Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 348: He will become the king of the undead

Klaumpis was not surprised by Ainz, but if he compared it with the time and space in the original book, or Ainz before he restarted his life as a magic tree, he would just feel that he didn't know how to react.

"If I knew you when I first met, I really wanted to say 'who the **** are you', hehe. Is it a lie to hear that the spirit of the undead does not change?" she said.

"It is indeed applicable to middle and low-level undead below level 50. There are very few existences higher than this level in that world, so it is not a lie, but its weakness limits the vision of researchers." Ainz only answered so seriously. road.

Crohnpiss could only laugh: "Well, after all, they can even tell that the bone dragon is completely immune to magic, and there's nothing they can do about it. Now, is Your Excellency Gong still going to teach Nine Devils Yuzao?"

While speaking, they had reached the ninetieth floor.

"Since I have received the reward, I will naturally be responsible to the end." Ainz said.

The reward Klaumpis gave was naturally different from that of Limuru. It was just some magical potions and common equipment props, which were enough for him to save for his research. This also made Ainz listen to Limuru that he could ask After equipping, I immediately set my sights on the highest end.

"However, with the improvement speed of the Nine Demons Yuzao, you won't be able to defeat her in a while, right? This is because you have awakened as a true Demon King and obtained two ultimate abilities."

Ainz secretly thought that he actually had three ultimate abilities, but two of them were only made public for everyone's attention when they were basically impossible to hide in a fight.

Coincidentally, he also awakened in the war and picked up the leaks by the way. First of all, he was the ordinary [Undead King Mors [ors]], which basically raised all the buffs that he originally had as the highest-level undead to the top and then added [Super Speed ​​Thinking], [Parallel Thinking], [Analysis Appraisal], [Multiple Barriers], [Immortal], [Book of Magic] and many other powerful abilities, all kinds of skills will be used in ordinary battles .

There is also [King of Arms Crafting]—you can create out of thin air equipment that is within the range of your knowledge and matches your own strength. It seems very ordinary. After all, it is quite common to use skill magic to generate weapons, but the one that matches Ainz's strength is an artifact. The equipment at the level of world-class or even world-class props is actually similar to the level of weapons created by Velgrind.

Although creating artifacts is not a powerful move for Velgrendo, it is too harsh compared to her, and it is meaningless to compare with "dragon species". The artifacts she created are weapons that are powerful enough for true demon kings.

When Ainz evolved, it happened to coincide with Veldora's evolution, and he lost [Faust, the king of enlightenment]. As a result, Ainz, who was in the process of evolving, picked up the opportunity because the evolution and practice route he chose were relatively suitable. , because his own existence is much lower than that of Veldora, most of the data of [Faust], the king of enlightenment, is used to sacrifice to Veldora to obtain higher-end ultimate abilities, Ainz's [ Faust [fat], the king of enlightenment, has only played at less than half of the level, but it is the same as the previous words-comparing with the "dragon species" is meaningless.

So, by the way, Ainz was lying when he said that he didn't learn anything from watching the black soldier's weapon making, and it was only natural for him to keep a few hands in everything.

"Welcome. It's really rare for Master and Master to come together." Nine Demon Yuzao bowed to the two walking along the path at the gate of the garden outside the mansion.

"I'm still here to relax. If you want to practice, Xiaoyu, you can do it yourself. Don't worry about me."

"Miss Nine Devils Yuzao's skills are already worthy of her own strength, and she is very strong. Maybe she is better than me in some aspects." Ainz said, "Today is the last lesson, I have nothing to teach you, so I will use Let's confirm it in actual combat. There is no need for any skills or magic between me and you, and we will have a real fight."

"Fighting, right? I understand." Nine Demon Yuzao didn't give up, on the contrary, he was eager to try.

In ordinary duels, she still couldn't win against Ainz because of the difference in tactics. If she didn't use skills and magic to fight, she would be able to use her physical ability, which is absolutely superior to the skeleton-type undead.

"Hee hee," Crohnpiss laughed out loud, too lazy to bear it.

Before the war started, she had already seen the tricks on both sides, so she sat down on the steps in front of the room and watched the show.

For them, it must have been a fierce and tense battle, but Crompiss felt that the battle lacked tension for a while.

Don't get me wrong, although they restrained themselves and didn't show the power to kill the opponent's soul, they were indeed fighting seriously with the goal of killing the body, but Crohnpiss, who can win the "dragon species", is almost only as good as the opponent in this level of battle. It's for the sake of correcting customers.

About half an hour later—

"How did the slave family lose?" Jiumo Yuzao, who was bleeding profusely, had a big hole in her stomach, and had an arm broken, looked dazed and terrified.

She clearly had the upper hand in the battle, and she also saw through some of Ainz's tactical traps. Although her arm was shattered for a while, she took the opportunity to use the shattered part to tighten and jam Ainz's weapon, which made Ainz quite nervous for a while. He was extremely surprised and embarrassed, but in the end, he actually counter-killed the Jedi with the last blow.

"Hey, hey." Crohnpith stood up and clapped his hands with a smile, and said, "Isn't it worth breaking your own arm to break the trap of Lord Gong? It's not surprising that the undead have skills that hinder repair. "

"Huh? Skills?"

"If you don't use skills, it won't be established at the beginning of the battle." Ainz explained, "Miss Nine Demon Yuzao, you also have some skills that maintain normal effects?"

"So master, you also used your skills to maintain fairness? Why didn't you remind me?"

Ainz: " as I said just now—we are fighting. You have already learned how to use words to stimulate and induce opponents, but you must also learn to see through the traps in this area, no matter whether there are rules or regulations. A limited duel or a life-and-death fight, where the latter uses all means, no matter how ugly it is, to make survival and victory the top priority."

"Then, Master was taken aback by the servant just now, and even crawled around for a while, is it all just pretending?"

"Not exactly, but as long as you can save the day, it doesn't matter if your moves are ugly? Didn't this give you the illusion that you have a chance to win quickly, and I gave up defense and continued to attack before I easily seized the flaw and counterattacked?"

"Hehehe, Your Excellency Gong, as long as you can win, you can do kowtow and kneel tactically, right?" Croynpiss interjected with a smile.

"Hmph, the premise is—if kowtowing and kneeling really have that effect, then. But this inconvenient movement is creating a loophole for yourself, right?" Ainz asked back.

(to be continued)