Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 325: Defeat of the Searing Dragon

Veldora was defeated in the battle with Velgrindo and Rudra, and was dominated by Rudra.

For this reason, the furious Rimuru led a full force attack, not only quickly regaining Veldora, but also suppressing Velgrendo, swallowing 80% of her body and sealing it up, cutting it down to only 20%. The opportunity began to evolve significantly, and it was about to become something similar to the "dragon species". Once it was completed, its strength would definitely increase greatly.

The remaining main force and elite guard knights they brought also killed more than half of Rimuru's subordinates, leaving only a few single-digit powerhouses with ultimate abilities to fight.

At this moment, the support sent by Klauenpis also came.

As a last resort, Velugrendo launched the [Eight Gates Array], creating a different space with eight gates to isolate them from the world.

Each person on the empire side guards a door, and only those who kill the guardian of the door are eligible to enter the next door, and Velugrendo acts as the ultimate guardian. And to destroy all the doors, to be able to escape from this different dimension.

Although it is possible to launch an overall battle before the [Eight Gates Strong Array] defensive configuration is completed, from the perspective of the rules and the comprehensive combat power of both sides, it is obviously disadvantageous for the empire. The empire's battle strength is scattered, and the Demon Kingdom can be defeated one by one. If there is any problem, it will take more time. However, because Rimuru is more concerned about reducing casualties as much as possible than quick wins, the commander-in-chief Benimaru agreed. play with them.

But in fact, Velgrindo wanted to hold back the Demon Kingdom's combat power for a while, and then took the opportunity to lead Rudra to escape.

Regrettably, this attempt was discovered by the female demons sent back by Klauenpis.

There are a lot of people in the Demon Kingdom, so they didn't go to challenge the eight gates, but sat outside the gate guarded by Velu Grendo to drink tea. Seeing that she slipped out while the others in the Devil Kingdom were concentrating on attacking the gate, they Start besieging her.

With only 20% remaining, Velgrendo seems to have lost the match. Although she will not lose immediately because of her higher status, considering the purpose of launching the [Eight Gates], she is already finished.

To make matters worse, a seemingly unremarkable pistol bullet flew towards her.

Of course, the mere pistol bullet won't make Velu Grindo look sideways. Velu Grindo noticed that this bullet was shot by a pink-haired witch with horns on her head with a small pistol. It should be the ghost girl in the information. Zhu Cai, who has been on the battlefield a few times, may not be good at frontal combat, and the amount of magic element is relatively low compared to the three demon girls. It seems that it is not a threat, but it is enough to be able to invade the [Eight Gates Array]. Make her vigilant.

There was also a precedent where Rudra was heavily slashed in half—that was obtained by some method from Kondo, the head of the Royal Guard Knights, so Velgrindo didn’t dare to be careless. .

It is useless to dare not be careless, she must keep attacking the three demon girls, if they have the opportunity to use the ultimate ability to charge up to prepare the nirvana, this only 20% of the body will be damaged.

Almost at the same time, a red figure who had a relationship with each other rushed into the battle circle.

It's Verustila.

Velgrindo had to warn that Velustila contained her power for some unknown reason. Although it was small in quantity, it was a high-ranking person, and it was not a small threat to her now.

This distraction creates an almost fatal flaw.

"[Train]!" Ultima suddenly punched out a nirvana punch that was inspired by Kronoa.

"[White Lightning Destroys the Flame Tyrant]!" Testarossa also released the ultimate single-target magic created by her ultimate ability.

Velustila, on the other hand, opened her arms as if she was about to throw down the opponent, and activated [Skill Devouring], which is not very correct in normal times. This skill is not as good as Rimuru's [Beelzebub, the King of Gluttony]. Convenience, if you want to use the swallowing skills, you must have control over the swallowed skills, that is, matching attributes and abilities, otherwise it will only be stored in the body and occupy "memory space" to weaken your combat effectiveness.

Because the last time she found out that her power seemed to be compatible with Velgrendo, she felt relieved to use this skill that was acquired shortly after birth but did not know where to use it.

Velgrindor might be able to deal with the strong burst of power defense, but she must retain the strength that can lead Rudra to escape now.

She changed from defense and attack to all-out evasion, but she couldn't use other space-based abilities while maintaining the [Eight Gates Strong Array]. She tried to find a loophole in the encirclement to escape from the battle circle.

She noticed that Carrera wasn't using a powerful move.

That's right, Primordial Yellow's magic power is strong but its control power is weak. It's quite famous in the high-end species circle, that is, if she wants to obey Limuru's order, she can't make serious shots here.

She immediately attacked Carrera, trying to break through from her side despite being beaten a few times.

But Carrera's actions surprised everyone present for a while.

"[The final collapse and destruction wave [Abyss]]!"

This is the release of the matter summoned from the bottom of **** in the gravitational collapse force field, creating an unimaginable torrent of energy. If it is released in the real world, the energy will not be condensed and spread outward, and the entire planet will be blown up.

Originally, this kind of magic could only be developed and practiced experimentally in the underworld, hell, or various stable different spaces... Although this is indeed a different space, Velgrindo felt that Rudra was not safe.

She was forced to retreat, and the others were all in the range of Carrera's magic, so you can expect the three's big moves to collide and cancel out. As a "Dragon Seed", UU Reading relies on this little trick It was her loss of self-confidence.

But the real surprise is still behind.

"[Dazzling Hundred Blossoms]!" Carrera suddenly used a martial skill.

Her trusted family, Agra, is the reincarnation of Grandfather White, and has a strong sword school. Carrera will study so that her own strength will never be left behind by other colleagues, and she who does not have a sword—

On the spot, he grabbed Velustilla's leg and danced her wildly as a weapon, and the last blow was directly replaced by a meteor hammer and threw her on Velgrindo.

"It's really annoying—" Velgrindo couldn't help but say such words.

The nirvana of the three demon girls all made a loneliness, and they all canceled it out. Ultima and Testarossa's two moves resisted Carrera's blow, which highlights the latter's move, even if the "dragon seed" is hard to pick up. Must not. In fact, they did cause Veldora, who was entangled by Klauenpis, to accidentally suffer some bad injuries for a short period of time.

Velgrindo dodged the nirvana of the three demon girls, but because of this, Veluster hit the bullet that flew for a while.

Bullet hit!

It was indeed [God Suppression Bullet], a terrifying bullet that the "Dragon Seed" couldn't care less about.

(to be continued)