Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 83: primitive orc society

Seeing that they were not far from the city gate, Fuss jumped off Xiaoyu's beast and greeted Crompiss, "Then, I'll go to the city gate and report."

As soon as the voice fell, she ran towards the door.

Unexpectedly, there was an argument after a while.

The tall and burly bull-headed guard roared: "Why do you have to prepare such a formal preparation for these weak guys!"

Not to mention that Xiaoyu, Sheng Yafei, and Kashii, who were just mounts and kanban girls, showed unhappy expressions, and Klaumpis was speechless.

She wasn't Limuru, and she didn't intend to pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger. Although she didn't release her coercion, she didn't hide the aura that would be revealed under normal circumstances. The same goes for other humans and beasts.

But this bull-headed brother didn't feel anything? Know people only by their body? Too slow? If Milim comes to visit, you still have to be roasted?

Fuss opened her mouth to say something, and suddenly thought—she didn't know the position of Crompiss.

The bullhead brother who thought he had bluffed Fuss had to "reason" and not forgive others: "Did you get infected by the weak after going out for a long time? Let me punish you, a useless orc who is immersed in playing games!" After finishing speaking, he clenched his fist which was about the size of Foss's head and smashed it down!

"Boom!" Foss reflexively threw out a cross fist, knocking the Bull Brothers to the ground.

No matter how you listen to that voice, you can feel that there is a comminuted fracture in the body of the Niutou brothers.

This provoked the anger of the other guards.

Then there was a scuffle that only seemed intense. Foss nimbly ran around among a group of burly orcs, punching a brother. After a while, the guards at the city gate were all wiped out by Foss.

Fu Sijiao said: "Maybe I really played house for a while, but it doesn't mean that I'm useless to say! You guys, it's absolutely impossible to say, you need to work harder to become stronger!"

"Cough." Crohnpiss gave a fake cough.

"Ah, I accidentally hit it?!" Fuss exclaimed, turned around mechanically, and waved scissors to Crohnpiss with an awkward smile, indicating that the matter was resolved (laughs), please don't care.

"What happened!" An orc man came after hearing the news.

Foss's ears, tail and all the hair on her body stood up all of a sudden, obviously this is not an ordinary person to her.

"Master Lu Jones!" Some orc brothers who fell to the ground forcibly propped up their bodies.

Crohnpiss feels that this guy is quite strong, stronger than Foss. Well, with bare hands, it can compete with Gobuta who is riding a star wolf and is fully armed.

Crohnpiss wondered if it was a convention that he came to find a place for the brothers.

"What happened?" Lu Jones asked a few orc brothers as he helped them up.

The orc brothers told the truth, Fuss also bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and then—

"You idiots, can't you see who these people are?!"

"Bang bang bang!" Lu Jones knocked over the orc brothers he had helped up just now, and then patted Fuss on the chest and praised, "You performed well just now, you seem to have found a new way to become more You are strong, Fuss, as a backup of the Beastmaster Warrior Corps, you must work harder to cultivate."

"Ah... yes!" Fuss was flattered.

Well, Crohnpiss found out that he guessed wrong and the plot developed, and the plot routines are harmful.

"Oh, Foss," Crohnpiss tilted his head and said kindly with a smile, "I don't think we're going to pass through this place and it hasn't been made public. When was the information leaked?"

Foss didn't know how to explain it for a while, she really didn't know anything.

Lu Jones came forward and said: "It has nothing to do with her. I am Lu Jones of the Beastmaster Warriors. Your Excellency has come here without any concealment. It is these blind subordinates who are wrong. May I ask what is your Excellency coming to Youlsnia?"

Cloenpith told the truth to the Demon Country Hekatia Tempest that she belongs to, that she was going to the Sky Winged Kingdom of Fulbrogia, and she needed to pass through here, so she asked Voss to be her guide, and she was just passing by .

If the Kingdom of Beasts has some research value, she can also consider taking a trip to the mountains and rivers. It can be perceived that the industry is too primitive, and only the development of agriculture and animal husbandry can be boasted, and other aspects are inferior to human beings. And the overlord world is really upside down.

Moreover, why does at least one-third of the population of this town sometimes fight? It's not like a drill in a military town.

Lu Jones asked Foss some questions about her seemingly strange itinerary. Foss only replied that she "coincidentally" wanted to live in the Devil's Kingdom, and accidentally spent all her money, and then "grabbed a strong man". A big truth with a part of the truth concealed.

It seems that the simple thing that was confessed to Crompis last time is also a secret mission that is not known to ordinary orcs.

Lu Jones readily gave Foss what looked like a pass, and let her go.

As for the lying corpses all over the ground, if he is willing to deal with the aftermath, just ignore it. Crohnpiss didn't know how to complain about this way of passing the level.

Even though it is a city-scale place, it is really too backward. The roads are basically dirt roads, and the houses are located in a mess. You can tell at a glance how many people have come, and the houses are randomly built where they are.

"I'm hungry." Sheng Yafei looked around and said, "I heard that the Demon Kingdom plans to import a large amount of crops and ingredients from this country. You should be able to buy good food."

"If we buy a lot for the village this time, will we be able to save the price difference caused by the toll?" Kashii said, "I got the skill [Kong Na], and I can only bring a lot of it for our village."

"That being said, what are you planning to exchange?" Foss asked.

"Isn't money enough? Just use gold coins to trade. You don't need many. I'm quite proficient in addition and subtraction within 100." Kashii said proudly.

"Eh? When did Kashii start learning mathematics?" Sanya Fei said in surprise. UU reading

"Hmph, if you want to learn magic, it's very useful to learn it together with mathematics. If the magic kingdom has not turned out, maybe I will be in charge of the village's finances in the future." Kashii said proudly.

Fuss wagged her tail, stared at Shui Lingling's eyes, and asked three times in a row: "Excuse me, I often hear this term in the Demon Kingdom, is it those small gold and silver discs? Money is really important. things? How do you say it?"

"Ah? Then how do you pay taxes?" Kashii said the new vocabulary she learned not long ago.

"Isn't it enough to hand over part of the harvest and hunted monsters? I heard that this method is available in every country."

"Pfft! Giggles..." Crohnpiss couldn't help it, covered his mouth and let out a laugh.

"What's wrong?!" x3

"Haha... I woke up." Nim still looked sleepy, even though other people made loud noises.

(to be continued)