Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 84: 0 beast city Raura

Ignoring Nim who was woken up by herself as a cushion, Crohnpith said with a suppressed smile, "It's okay, giggling hahahahaha. It's a shame that it can operate normally as a country. I think it is necessary to popularize cultural lessons in the future." whee."

As long as you look around a little bit, you can confirm that there is really no business in this place, and it feels like a primitive social structure.

If the world is like this, Crohn Piss will not laugh at it, but at least the monsters in Jura Great Forest know how to use money, and the civilized country, one of the top ten demon kings, doesn't know it at all? It's just... Crohnpiss doesn't know how to comment.

This country can only trade large quantities of agricultural products with the Demon Kingdom.

A disenchanted Crohnpiss let Voss lead the way and continued on.

When he was about to leave the town, the sun had already set. Perhaps it was because of the continuation of the previous discussion. Saint Yafei asked Fuss: "Excuse me, how do I pay for tonight's accommodation? There is no way to pay some copper coins like the Dwarf Kingdom and the Demon Kingdom." Or silver coins to live in a tidy room?"

"Haha~" Nim yawned, "I want to sleep on a soft bed."

Kashii glanced contemptuously: "Aside from eating and picking cotton and peeling silk during our rest time, you spent most of the day sleeping, right? If you worked hard to pay for those expensive bedding... goods, you wouldn't bother us to follow here. "

Cloenpiss was about to go out of the city for a while, and it would be fine for her to summon the house as usual, but Kefus immediately wagged her tail and said, "Yes, wait a moment, let's do it."

She quickly ran to a hotel that was quite close to the city gate, which seemed to be a pretty good hotel, opened the door and walked in.

Then there was a sound of punching and kicking inside.

After a while, she came out with a relaxed face and waved to Crompis and his party: "It's ok, I can stay here for free tonight."

Immediately, she saw that she was being stared at by Clounpiss and the rabbit girl looking at her as a "breaker", and hurriedly waved her hands to explain: "Wait, wait, please allow me to explain. Lord Kallion The Beastmaster warrior group composed entirely of high-level orc races guards the people of Yulsnia, and the protected low-level races have the obligation to pay taxes and provide free board and lodging to the powerful high-level races. Of course, my identity Naturally, there is no problem, but in order to show strength and prove yourself, it is still necessary to compete with the owner."

Crohnpiss teased, "Wouldn't it be easy to play tricks and go whoring for nothing?"

Fuss patted her chest with her fists, and said, "I guarantee that there will be no such person under Lord Kalyon's command!"

Sheng Yafei: "I've heard of it. One of the three beast warriors declared directly in the center of the Demon City that he would rule the Demon Kingdom, and then he had a face-to-face duel with Mr. Picosi, and he was killed on the spot." She thought if it was a villager Elders, even if they really want to rule the Demon Kingdom beyond their limits, they will still use some tricks.

Kashii: "Are all high-ranking bold?" Originally, she wanted to say "one muscle", but considering the country of the people here, it is better to be more polite.

The hotel where I stayed for one night, the conditions were much worse than those in Moguo, but Fuss was the one who wanted to cry the most. Because the bed was too hard, Kronpiss, who realized that her privacy was not as good as before, angrily grabbed her tail as a pillow and began to rest seriously, and Nim also rolled over to join in the fun. During the period, I don't know why Xiaoyu is in a bad mood and often comes to harass her.

The next day they all came to a unanimous conclusion—in the future, they should live in the house that Crompis made with magic outside the city.

After that, I passed through several towns and villages without making any stops.

When passing through the royal capital—the City of Beasts Raura, Fuss said that as a backup of the Beast King Warrior Corps, she was going to make a routine report to Karion. Cloenpiss agreed after thinking that there would be nothing shady for Foss to see.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Crompis, can we visit this city?" Sheng Yafei, who had no interest in the Beast Kingdom, became a little interested at this moment.

The city is different from its surroundings, with stone streets and buildings, and the palace is also very magnificent.

It seems that the wealth of the whole country is concentrated here.

"Farewell, your faces here are basically discriminatory faces. Anyway, it won't be long, it's better to play a board game." Crohnpiss shuffled the cards on the spot.

Sheng Yafei glanced at Kashii.

Xiangshii shook her head and said, "I don't want to settle down here, and I have to fight to prove my strength. If you want to see the scenery, go to a high place with few people."


City of Beastmasters, City of Beasts Raura, Royal Palace—

Although Fuss's strength is the same in the eyes of Crompis, and he still has the title of "backup", the Beast King Warrior Group is actually the strongest elite after Kalyon and the Three Beast Warriors. combat power.

Comparing with the recent more real incidents, they can also push the pig-headed army led by the pig-headed emperor without sacrifice.

In addition, the fox clan is a high-level race, so Fuss, who is still a backup of the Beastmaster Warrior Group, is actually not low in the Beast Kingdom. Arrived in Calion.

Karion: "Foss, I'm back so soon, it seems that the mission is not going well."

As for emergencies—since there was no contact from the diplomatic corps, there must have been none.

Fuss bowed her head and admitted her mistake, saying that she let it go after being exposed, probably because she thought it was irrelevant, and then she was implicated a little because of the trouble caused by the spy Nim of the Tianyi Kingdom faction, and a series of things happened. up.

Then she naturally did not forget the task and reported everything she experienced and what she saw and heard in the Demon Kingdom from the bottom-level perspective. At the end, she also took out her own short sword that had been processed and polished in the Demon Kingdom for her needs, a handkerchief and some snacks bought out of need and greed.

To be honest, she felt that it would be more convincing to change her whole body into a suit made in China, but she had no money.

After confirming the changes in the short sword and what is equivalent to "cloth and cooking samples", Carlyon laughed heartily: "The equipment, cloth and cooking produced by Hekatia Tempest in the Demon Kingdom have long been known." Hearing it, seeing it directly is really unusual. Are these things that you, Foss, can easily get as an ordinary resident?"

Foss nodded: "That's right. It seems that it is not too much to say compared with the royal supplies in Eastern and Western countries. There, they are really sold openly in shops or even open-air stalls where ordinary people come and go."

Calion: "Heh, I was worried about the price before, but it seems that I have to notify you not to be blackmailed?"

Foss: "Master Karion, I think if it were Master Rimuru, he would not maintain a high price for the sake of profit."

(to be continued)