Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 55: Bring Chloe into Uncle's Little Black Ro

The thieves noticed that it was three women who entered their encirclement.

One is a young woman in her early twenties at most, and she doesn't look very strong. With his eyes, even a magician can see one or two. It may be a bit difficult to fight alone, but they are sure to win.

The other looked like a child in every way, feeling nothing. However, she has fluffy and smooth blond hair that does not look dusty, and the clothes she wears seem to be of high-end materials. She looks like a magician but is too fancy. She must be a young lady who is interested in magicians.

The one at the end was indeed wearing the school uniform, and his hair was rare black hair, but he looked very young, so it must be his first time participating in training.

So, they walked out carelessly and surrounded the three of them.

"Excuse me, are you sure you are not the helpers invited by the butler Ge Sida?" The young woman asked with a frown.

"There are few people, disturbing our drinking... what should we do better?" The leader picked up the wine glass and took a sip, exhaling fragrance.

"Who are you? What are you doing here!" The young woman continued to question.

This caused the collective laughter of the thieves.

"Hey~" The blond girl sighed, and said lazily, "Teacher Tees, the students have to come to check the spot, so why don't you clean up the exam room quickly? Clean it up."

"In short, they are thieves, right?" the black-haired little girl asked with a smile, full of fighting spirit in her eyes.

The leader secretly wondered if this guy was stupid or was he so scared that he hypnotized himself?

"Teacher Tees, I have given you these miscellaneous fish, and there is really a fish there...hehehe, I thought there was nothing to catch for a long time, but this is an unexpected harvest. Excuse me, where is Mr. Steward?"

The leader only noticed, as if the butler didn't come out? He glanced at the opening of the room where the butler stayed, and complained about it later.

The blond-haired little girl ignored everyone present, and waved to the black-haired little girl, preparing to walk between the two thieves to the cave where the butler was.

"Student Chloe, this is not training, please be careful." The young woman said.

These people seemed to not take the thieves seriously, which made the thieves very angry.

The two thieves who saw the two little girls walking towards them were the first to attack.

"What are you doing... woo!"

"This, this is!"

The little black-haired girl smiled and stretched out her hand, and the ground under their feet became a wetland, causing them to sink slowly.

The little blond girl never stopped walking, but she walked on the wetland as if walking on the ground. If it wasn't for the fact that two people were getting deeper and deeper, the thieves would have thought they had seen a wetland hallucination.

Seeing a life-saving straw, the sinking thief stretched out his hand to grab the little blond girl.

The blond girl casually grabbed the two thieves who wanted to catch her left and right with her two small hands, and the two thieves turned into cannonballs and flew up, smashing the other two thieves into the wall together, and they all fell unconscious.

"Treating them as little ghosts will kill them! Kill them!" The leader realized that something was wrong, and he acted first to be strong and then to suffer disaster. As the strongest fighter among the thieves, he immediately drew his sword and stabbed the black-haired little girl in the back.

But he was immediately wrapped in water polo.

"I'll break the magic if you catch it with your hands. If you don't catch it with your hands, you will die!" The black-haired little girl turned her head and said expressionlessly.

The leader secretly thought, is this little girl the reincarnation of a devil? So scary at such a young age!

Before he wanted to spare his life, the blond said: "This guy is not worth talking about. As the saying goes, villains die because of talking too much... although I am not a villain."

The other party just kicked his foot at the water polo casually, and he lost consciousness due to the severe pain caused by the concussion, and then flew up and knocked out a colleague. This matter is no longer known.

The remaining two were already frightened. They saw the little girl disappear into the cave where the butler was without looking back. They were about to run away, but they were forced to stop when they saw a square magic circle unfolded on the ground in front of them.

If they overcome the fear caused by the scene without common sense and break through forcefully, they may escape for a while, but now they have no chance.

A summoner covered in purple, with a bull's head and bat wings, holding a steel fork, rose from the magic circle and stopped in front of the remaining thieves.

"Low-level demons... it's enough to deal with you." The young woman beside the magic circle said so.

After all, this is also a regular teacher who trains adventurers.


Crohnpith's original purpose was to find an excuse to bring a student to do the nominal test site.

It was the first time for Class S to participate, and Chloe was the most careful of the five. The other students were so tired after fighting all the way that they wanted to go to sleep directly in the room, and Chloe wanted to read. There was enough reason to take her out alone.

Then find a way to distract the other teachers to find a quiet place, or simply conceal yourself and do something deep into Chloe's body—this refers to trying to continue to analyze the spirit of time.

But when I entered the cave, there were all kinds of people who were no different from wild monsters.

Crohnpiss doesn't want to use goblin methods in front of his colleagues and students, so as not to reduce the impression points he obtained before. He can also adjust his relationship with the academy now, and it will be related to the future layout. Although it has little to do with it, But no matter how small an ant is, it is still meat.

So, she casually used her hands and feet to blow away all the guys who were in the way, and directly found the person who seemed to be the housekeeper.

"You are not Mr. Steward." With a serious face, Chloe directly drew out her sword that had never been drawn from the sheath to deal with thieves and pointed it at the man who looked like the butler, "Don't talk about the butler, you are not even a human being. Isn't that right, Teacher Princess? "

"Papa papa." Crohnpiss applauded and praised, "Correct, but some additions must be made. Although his body is occupied by a demon, the butler's physical body is real, and Mr. Butler is not dead yet. .When encountering innocent people or even companions who are possessed by strange people, how to save them will also be a subject that you may face in the future, Chloe, do you want to preview it?"

"It's Teacher Princess."

Chloe felt that the demon was extremely dangerous, so she first released her handy [Water Prison] as a test, but this attack actually used the greatest magic control power. The water ball wrapped the demon and rotated at a high speed, containing countless water blades to attack the demon. The body keeps strangling.

This method seems to be suspected of destroying the butler's body, but Chloe realized the moment the water polo wrapped it. There was a layer of rich magic essence that was almost equivalent to the barrier outside the monster's body. What she had to do was to break this layer first, no matter what happened. Enough to consume the opponent's magic essence.

But with a thought of the monster, the magic essence on its body turned into a shock wave and scattered the water polo.

"Hehehe, how naive, let you see the real power—"

The monster rushed forward as if teleporting, and came to Chloe.

Chloe swung her sword to meet him, the magic power condensed on the blade and burst out a burst of light, the blade collided with the monster's fist, making a "duang" metal collision sound.

"so hard!"

(to be continued)