on their waists on conditioned reflex, they did not dare to pull them out, because the "military girl" was faster than them, and pulled out a very inappropriate long-barreled pistol from her waist skirt pocket and pointed it at the gun. general.

"Seeing that I dared to pull out a gun, I pointed the gun at him, but you didn't dare to move. It seems different from the West. You understand this very well. If you want to fight 'modern warfare', I will repay you in the same way. Sure enough, the effect of pointing a gun is better than simply letting powerful people appear. This wine is a four-hundred-year-old wine. Are you going to wait for the celebration to open the bottle? Sorry, this ship will be wasted anyway after it crashes, enjoy it now It's not a waste. This glass is for you." She said, put the wine glass on the table next to her, grabbed the bottle and drank the whole bottle with a "gurgling" sound.

"Hehe, who are you?" Gladim asked with a sneer, without any fear in the face of the black gun.

"No way? Even if I don't deliberately preside over the political affairs of the Demon Kingdom, my appearance and reputation are quite loud, right? You guys don't know who this face that has definitely appeared on the big screen many times is against the Demon Kingdom. , are you still ashamed to go to war? Hurry up and shoot all the people in your intelligence department, and replace them all."

"Nonsense, I know you are the monster princess, I'm asking what's the 'job' you are taking on now, Ms. Actress?" Gradim raised his chin and said in a mocking tone.

"Oh, so I know, it's pretty much the same." Klauenpiss nodded with satisfaction, and replied, "Let's just say, I'm the commander-in-chief of the Imperial North Army in name, the fleet that beat you to pieces just now. Commander, what's the answer?"

"Hmph, you're here, don't you mean—"

Crohnpiss shook his index finger with his free hand, smacked his lips and said, "Tsk tsk, no, no, no, I think you know what you want to say like this? Why do you think I want to 'take advantage of the victory and seek summation'?" ?Do you feel better about yourself? Foss, Stella, Nim, the three of you will kill whoever draws your weapon, don't worry about it.

"Then, let's continue the topic just now. The battle just now is enough to prove how incompetent you are. I can't figure out why you set the ratio of one frigate to one hundred transport ships. I can only think that you are not Idiots just have something to kill, so I specially prepared the combat power that can be discarded at any time to fight with you. But apart from the good weapons of the frigate, nothing was shown. I can only think that you are just a group of people who feel good about themselves. Even I am an idiot who has never thought about being intercepted by himself. Then the last thing I need to confirm is whether there are any strong people here that we need to be wary of to subvert the number with strength. One of the purposes of my coming here is to confirm this, of course After confirming the first point, there is another purpose—

"If you tell me what I want to know, I can let you all die. After all, it would be troublesome to kill all of you. I think it is good for both of you to surrender. I can relax, and you are spared Once you die, of course, please be prepared to be a slave."

"Hmph, how do you know there is no strong person here?"

Of course Crohnpiss knew that the general meant that he was a strong man, but she wanted to pretend to be stupid: "Which strong man doesn't have a few perception skills these days, besides, there is nothing to hide on such a ship, right? Furthermore, if there is a strong man, I should come to save you, general, if I draw my gun at you, right? Since no one made a move, it means nothing. If you have to ask such a simple thing, are the soldiers of the empire really idiots? , if you don’t want to die, next, I’ll ask, you answer—”

"Hehehe, do you think I'll come from the truth?"

Cloenpiss ignored it, and said it was correct: "The structure, production and use of these ships, as well as the total combat power you used in this war, whether the emperor and his guards personally conscripted, if so, What is the plan, how many powerful people are there, what are the signature abilities, how many empires do we need to kill this time to stop your war machine, and answer quickly."

This underestimating attitude made Gradim angry, and before he could react, Klauen Piss made a bitter face, slapped his forehead with the hand that was holding the wine bottle and said: "It seems that the general knows It’s not good, it’s the same wrong information as the guy who blocked the dwarf country, your team is just a sacrificial sacrifice, what a pity.”

When Kraunpiss asks questions, even if the listener is silent, there will be fluctuations and thoughts in his heart. Reading these is much easier than directly searching massive memories.

Including General Gradim, everyone had no doubt that they could win all the victories at once with the invincible army in this expedition.

"I'm Maybe I made you follow in vain. These people are all sacrifices. Don't kill them. If you want to kill them, you have to kill their souls. This is a bit difficult for you. "She flapped her hands weakly and stood up.

Foss said: "No, it's nothing to say, it's not very uncommon to hold back your strength in combat but have no chance to make a move..."

Crohnpith shook his head and said, "No, that's not the problem, it's just that if you and Stella don't use up the magic essence that disturbed the expansion before, even if you have skills to offset the damage in your body, the things that have been destroyed will still happen. , I'm afraid there will be long-term muscle soreness in the future, wouldn't it be a big loss if I didn't fight?"

Although the officers and soldiers were baffled by it, everyone did not let go of the flaw in the muzzle deviation of Crounpiss when he got up.

In an instant, a large number of guns were aimed at Crompis, Foss, Stella, and Nim.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

At the same time as the muzzle of the gun emitted fire or flashes of magic power, the bodies of Foss and Stella turned into afterimages in the eyes of the officers and soldiers, and Nim began to stick to the ceiling to cast magic.

(to be continued)