Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 350: Brave wife? Married Hero?

Milim said proudly: "Rimru said that if you are always tense because of enemies, you don't have to live, so it's fine as usual, and of course you have to play after you finish your homework!"

Cloenpith secretly thought that the homework she said was due to the merger of the three demon kingdoms caused by Kalyon and Frey's defection to Milim, and the fact that it belonged to a formal country with a large population, so Milim had to learn to be a politician. .

Although this made her very unhappy for a while, she did what she was supposed to do well, and it also caused Milim to play hard to reward herself when she was free.

"What did little Stella say?" Crohnpiss asked Milim embarrassingly, wondering if it was time to spank her daughter who might have been lying about something.

"Piss, you want to go on the same trip as Velgrind, right? Seeing that Velgrind is so refreshed after returning, and he is much stronger, it must be very interesting and exciting. Such a great thing is not called Fuck me!"


Then there is no way, Crohnpith said some facts: "Usually only angels, demons, demons, goblins, elves and 'dragon species' can pass through the 'Gate of the Underworld' normally as long as they are still alive." A surviving race, right? Limuru is still developing the plane-traveling technology that completely eliminates the impact, and I don’t know the progress, so you can ask him.”

"That's right, Miss Ben is very generous, so I can afford to wait for this little time." Milim patted her flat chest and said, paused, and then said, "How is your Fei, Pease?"

"The dragon that looks like a bird?"

The reason for being called "Fei" is not a nickname. After Crownpiss left his family to raise him for a while, the little dragon that re-emerged from its shell obviously didn't like the name "Lucifiel", which is like a fallen angel or a demon. , so I split the name into two parts. Although some people think it’s not cute to use “Lucy” as a name, as a neon person, I’m naturally used to using the second half as a name, and pronounce it as “Fei” with a flat tongue.

"Is there anything wrong with her?"

"I want to accumulate some experience playing with Gaia (the young dragon of chaos). I heard that it is an 'visitor from another world' like Limuru. Do you have any good ideas?"

"I asked Ninini to take care of Fei, you have to ask them to find them." Klaumpis said honestly.

While watching Milim fleeing away in the dust, Crompis cheered on everyone who needed to deal with Milim.

This finally had a relatively peaceful day.

Afterwards, to the slight surprise of Crohnpiss, after giving birth, Victoria slipped back alone, avoiding everyone to report to Crompiss. His belly, which had grown even more after the war, had also deflated.

"You just came back like this?" Crohnpiss was somewhat surprised but didn't take it seriously.

After all, she was the elf who confirmed her pregnancy before the war and let her participate in a war that was not inferior to her strength.

But there is nothing wrong with her. With Victoria's skills, if there is a situation where the child cannot be kept, it is not far from death. Moreover, if she is pregnant with the kind of luck (Rudra's reincarnation), there is still To be able to acquire relevant skills, in terms of efficiency, it is indeed necessary to experiment and exercise while the iron is hot.

The biggest achievement and what made Crohnpiss a little uncomfortable was that Victoria was actually immune to spiritual magic and skills. Faith thanks to past education and favorability similar to Stockholm Syndrome are not obtained through continuous mental intervention and will not disappear.

"The bonds established in this world are not as important as you? What's wrong?" Victoria lowered her head and said.

"In the end, what is the purpose of you helping Zhengxing exercise?"

"You can't do without exercise, otherwise you will wither too fast every time."

"Don't you need to raise the child first?"

"Why should I raise it? Just leave it to Zhengxing's harem. Although he did not marry other concubines, according to the law of the empire, since the emperor inherits the soul rather than the blood, the heir to the throne can use the previous emperor's harem inherited together."

"But your child has sharp ears, right? If you look weird in the human harem, you shouldn't give... um... more love or something?" Cloenpiss found himself unable to make up.

To be precise, she would laugh if she continued to make it up, because she herself did not have this kind of love at all.

Victoria's reaction was even more unexpected. She covered her mouth and let out a "puchi" laugh, then shook her hands and said, "Master Crohnpiss, you are really funny. I gave birth to a daughter, and my orientation is normal. , I am not interested in that kind of thing, and I cannot produce offspring with superimposed blood; if I gave birth to a son before, if Lord Clounpiss asks, it is not impossible for me to have a son and grandson with him to dedicate to you."

Crohnpiss couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Speaking of which, in order to make friends with the abnormal elf king and restrain the Theocracy of Slane, they educated the elves who believed in themselves to have such a concept of marriage and family relationship.

"You didn't tell anyone about this, did you?"

"No. Is this a custom handed down by us because of the particularity of our blood? We are self-aware that we don't understand this for outsiders. I used to be a part-time diplomat negotiating with countries of other races. Master Rimuru also put I was dragged to help with official duties, Mrs. Cloenpiss, do you think I am some kind of ignorant princess?" Victoria puffed up her chest, looking a little proud.

"Well, that's good. If Afroya and Akalin's words are spoken, it's not good to disappear suddenly. You can rest for a few days, go talk to my subordinates, and let them prepare to pack their things. Don’t leave any traces of non-cooperative research me go?”

"You have also participated in the experiment. Although I am a little upset that I gave you the race-changing props for nothing, the results are better than expected. It's really thanks to you that you can get the qualification of a brave man."

"Lord Crompiss, the nature required by a hero is very rare in this world. In our hometown - it can account for one-sixth of the total number of magic casters of the human race's belief system."

"Oh, similar to the bugs of different system cards, I know I know, but don't forget that the humans in our hometown are the weakest race, so it is still small enough. In my calculations, using your attributes as a reference, Except for you, the former king and Yujiali have the chance to be brave, and everyone else in your family—no way."

After finishing speaking, Klaumpis was taken aback for a moment, raised his hand and slapped him, and hurriedly said, "Why are there so many questions? In Limulu's words, if I ask you to talk to the boss, why don't you let your boss with good hands and feet let you go?" It’s like the subordinates go to pick up a courier on their behalf, why are there so many problems?”

"?!" Victoria trembled, bowed quickly and said, "I'm very sorry, I'll go right away."

(to be continued)