Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 56: Unexpected harvest on the monster

The demon waved its unicorn-like arms at Chloe one after another.

"Dangdangdang!" Three strikes collided, and sparks burst out. Chloe's expression was painful, and the hand holding the sword was about to let go.

The demon was a little surprised. Although he had the intention of being merciful as a tease, he was still a little surprised that he received three attacks that were enough to kill her three times. So, he got a little more serious, clenched his fist covered in purple magic power, and punched out.

The pressure on Chloe's lower body in the confrontation just now has made her almost numb, and she reluctantly raised her sword to catch it, causing the sword to explode into several sections in an instant, and she was also sent flying to the rock wall by the terrible impact, losing awareness.

"Tsk!" Croynpiss glanced back, thinking unhappily, "The elves of time don't work, do they? Could it be that once she dies, she can fly away from Chloe in other timelines?"

The demon proudly said: "Next, you will be the only one left, how will we take care of you?"

"Huh? I'm not interested in you per se."

"Heh, you can't turn your head anymore, you." When the demon decided to give even greater despair—

"Okay, I've already turned behind you, can your brain still turn?"

The voice came from behind the demon. The demon was startled, but his head was firmly held by the little hands, and the strange vines bound his body so that he could not move.

"Hey, let me tell you, it's you who can't turn your head around (physics)."

"Who are you?"

Before the demon could finish speaking, Cloenpis pulled the demon possessing and controlling Butler Gesda out of his body with lightning speed.

"I... am the commander of the lower ranks in the demon clan... the advance troops of the demon can I be given..."

Crohnpiss was able to extract a full set of information directly from his soul, so he didn't intend to have too many bbs with this unentertaining monster, and immediately burned him to death.

"Even the minions have the necessary basic information... The Heavenly Demon War is still about a year away... The Angel of the Origin... The Three Demon Commanders... Invade other planes and accumulate power in certain ways...East Empire. I see, plot information A windfall in the ambiguity, lucky~”

Chloe's analysis seems to be useless, perhaps because of the different time axis of that guy, [King of omniscience Remiel] remained silent on the direct retrieval of pan-information. Unless you risk Chloe's recovery to being broken by the magic element at any time and drag the elf of time out for "dissection".

In this regard, I would like to say sorry to Limulu. I believe that Limulu, who loves peace and prosperity, will be interested in some information about the Heavenly Demon War, and use this to make up for it.

Then, Croynpis gave Chloe a complete treatment, woke her up, and made corresponding comments and suggestions as in the previous battle.

Chloe thanked Crounpiss with her big watery eyes, which embarrassed Crounpiss who wanted to do bad things.

After that, they carried the housekeeper who was not dead to the spacious place just now, and saw that Tiss had **** all those people.

"Is Steward Gesda okay?" Tiss came up to check on the steward's condition, and was relieved to see that his life was safe.

Cloenpiss told Tees that the butler was possessed by a demon and brought in the thieves, but said nothing more. It's useless to talk to this ordinary person.

For ordinary people, the mention of monsters will associate with evil. If it is said that monster hunters are for eating and living, and demons still have the integrity to fulfill the contract as long as the price is enough, then demons are a race that completely likes to use human pain as spiritual food.

So after hearing that it was a demon, Tiss had no doubts at all.

"What's next?" Crompiss asked.

"Let's hand over the thief to the security team first. As for the exam, we can only report the monster's affairs first. I hope it's just a lonely monster."


When reporting to the local nobles the incident of demons mixing with humans to commit crimes, Cloenpiss told the earl that the demon seemed to be related to the Great War of Heavenly Demons.

How the country plans to respond is none of Crompiss' business.

The subsequent exams went smoothly and the results came out.

As expected by Crohnpith, A spot has many deductions but more bonus points, ranking first; most of the other class teams are seeking stability exams, so they are quite satisfactory; S class is because of the first question He failed the exam on the spot and was the last one in the class.

Well, Kraunpith guarantees with his soul that he didn't let the examinees he was responsible for. On the contrary, they also gave it a bad fuck, even if it was just that they misunderstood the true meaning of the exam questions, but they were deducted points for this and at the same time He got a lot of bonus points, and his combat experience improved the most, which was a blessing in disguise.

This is the same for Class S, at least they understand that simply strong combat power does not mean real strength.

Afterwards, Crompis wanted to take the initiative to contact Limulu to remind him about the war between the demons, but Limulu unexpectedly contacted her on a rare occasion.

The location is in the suburbs.

Seeing Limulu leaning against a tree in the grass, Klaumpis naturally greeted her: "Ah, it's rare that you still wear this anti-magic mask where it is not necessary."

"Ah, I feel a little depressed, and the matter is also related to this mask." Limuru paused, and said, "How does Cloenpis think Jing is doing now?"

"I can't guess without any hint."

"... I heard that she fell on the journey and passed away. I obviously saved her... I... Didn't do well enough?" Limulu asked.

Crohnpith thought to himself, could this be the world correction Jing is doomed to die?

[King of Omniscient Remiel] gave an answer—

"Individual "Shizue Izawa" race is human. The average lifespan of a human being is—”

Stop, this level of common sense goes without saying.

Klaumpis put his hand on Limulu's shoulder and said, "I have seen your ability. As long as you seriously want to save her, then your rescue must be perfect. Her death has nothing to do with you, even if she Because the flame elves maintain a youthful appearance, they are actually very old as humans. There are many reasons for the old man to die."

Limulu said: "Before... when I analyzed Jing, I got the skill [Mutator]. If I use this skill in combination with my ultimate ability, it should make Jing's vitality stronger and her strength greatly improved. Self-preservation is right, if I had achieved this level at that time..."

"You—" Cloenpiss suddenly slapped Limulu's head with a "slap"!

(to be continued)