Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 315: Imperial Rebellion

Half a month after the Eastern Empire started its war, one night, Nazca, the capital of the empire—

Coppelia's thoughts regained clarity.

"The time has come." She has not escaped the empire's control in principle, but her own skill effects will not be weakened by this.

Even without the help of outsiders, she can adjust the size of her desire to obey to maintain her original thinking.

Now she is in the formation of the Imperial Mixed Legion.

As the main force of the empire, the mixed legion is not very large, but there are about 60,000 of them. There are many people with various problems and "visitors from other worlds". They are the army with the most problematic thinking. The reason why the empire dares to keep this army is because of these people It is true that they all have the ability to serve the empire, and the other is the empire's confidence in dominance.

In fact, there are a lot of people who were disloyal to the empire at heart, lost their minds because of body modification experiments, and threw them here after summoning "visitors from other worlds" and controlling them with magic.

Coppelia was also one of the members who was thrown here after being dominated.

Although not high enough, her skills can easily affect people here without being noticed.

After all, even Shire couldn't easily see the mental interference of [Greedy], and the concealment will be better after evolving to the ultimate ability.

"At present, there are 60,000 mixed legions in the imperial capital and its surrounding areas, 20,000 troops to maintain law and order, and 100,000 ordinary troops. They are all my people. The rest of the empire, including the reserve force, is less than 400,000 troops distributed throughout the empire. All of them are miscellaneous soldiers, and they have to deal with our country's counterattack, which is the time to overthrow the empire in one fell swoop." Cobelia thought to herself.

Although she is a puppet of Crompiss, she also has the identity of Clayman's subordinate and Marian Bell's container.

In order to ensure that there is no sense of disobedience, even though the original soul was exiled, Claumpis reproduced and restored a similar will. Coberia can be as humble as Clayman's puppet, and she can also be like Marian Bell. At the same time, it has the temperament that a young royal family should have and her greed, and it is also very simple to play different roles that match the appearance or identity.

Finding the generals of the empire to pretend to be bribes to induce them to fight for the direction of attack and deliberately being dominated is all in the plan.

However, Cobelia clearly felt that her strength was rising, but she was so sleepy.

But now is not the time to sleep. As a puppet, in order to prevent this situation, she has to prepare one or two puppet self-discipline systems. Although it was improved with a ready-made spell from Clayman, it is very easy to use.

She fell into a deep sleep, and the self-discipline system activated to continue to follow her original thinking mode to gather like-minded colleagues to prepare for action.

However, when she was "in high spirits" and the generals who had been dissatisfied with the empire and had long been rebellious were about to lead the troops, they were surrounded by the Royal Guard Knights on the street, and the **** people immediately fought against the guard knights Melee.

The head of the Royal Knights Guards is a black-haired man in military uniform with a sword in one hand and a **** box in the other.

Coppelia stretched out her hand to hold the bullet with the skill he fired, and confronted him in person.

The bullet just now was dozens of times faster than the speed of sound, and it contained the ultimate ability. Maybe it was the same as the one who plotted against me last time. It was the [Domination Spell Bullet]. Teammates can handle it.

Because Cobelia took a shot on purpose in order to break into the opponent's interior and bloom the center. Knowing its level, she can activate [Maon, King of Lust] to turn what she wants into the required strength to hard catch the bullet.

She greeted "cautiously": "Knight Commander Lieutenant Kondo, it's really not a pleasure to see you."

Kondo: "I didn't expect that there would be a flaw in my control over you. Although it was planned that you would definitely rebel, it is really a last resort to start a war in this kind of place. Obviously, the control over your dead master is so smooth."

In other words, he was the one who dominated Clayman back then.

Coberia "knows" that Kondo intends to provoke him. Fighting with anger not only makes it easier to reveal flaws, but also if there is a loophole in the mental defense, it may be re-intervened by the power of mental interference, at least enough to affect the outcome of the battle.

However, it was of no use to Coppelia who was using the autonomous system. Moreover, the rebellion has been scheduled long ago, and it will only be a matter of time before it turns into a city-wide riot.

She can feel part of Kondo's power to some extent, and everyone else is seriously fighting with various powerful martial arts and magic skills. She and Kondo may be a one-shot contest, and it will end soon. She may not win, and the other party must also. I know, but since I didn't make a direct move, I just plan to continue looking for opportunities to dominate these people who are useful to the empire, so I can take advantage of the situation and try to buy more time.

Kondo has the nickname of "a weirdo who feeds on information", so he should be happy to have a conversation on the battlefield where the sky is screaming, right?

However, what followed became Kondo's intelligence talk show. Kondo knew all about the changes and development of the puppet country over the past few decades and the recent upheavals. It is clear that Cobelia is Marian Bell whose soul is exiled, and that the public information is equivalent to the "moderate clown" of Master House!

The information should be used slowly by oneself, so wanting to shake it out angrily, it seems that Kondo really wants to create a loophole in his heart.

It's a pity that it is useless to Cobelia who can control her own desires, which means that the essence of the ultimate ability here has not been grasped.

Then do as he wishes.

"Where did you know this, shut up!" Coppelia rushed towards Kondo "angrily".

Kondo threw the gun into the Holding the knife in both hands, he launched a powerful martial art: "[Heaven and Earth Booming Thunder]!"

"Let's make death a thing of desire!" Coberia's forward palm wrapped around the dark breath of [Despair King Shariel] derivative skill [Desperate Wave].

Compared with the simple and easy-to-understand powerful martial arts that want to smash her into thousands of pieces, the effect of her skills is more focused on invading the mind of the target.

Expose the despair that should have been in the subject's heart and magnify it infinitely.

It seems to be something that can be easily done by an illusion, but as an ultimate ability, the coercion is quite terrifying. It is not to create a terrible hallucination for the subject to create despair, but to reveal a huge spiritual trauma like the release of a seal. But before that—

Coppelia's hands and feet were cut off by the light of the knife, and she became a lifelike human stick, but when Kleiman first made the dance doll, he endowed it with the function of immortal soul that can be repaired infinitely.

Kondo's knife skills are superb, the cut is crisp and neat, the cut surface is smooth, the damage is minimal, and the reconnection of severed limbs only takes a moment.

(to be continued)