Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 316: Mixed Legion VS Guards Knights

Cobelia turned somersault away from Kondo, and escaped to a distance where she would not be hit by the spot slash.

Kondo, who seemed to have all the advantages in a duel and was unscathed, froze in place like a statue.

Kondo remembered that Emperor Rudra once ordered him to be killed when he was dominated by 【King of Justice Michael】.

However, hasn't the emperor already successfully overcome the dominion of [Michael, the King of Justice]? Why does he still think of it now?

Is it the effect of Cobelia's palm just now? Although the nature of the skill is still unclear, it is undoubtedly a spiritual ability, otherwise Cobelia would not be able to overcome her [Domination Spell Bullet].

As a soldier in a high position, the rationality of facing the enemy made him think so naturally.

But this thought was quickly overwhelmed by the memories that came to him.

He failed the emperor's expectations of himself.

The emperor ordered Kondo to kill him, but he didn't want to do that, because Rudra was his savior and benefactor. That man prevented him from crossing to death because he failed to protect his motherland. In this world, he was still hopeless and wanted to commit suicide. It gave him meaning in his second life.

Rudra is full of rationality and arrogance, and is a rare monarch and hero, which makes him seem to see the shadow of the monarch he served in his previous life. He wanted Rudra to live.

But he still accepted Rudra's order, because his unique skill [Interpreter] has confirmed that the emperor is indeed hopeless.

Now, just thinking that Emperor Rudra overcame [the King of Justice Michael], which is theoretically impossible, is not right. Rudra's personality has also changed, and it seems that the goal of life Has not changed, but has become a very cruel person.

Damrad, who is also Rudra's friend and vassal, often looks distressed, but then he also took action as if he wanted to betray Rudra. The Empire lost this battle so simply and neatly. Although the enemy was too powerful for one reason, Damrad definitely provided a lot of useful information. According to the information he collected by Kondo, those who followed Coberia's rebellion in the Mixed Legion Many of the molecules were found by Damrad for a long time. Even if they were interfered with by Coppelia's skills, it was because their original rebellion and selfish desires were magnified to the limit.

If Damrad is not betraying, but looking for someone who can replace Michael's orders...

That means that Emperor Rudra was not only hopeless long ago, but was swallowed up by Michael, and also dominated him to let him have that kind of thought, which made him fail the real Emperor Rudra.

He shouldn't be here!

"I made such a mistake!" He intentionally wanted to make amends, and aimed his hostility at Michael who had devoured Rudra, but his own strength could not resist [Michael, the King of Justice], so Even though he hadn't exerted his strength yet, he couldn't move a single finger for a while—this was already the limit of resistance.

Coberia confirmed that Kondo was not pretending, took two steps forward, raised her leg high and kicked him in the chest.

"[Death Thirst]."

The desire to survive from repaying Rudra's kindness and life instinct was reversed into the desire to live up to Rudra's shameless appearance.

With Kondo's strength, he could have easily blocked the power of Cobelia's kick, but his chest was completely exploded, and he collapsed on the ground softly, with blood flowing into a lake.

"Knowing that... this is the idea that came from her spiritual skills, but there is no way... to refute and resist... really, embarrassing... ridiculous."

His race is human, but as a "visitor from another world", he has obtained the ultimate ability [Sandalphon], which can be used, and has the power bestowed by the emperor. After a long time of integration, he has already mastered his Life is sublimated to the spiritual life body.

It is a pity that Cobelia's ultimate ability is superior to Kondo in both quality and quantity. Originally, she was weaker than Kondo in terms of life rank because she did not become a spiritual life body by herself, but she just had an opportunity to surpass Kondo.

"Really, she awakened to become the real Demon King, right?" Kondo thought.

Capturing the thieves and the king alone is not enough to eradicate the grass. They are going to eliminate the leaders of the rebellion. The base camp of the mixed legion is also being suppressed by the "marshal" of the empire, and deaths continue to occur. It stands to reason that those souls should not be taken by Coppelia, and usually need to be targeted enough. Awakened or the negative emotions it belongs to - so the awakening of the demon king to the real demon king usually requires killing, just taking life is not enough.

If such a thing really happened, it could only show that Cobelia's interference with the spirit had penetrated into the army. He was aware of it but didn't think it was a threat because of the existence of the "Marshal". It was a failure.

As a spiritual life body, he is physically and mentally dead, and he can no longer prevent his consciousness from gradually drifting away.

Gradually sinking into dark consciousness, he found Coppelia bending down towards him, her small hand reaching for his big one.

"Is that right, as an enemy it's a matter of course, then the last thing I can do is..." He squeezed out all his strength and died.

Cobelia took the tachi that cut off her body just now and a **** box from the still warm corpse.

The performance of Taidao is quite incredible, it is an artifact level. Cobelia secretly thought that the blow just now must have not used all her strength. Do you think that this level can knock her down, or is it still useful to keep her alive? The latter seems more likely, but it is meaningless to think about it now. The **** box is a pistol with poor performance, but it has a connection with Kondo's nation. The most powerful thing is that it contains bullets with various skills.

Coppelia felt that it could be useful.

However, the enemy commander has fallen, and although the morale of the Royal Guard Knights has dropped, they still have no disadvantages in the battle with the mixed legions.

But the skills of those few are not as threatening as Kondo, UU reading www.uukanshu. com to end this battle.

First use [Greedy Fluctuation] to cover the whole field, create flaws, let them be suppressed by the teammates of the mixed legion, and can't pay attention, and then take the opportunity to "crack" to each member of the Knights of the Guards to send a [Seize the Heart palm].

Winning, they continued to the legion's location, but soon discovered that something was wrong.

There was a lot of fire over there.

They quickened their pace, but saw a woman walking down the street, looking leisurely and relaxed like a walk.

It was a tall, blue-haired, Nordic-style face, but her head was tied into a bun, and she was wearing a black cheongsam with white silk long gloves and stockings.

"Good night, idiots. You were too excited to exercise just now, and it's not suitable for this comfortable night."

"You, who are you!"

Everyone surrounded her, exuding strong vigilance and hostility.

(to be continued)