Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 306: More than half of them were killed, but

Knowing the possibility of war, Rimuru has been making preparations.

Considering that most monsters are not very aggressive, although guns have not been popularized in the army on a large scale, they have prepared tens of thousands of dragon scale shields that can withstand guns (Verus Tira lay naked on the bed for a while), and some The spirit bombs and magic bombs with the ability to destroy tanks, but because they are filled with fire attributes, Limuru is collectively called "Pyro Explosive Jade".

Because the tanks of the Empire can run and jump, and the barrel can guarantee the hit and power while reducing the magnification, the terrain adaptability is quite good, and they are not afraid of mountains and jungles. The demons and the demons who can control the dragon scale shield rush up to meet the tanks, disrupt the formation, and then dismantle the tanks if they are able to dismantle the tanks, and throw the flame blast jade if they are not capable. With the ability of these demons, throwing is comparable The bazooka from another dimension was much farther away, much faster, with the effect of a cannon.

Although the enemy will cooperate with infantry and tanks, and the strength of the infantry is stronger than that of the elite western knights who came to crusade against the Demon Kingdom last time, their infantry can play very little role at this time.

They are not miscellaneous soldiers, but "mech soldiers" who have undergone physical transformation. Although they have become stronger, they have also become weaknesses.

They have been modified so that they can go without food and water for a long time, but they are not without energy supply, and the dependence on water still exists, and the source of water is 100% magic to collect water from the air—

Then, it is enough to prepare poison gas soluble in water on the battlefield.

Anyway, there are no conventions in this world to limit the types of weapons.

Although it is difficult to prepare a large amount of normal poison immediately, Shion's cooking only needs one pot and it is probably enough.

Even so, the dilution to this extent is not enough to kill the enemy's armored soldiers immediately, but it is still very simple to make them difficult to carry out high-intensity activities, and the increased weight and heavy equipment of the armored armor become a burden instead , making it difficult for them to move. The original transformation focused more on medium and long-range combat. They could hardly move, and they were massacred in front of the demons who were good at close combat.

Afterwards, when the enemy finally retreated, Ultima went up and shot [Nuclear Magic] to wipe out the air force, and Testarossa shot [Nuclear Magic] to wipe out the armored army.

The other troops occupy a large area, although the two terrifying [Nuclear Strike Magic] are about to become a larger-scale rout, and when they are completely separated from the friendly forces, Carrera immediately goes up and releases an even more terrifying [Nuclear Strike Magic] Magic] Destroy all enemies.

The demons did not forget to capture all the souls to prevent possible awakening of the enemy, even the leaders who were scheduled to awaken with the army as sacrifices, including one of the "Three Generals" and all the guard knights, had long ago given Extinct.

Let them fight with all their strength, and although they expected that the battle might go smoothly, they didn't expect it to be like this.

After that, the army of the puppet country directly invaded the southern part of the Eastern Empire, which was temporarily almost undefended due to the complete annihilation of the army, which was beyond Limuru's control.

Based on Clayman's old traditional devil's concept of mere human beings, it is conceivable that the people of the empire will encounter **** storms.

But this is better than being massacred by the enemy, and even though the northern and southern lines of the empire have suffered overwhelming defeats, and the total number of troops on the expedition has lost more than half, it is still puzzling that the attack has not stopped - Limulu did not Blocking communications within the empire, what the **** is the enemy thinking? Can't figure it out.

Then the 900,000 central enemy troops that directly invaded the Demon Kingdom should also be wiped out - Limuru decided.


Devagang Armed Power—

King Gazel also has props that can monitor the battlefield. Although the distance is not as far as that of Limulu, it is still possible to observe the northern battlefield, the battlefield around his own house, and the battlefield in the Demon Kingdom.

At the same time, he also received information that the southern front had won an overwhelming victory and the puppet country's self-army had begun a counterattack.

The battle had progressed to such an extent that he was speechless.

"My king, your face is flustered, it can only be said that you are not hot enough."

When the palace magician—an old lady named Jane said this, even the Supreme Commander Pan had an ugly expression: "You can't say that, Jane. The common sense of war has been disrupted to such an extent that even I don't know how to react." It's better."

The huge fleet in the sea and sky on the northern line fired at a super long distance, and behind it somehow came a big gathering of souls toward the center, and a big explosion caused by this sent the monster princess who jumped out of it to a farther place. The place.

The aircraft and tanks on the southern front showed the power enough to make the dwarves and the armies of the western countries "death at first sight", but as long as you understand its characteristics, it is not an irresistible force.

How on earth did the Empire come to the conclusion that swords are outdated by guns? This is not a different world without magic and skills.

However, the dwarf king and the other high-level leaders also understood after discussions that if the aircraft and tanks are used properly, they can also exert their combat effectiveness to defeat them. Western weaknesses can also avoid exposing their own weaknesses, but tactically they are all speechless in a positive way.

At the same time, the individual strength of monsters and demons participating in the battle, the quality and quantity of props and equipment have also reached the level of subverting the common sense of the battlefield. The original demons gathered together to participate in the battle, leaving only dumbfounded.

But Thinking that the storm dragons that are stronger than the original demons are well-raised by Limulu, these politicians feel that paying attention to these is useless except to increase fatigue.

However, even though the war has progressed to this point, the Eastern Empire has lost more than half of its troops in such a short period of time, so it should be regarded as a complete defeat, but the territory of the Demon Kingdom still exudes a dangerous atmosphere of fighting.

At this time, the messenger came to report that the headquarters of the Dewagang Front Army, which was reinforced by the Demon Kingdom, wanted to make a call.

"Although I'm mostly here to report the news of the victory... Anyway, let me catch up." King Gazel said weakly at first, and then quickly adjusted his sitting posture, returning to his majestic appearance.

The communicator connected to the "beautiful monster princess".

Cloenpiss said: "Your Majesty King Gazel, we have defeated the enemy army that passed through the north and is about to outflank and cut off your communication lines in the backyard of the western countries. It has been confirmed that it is one of the three main armies of the Eastern Empire. Annihilating more than 60,000 enemies... Don't look at the small number, but each one is very strong. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that if they are converted into the elite knights of the West, they can be worth ten times. Really..."

(to be continued)