Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 329: Population is not necessarily the right

Since Diablo, who seems to have a bad relationship in the report, said so, and Angel Shiyuan did not deny it, then Limuru can only admit that Feldway is still alive and the war is not over yet.

"Then, what about Michael? It's impossible to blow up skills along with it, right? Even if it really blows up, someone may get it later, and then go on the old road today." Limulu asked.

"Although I don't know, but I think the one who can get it is probably Feldway. That guy seems to know Michael well. Part of it, but it’s a skill with a spiritual core, it’s okay to be able to use it as a move, but there’s still nothing to do with important powers.” Klauen Piss spread his hands and shook his head.

"Oh, do you have any skills? What kind of skills."

"The [Royal Palace Wall] that Little Stella 'cut' just now, in order to prevent it from being reused, I have to transform it into a qualitative change."

"Knowing that the enemy lacks this tricky skill is one of your great achievements, Klaumpis."

"Really, this skill is for me... If everyone thinks about me well, I think it will be useful."

"Don't worry, we will never forget you. Unlike me, you like to sell your own goods so much, who would forget you? People will think of you when they see me, and this is what bothers me." Lim Lu raised her hands and said unhappily.

"By the way, does anyone know what other tricks Feldway hasn't used?" Limulu looked at the most experienced Angels of Origin and Primordial Demons.

Galaxia: "Well...they lost too much this time. If there is any way to quickly replenish combat power, it would be a good way to find a powerful body for the angel to rely on in the next battle."

"A powerful physical body? Something like the cultivation capsule I made?"

"I think the forbidden techniques and technologies lost in ancient times should be used, but the country with that technology has already been wiped out by Milim. Among the survivors, only Kazalim, who later became the Demon King, has that technology."

Limulu opened his mouth wide for a moment, as if he had revived Klaumpis and Cagalli's group not long ago.

"Crownpiss, how are they doing?"

"Ah, what you guys are talking about is the forbidden technique [Demon Death and Underworld Birth], right? But in fact, it should be this guy who developed it first—it seems that Feldway buried them in their bodies at some point—Kasa Lim's father, Jessier the Great Demonic Dao." Kronpiss used [History Reappearance] to manifest the empty shell of Jessir who was killed by him, showed it to everyone, and then shot it out.


"Ah, it's done. Fortunately, it's in the state of the soul. Cagalli and the others were burned to death by Marian Bell once before, which greatly reduced his strength without a physical body. If he was given a suitable physical body—" Crohnpi Si glanced at Limulu, patted him and smiled, "The amount of existence is equivalent to one and a half of you. Limulu, you have considered this before asking me to revive Kagali and the others. Otherwise, even Mariambell The guy who couldn’t be killed, and Yuuki couldn’t even notice, when he gets into trouble, it’s probably enough for us to drink a pot.”

"Ah, this—" Limuru didn't have time to say anything, the surroundings were drowned out by voices.

"As expected of Master Rimuru, the layout has been in place since then!"

"I just said how could Master Rimuru be so naive as to be so kind to the enemy, so I saw this level!"

"so amazing!"


The group of demons started to kill Limuru as usual.

Galaxia: "In this way, Feldway only needs to go to another world to raise troops and try to get Michael to dominate other people with the ultimate angelic ability in this world, and to obtain and fight for other people with sufficient strength. But someone who is not within the attention of Master and Guy, right?"

Pixie: "But there are only a handful of guys like that. Even if you find a potential stock, without the conditions here, there is no possibility of defeating us in a short time. It is not easy to hide and cultivate an army in another world. It's impossible for the world not to rebel."

Limulu heard the theory of angels mixed in with the killing, and asked, "How long will it take?"

Galaxia: "Years should be used as a unit. If you can't use the combat power of the basic axis world, you have to re-prepare for tens or hundreds of years."

Pixie: "However, there should be guys in the basic axis world who are willing to support Feldway. People with angelic abilities must also confirm the situation. Michael was reacquired by someone or even Feldway himself. Before-"

Limuru is very satisfied with this result. Hiding enemies in secret is really troublesome, but life is more important, so now - wake up all the dead who can be awakened, and let's have a banquet together!

"Then, I'll go back and look at the situation—" Klaumpis planned to sneak away first, and pay attention to what Limulu said before the banquet. If she stayed, she would definitely be dragged down.

"You are responsible for the attack on the imperial capital, right? Is it possible to directly overthrow the belief of the people of the empire in Rudra?" Limulu suddenly pulled Clounpis back.

Crohnpiss subconsciously wanted to get rid of it. After all, Limuru didn't seem to like the means of manipulating other people's spirits. She felt that Limuru might be angry if he emphasized this matter.

Ke Limulu said: "Fortunately, if it doesn't work like this, I will have to turn the empire into scorched earth to crack the [Wall of the Palace], I really don't want to do that."

"That is, I will do it if I have It is true that the unarmed people are slaughtered. The organization can continuously use [nuclear magic] to send the combat power to all parts of the empire, but it will not take long to destroy them. It's short."

"Even so, we have to do it, temporarily sacrificing a few for the sake of the majority... It's really difficult for the rulers to make decisions."

"Eh? Limuru, are you sure you only sacrifice a few in this last resort? Because it can be revived afterwards? But there are not many [nuclear magic] magicians who can use beautiful corpses and souls." Klaumpis was surprised He tilted his head.

"Ah?" Limulu felt—could he have overlooked some important information?

"Don't Limuru know?" Klauenpiss paused, and then shouted into his ear, "Pay attention to some international knowledge!! Even if it is not limited to humans, the monsters, monsters, and even races Counting everything else, the total number of creatures in the Eastern Empire accounts for more than half of the total number of creatures in the world, do you understand! The populations of the demon kingdoms and the western countries are nothing compared to them! Do you think they have no Diplomacy, the confidence to not recognize the equal status of other countries—is it only the combat power we have seen!! Can a big city and a bunch of small villages with only a few households establish an equal relationship?!"

(to be continued)