Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 74: Double Harvest of Rabbitman Village

Entering the Rabbitman Village, Kraunpiss looked around. These buildings were built on the hills, or the style of hollowing out the hills to build houses was quite like a cave dwelling.

Duluth was welcomed by the people of the tribe, but without exception, he was the same as the rabbitman Klaumpis knew, with his ears pricked up.

A crowd of rabbits gathered, and those with drooping ears shouted to get out of the way. Some people whispered: If the patriarch had droopy ears, there wouldn't be so many problems.

Crohnpiss remembered that she seemed to tell Pixy to ignore those guys who were also arrogant when they found out about the situation, and she was talking about these bunnymen with drooping ears. The result is that the prickly-eared bunny people get their name, which seems to cause quite a bit of internal discord.

Well, you guys can work it out on your own.

Duluth asked everyone a few things, such as "How are you doing recently", "Is there anything going on around the village recently", "Have various policies that are conducive to the development of the village been implemented" and so on.

Before going to see the elder, the patriarch also further explained the purpose of Crompiss in further detail. Immediately after he left, two young bunny girls with floppy ears surrounded him.

"I think they have some misunderstanding about the meaning of the Kanban girl." Cloenpith thought to herself, with her head buried in the turbulent waves of a bunch of bunny girls dressed as cool as swimsuits.

Limulu, who was still guarded tightly by the guards, stretched out his hand to Crompis in a daze, and said, "Hey, I think this is definitely strange, right?" Envious treatment?)”

[It's your fault that you don't have the characteristics of a demon all over your body, and you don't show your strength. 】Crown Piss replied in the private channel.

Afterwards, Klauenpiss was led into a large room in the village that looked very high-end, where she was treated with delicious food and drinks, and a lot of bunny girls were brought for her to choose from; Limulu was brought into Warehouse, only a glass of water was given.

"Fuck! What the hell!" Limuru yelled, but the rabbit man ignored him as he still showed his strength.

"Hey, little idiot." Crohnpiss knew from the attitude of the guards before entering the village, and the fact that the village was so close to the fish collection place of the Demon Kingdom, but there were almost no commodities and facilities exported by the Demon Kingdom. It's very xenophobic here, Limuru, you're pretending to be weak, it's no wonder if you don't.

However, even if they were still eating and drinking and entertaining Crounpiss, it seemed to her that they were still very primitive.

Fortunately, her attention is not here.

"These are the most outstanding young girls in our village who are suitable for going out. Please Mrs. Cloenpiss, you can choose whatever you want. If you have any special sexual interests, I will be outside, and you can call me at any time." A slightly older rabbit After the female aunt bowed respectfully to Crompiss, she backed out.

"What's the special interest... sure enough, you have some misunderstandings about the meaning of the Kanban girl?" Klauen Piss complained silently.

Her eyes fell on the rabbit girls who took the initiative to choose for her. All of them had drooping ears, which must be the meaning of the village. But it seems that they can represent the face of the village. They are not very young, but their potential and beauty are considered to be the best in the village - although if they don't go out of the village to get a name, they will only be buried.

"But even if the capable young people in the village multiply the number here by two, there are too few such groups." Cloenpiss thought, closing his eyes and sensing the outward radiation.

Well, it turns out that besides this village, there are quite a few bunny colonies. The total population is larger than that of lizardmen, but most of them feel that their physical ability is not much different from that of humans... It is true that the best ones are concentrated in this village.

They have similar potentials, and then bathe in spiritual magic to see who is more obedient and has the least sense of belonging to the village. Finally, delete this short memory and the screening is over.

"We need to give a name that is suitable for taking over from Cleveland and Katori. Well, Sanya Fei and Kashii, that's the two of you." Cloenpiss ordered a blue-haired rabbit girl and a black-haired rabbit girl. Rabbit girl, bestow a name.

The bunny girls who were named Sheng Yafei and Kashii immediately radiated bright light, shocking the surroundings.

"It was really chosen."

"I never dreamed that I could get a name."


"I didn't expect it to be her."

"Why her?"

"so envious……"

"Some jealous..."

The rabbit girls talked a lot.

"Okay, put this on. If there is anything you need to clean up and explain, hurry up and set off immediately." Cloenpith saw that their appearance and temperament were quite suitable for kimono yukata, and considering the strengths of the rabbit man, He took out a set of short kimono and short yukata from the infinite backpack and threw them at them.

Clothes depend on people, and as the Kanban lady of Crohnpiss, she can't be sloppy in this regard. If you need other clothes, just look for Zhu Cai when you get back.

Suddenly, in the prophetic eyes of Kraunpiss, he saw that Saint Yafei, who was about to give his companion a hug, hugged his companion into a high paraplegic...

"Stand up!" she shouted.

The rabbit girls immediately stood up straight reflexively.

"You guys should put on this right away." Crohnpiss reached out and took out the infinite backpack, and took out two pairs of mitts with knuckles and soft boots.

This is the equipment made by Kurobei, which can reduce the attack power to 10%. Rimuru also gave Milim a set of cute dragon version.

"Yes." x2

At the same time, Klaumpis contacted Katori among the rabbits who were coming.

[Katori, after being named, is there any time to adapt? I remember that you picked up Qian Hezi immediately after you got the name, protecting her and going into battle. 】

【Lord Crompiss... huh? Oh, UU Reading Mosu does need time to stabilize, but it shouldn't need any time to adapt, right? 】

Crohnpith thought to herself, what happened to what she saw just now? It can't be an illusion, is it intentional?

She asked a few more family members, and learned that there will be no situation where the strength cannot be estimated for a while. Maybe this is a special case, so let's handle it specially. Let them wear equipment that reduces their attack power to one-tenth.

The bunny people didn't seem to have much to pack, and soon they left the bunny village with a farewell.

"Huh? Do you feel like you forgot something?" Crohnpiss rubbed his chin and thought.

Usually, as long as you have the heart, you can take out even the things that have been dusty for many years or pressed in the corner of your memory.

Just as Kronpiss was sitting cross-legged on Xiaoyu's back and using Nim as a cushion to think about something, Kashii who was walking beside Xiaoyu asked, "Excuse me, Mrs. Kronpiss, where are we going next? This road doesn't look like it's going to Limuru, the magic capital."

(to be continued)