Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 9: Pixie VS Laplace

"You guy, are you an angel? What the **** is..."

Laplace's eyes were fixed on Picosi, his body and mind tensed up.

"Can't you see it? Can't you feel it?" Pixie flapped the wings on his back a few times, "Then let me introduce myself in more detail. I am Seraphim, Pixie, and I have been given a new name and A new body, a fallen angel freed from the task of watching over the world."

"Seraphim?! And... a new name and... a physical body?!"

The angels in this world are almost all unconscious, fighting power for the summoner to use. To make an angel seem to have its own consciousness, what can be done is to let the angel get a conscious body, or name it like naming a monster.

However, naming also comes at a price, and requires a large amount of magic energy. If it is overdone or the potential of the object is much greater than that of the name giver, it will even reduce the life of the name giver.

At the level of Seraphim, even if the devil is named, there may be a risk that the body and soul will be wiped out.

In this world, there are only seven primordial angels who were given names, bodies, and tasks by the original dragon species not long after the world was created. Three of them have the task of monitoring the earth from the lower realm.

From what Picosi said, she had a name before she was summoned, so she can only be one of the seven primordial angels. The reason why she calls herself Seraphim is only because the highest rank of angels only reaches Seraphim.

It’s fine if you only use the angel of origin as a temporary summoned monster—even if summoned for a short period of time, it’s enough to drain a lot of life; now it’s actually overridden and named to seize the dominion of the world-class quest and give it a new body? Which crazy monster did it? !

"Although these stupid lizards can't do anything to affect the master's plan, you are an exception, [Holy Purification Barrier]!" Pixie shouted coquettishly.

The world didn't seem to change, but the surrounding lizard people and the allies they won all collapsed limply.

As monsters, being deprived of magic energy in the [Holy Purification Barrier] is equivalent to depriving them of what they depend on for survival.

This was originally an enchantment that the Western Saints Church, which has considerable influence in the world, required a large number of elite personnel, and took time and money to open; even a few extremely powerful individuals required a certain amount of chanting time.

Pixie didn't even chant, and he did it lightly.

"Oops, I'm going to die!" Laplace turned and ran without hesitation.

To this decisiveness, Pi Kexi was a little surprised, raised a hand, and let out a beautiful voice: "Stay here, [Spirit collapse[]]!"

"Wait...why do the selfish demons have to be scooped out by shit!"

Picosi ignored the guy who was so frightened that his pronunciation was wrong, the white light in his hand shot into the magic circle that opened in the air, and then a flash of light burst out.

It is an attack that is equal to no interval from launch to hit, the ultimate destructive magic to people and objects, not only the existence of the hit, not only the most basic particles but also the disappearance of tangible objects, and even the soul is shattered and wiped out. net. Leave no trace or proof of existence.

Pixy looked at the front where there was no longer any target, and immediately stomped his feet angrily.

It is precisely because she is the highest-ranked Shiyuan Angel, that she was careless after a long time in battle, underestimated her opponent, kept standing still and did not catch up in time, which led to this result.

It wasn't just running away, Pixie was sure that he had completely shattered Laplace's body and soul, vaporized from the outside to the inside. That process was indeed an instant, and it was equivalent to slow motion in her eyes.

The fact of killing was indeed established, but he still escaped.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! What the **** is that guy! It's not a monster at all... He's obviously a monster, why did he suddenly burst out with a power that looks like a brave man?! Let him run away! Hmph, run anyway No temple, let Clayman wash his neck and wait!"

She raised her head and showed a ferocious smile in the direction of the detection magic she sensed.


It has been nearly a week since Limulu accepted the entrustment of Toreni and officially prepared to crusade against the pig-headed emperor.

During this time, Crompiss also had her own affairs.

Maybe everyone has forgotten that the country of Titania actually planted some wrecks from the ten-tailed sacred tree. Now Crounpis is doing small-scale cultivation experiments with these wreckages in this world.

Location: Veldora's Sealed Cave.

In view of the fact that the wreckage of the sacred tree still has the power to absorb the energy in the earth and the air, transform chakra, and make Baijue to a certain extent.

Kraunpis was going to try to see if he could transform Veldora's magic essence.

Veldora has been sealed here all year round, and even though it is no longer there, the influence of its rich magic essence has not dissipated.

New saplings grew from the wreckage of the sacred tree, and within a few days it turned into a big tree close to the top of the cave, but the ten branches stretched out their teeth and claws, but they were "tamed" to be docile by Klaumpis. The leaves are very luxuriant, and now only looking at the appearance, it is just an ordinary tree with too many branches.

In view of the fact that the sample of the remains of the sacred tree was taken from the period when the nine tailed beasts existed, it is not so much a part of the sacred tree as it is a part of the heretic golem, and it can grow ten "tails", which can judge Veldora's In a sense, is the magic element enough to be a substitute for the Nine Tailed Beast Chakra?

However, Klaumpis does not engage in scientific research. Orochimaru and (Kihara) Sunflower are in charge of this area. She plans to wait until the incident of the pig head emperor is over and the town can develop steadily before releasing it. After all, those two are not like Ultima, who exude an uncomfortable atmosphere. It is better to wait for the city's population to surge in and get in. Putting aside the initial relationship on the bright side, it is better to earn Limulu's impression~www. But the current problem has to be solved.

"Well, the growth is good, but...the impact on the surroundings is quite large. It can't be restored."

【Ultima, call Rimuru. 】

Rather than being found to be taking the blame, it is better to actively speak out some fact-leading arguments.

A moment later, Limulu arrived.

"Huh? Is this the plant that Crohnpiss experimented with here?" He looked up at the big tree and asked.

After all, Crohnpiss didn't deliberately conceal what he did, anyway, ordinary monsters and people can't understand it.

"Yeah, this is a plant that can absorb the energy in nature and turn it into fruit. In a sense, it is a terrible plant, but the environment seems to be okay, but it seems to have a lot of impact on those grasses. .”

Crohnpiss pointed around.

(to be continued)