Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 330: King of Stars

"Really?" Limulu glanced around and questioned his subordinates.

It was the first time he knew that the total population of the empire was larger than the total population of the countries established by all other races in the world. If he used the method of killing all the people of Rudra when he dealt with the [Wall of the Palace], what would happen to the future history? Evaluate him who killed more than half of the world's population?

Everyone who knew about Limuru's question nodded.

Limulu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Then, how did Crompis manage to make Rudra lose his faith?"

"I really want to ask this." Crohnpiss began to talk, "Rudra does have justice, ideals, and the ability to make the people of the Eastern Empire healthy, and even keep the crime rate at zero for thousands of years..."

"Such a bunker?!"

"It's really such a fortress. Before he was swallowed by Michael, if he hadn't been concerned about the loss of the 'Ocean Demon War', the technology of the Eastern Empire should be much stronger than it is now-some prisoners with important positions said so. And I didn't create anything new, memory manipulation is a third-rate tool for most of the world's population, just changing the 'viewpoint'."


"It is true that the emperor is powerful in all aspects, and justice is also true, but there is no absolute justice that ignores one's position. If there is, it is no different from evil. Doesn't Limuru think so?"

"It's really undeniable."

"In the end, how many people in this world see Ludra clearly? There must be, but certainly not many. Regardless of whether the vast majority of people who are happy because of him or the very few who are unfortunate because of him, at most they think that' Well, there is such a person, so powerful, those who obey will prosper, and those who rebel will perish'. All he knows is an empty shell named 'Rudra', so he can manipulate the world itself and his related impressions at will, and even interfere with the spirit No operational memory is required."

"Oh, that's how it is." Limuru felt that Croenpiss didn't answer directly at all, and Charles was shielded by Crompiss as in the past, but Limulu had seen Crompiss deceive the world. It's not surprising that Illusion can do this kind of thing.

In fact, there is still a difference. If it is just an illusion, there will be a moment of waking up from the dream after all. It is an irreversible reality to directly change the world. If you want to change it back, it is another matter.

"What about Rudra's real close friends?" Limulu asked.

"It's also very simple. What they believe in is Rudra's soul, not Rudra's body. The impression of this part can also be operated in the same way."

"That is, to transfer Rudra's impression to Masako?"

"Where, Limuru, do you think it's necessary for me to manipulate the influence of Zhengxing's skill? I guarantee that if he goes directly to the empire, he will be welcomed by the same chorus as the western countries. Do you want to take a gamble?" Crowe Enpiss spread her hands and smiled.

"No, I can't afford the odds." How could Limulu, who knew Zhengxing's perception, be fooled?

"Compared to this matter, let's talk about that at the beginning, you have to come, hello." Then Klauenpiss was immediately caught by Limulu.

Although I really want to run away, if I am pointed out, I don’t agree with the setting of "beautiful monster princess".

The number of deaths in the empire is as high as seven figures, and at the same time, there are about 1.4 million people who can be resurrected directly; there are also three people who spend more time putting together the corpses and have a chance to be resurrected, or turn back the time a little bit to be able to recover. About one hundred thousand.

This is no small project.

And if there are guys who can't be resurrected no matter what, it may be easier to lose faith when facing the family members of the deceased than not.

Therefore, Klaumpis prepared to call Verustila in the spirit of "we must face difficulties together", but—

"Hey, where's the person?"

Crohnpiss sensed it, and her magic wave disappeared? !

However, there is something more important to Crohnpiss: "Hey, Limulu, our backyard seems to be copied."


Limuru was about to make a move, but Crompis suppressed some embarrassment and said, "Can you leave the rest to me?"


Virustila had a sad face and wept secretly.

Everything related to the "dragon species" has disappeared, and it was obtained by Cloenpiss—[Holy Devil King Janus], who was almost proved by her as a relative, somehow died after the latest battle. It disappeared shortly after.

In the end, there was an ultimate ability of [Loigor, the King of Star Origin], which had nothing to do with everyone.

Although none of her skills have been reduced, and even the powers that originally came from different "dragon species" but are not rooted in the soul and are difficult to master flexibly have become able to perform various permutations and combinations, but it is difficult for her to be happy.

Therefore, she directly used the new derivative skills to teleport back to Limuru, the magic capital, and plunged into the elf shop opened by Torene.

This store is strictly screened for people entering and exiting. Naturally, dignitaries from the Demon Kingdom can enter at will, while others need to meet certain conditions.

Virustila naturally falls into the first category.

And one of the functions of this store is to vent pressure on various customers.

But the atmosphere at this time seemed very strange. Although it was natural that Toreni also went to participate in the war and she was not in the store, it was not normal to find a few quasi-corpses inside the moment the door was opened.

Those are Gregory, Sare, Bonnie, and Ji Wu who are currently in charge of Zhengxing's safety. The reason why they didn't die is probably because these people have resurrection bracelets.

At the same time the battle was still very fierce, Damrad fought against a man with Masayuki behind him.

The three pairs of six pure white wings on the man's back further emphasized his vigorous physical beauty. From the gaps in the wide and white clothes, you can see the muscles that have been repeatedly exercised.

Damrad, battered and battered, held on despite the disadvantage. As expected of the "Fighting Master" who made Virus Tira greatly stronger, he has a hand.

"Who are you!" Virustila didn't care about being sad, and felt hostile towards this guy who looked like an angel who came to kill the brave man.

How did the invasion come in? Even if it can avoid all kinds of vigilance and perception of monsters and monsters, Ramiris must be able to confirm it.

Ah, yes, the top of the labyrinth has been smashed by Velgrind...

"Hmph, a bug that doesn't even have survival value, you are the **** born from the mixture of Veldora and the monster princess Mosu in Mr. Feldway's information. You are against Kernu-sama, one of the 'Three Demon Commanders'." How rude! Find out what's wrong with you, go to hell!" the angel said viciously.

(to be continued)