Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 174: Plant flowers with will

【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

Silica was taken aback by the lifelike Goblin, and she couldn't move for a while, so Ge ​​Wei had to consume unnecessary consumables to clean up the mobs in a large area to save the field. Seeing that Silica hadn't recovered yet, Gewei began to turn around and pull out a few kunai in her hands, observing the reactions and actions of the surviving monsters around her, and said, "This change is from that famous massive boss attack. The city is about to start, right? Just treat it as part of the update, and some horror movies with a fifteen-year-old limit are probably at this level, but the fact that we will die if we are killed is the same as in the past." If Silica is a human race that matches her apparent age, she is probably only thirteen years old." Hamster Pisi complained again. "Hey! It's true that the demihuman-type battle AI is a lot more troublesome than the animal type, but in short, just get used to it! Otherwise, the pressure on my Lucos will be too much!" Ge Wei said impatiently. At this time, Lucas was really under a lot of pressure, and the white-haired giant ape was quite powerful, with its long front limbs alternately punching at high speed, and arching left and right. If you play according to the traditional strategy, either rely on the level and proficiency much higher than the opponent to suppress, or it is best to have two tank players step forward to limit their arms, and the attacker waits for an opportunity to attack from behind. But the dual-wielding Lucos can resist every round of attack and defense while hurting the arm of the white-haired giant ape. With so many knives, according to the previous hp calculation method, the white-haired giant ape should have farted. Although the giant hairy ape had terrible arms, the wounds were deep with bone and the blood flowed nonstop, it seemed to be madly attacking to remove the obstacles in front of him as if survival and anger coexisted. "Ugh..." Lucos felt that it was not good to go on like this. Although she didn't look injured, the shock that could have been negligible made her arms and legs numb and her head dizzy. There are other monsters around, but Silica's fighting style, who was forced by Gewei to get back on her feet, was also frightened and she was almost distracted - Silica actually slashed with her eyes closed. He actually hit all of them. This is to deal with miscellaneous fish, and naturally a sword and a dead dance. "Mmmm, when strengthening weapons for Silica, did you even take into account that Silica is more likely to be lost in the face of more realistic monsters?" The hamster Pisi, who didn't attract the attention of the monsters at all, touched his chin and nodded slightly. . She thought that it might be because Lisbeth gave Silica's weapon a considerable degree of accuracy enhancement. The enhanced accuracy will make it self-correct the attack trajectory in the direction when attacking the locked target, and it may even occur when the opponent blocks. The weapon will also "soften" to turn around and hit the target with a block. It's just that the passive pulling feeling of the weapon is not necessarily a good thing, and it may not be able to hit the position the user really wants to hit, but now Silica has a 100% 100% hit rate protection body, so it is quite useful. . However, the girls' battle balance was broken in the next moment - the swarm of poisonous bees was refreshed. "Speaking of which, will this place where monsters are automatically spawned, when transformed into reality, will be a product of ritual magic like 'yggdrasil'? It's fine in the labyrinth, but what about the outdoors? Is there a magic circle between floors? Mezzanine... Or is it the rules for the creation of monsters from the aggregation of spiritual power?" Hamster Pisi thought about what she was thinking, and didn't care about the girls who started to fall into disadvantage. Suddenly, the head of the white-haired giant ape flew up, and its huge body fell to the ground, revealing the body of the murderer who attacked from behind it - it was a chimpanzee that was even bigger than the white giant ape. monster. Compared with the chimpanzee, he is obviously more upright, holding a decapitation knife that is almost no different from a large iron plate to humans, with a very broad tip, and a large stone axe attached to his waist. And a jug big enough to crush a person. It thumped its chest for a while, then roared loudly, and the air wave actually blew the other monsters away without affecting the girls. "It's actually the Drunken Ape King Kong! Although the whole table at the entrance of their village really aroused their interest, they didn't expect the biggest one to come out!" "The biggest? Wei and Lucas cheer for Silica. "How to tame it?" Silica hadn't recovered from her panic. "You are the animal trainer... It doesn't matter, even if there is no cursor to judge the progress of domestication, it is obviously not hostile... God, why do I know this?" "Being able to tame such a strong and sword-wielding monster, Kirito-sama will Very happy, definitely!" Gewei and Lucas shouted as they stepped back. "Then why are you hiding so far?!" Silica was extremely disturbed by this. "Is there no danger, isn't it because the [Battle Cry] it sprayed is too heavy?" Hamster Pisi said. "That's what happened! I've been very concerned about what's going on with such a heavy alcohol smell!" Silica glanced at the oversized wine jug on the waist of Drunk Ape King Kong that she couldn't hold, UU reading www.uukanshu .com glanced at its owner again, deflated, "Why is this kind of a monster that is not cute at all?" "By the way, its **** is white." The hamster skin behind Drunk Ape King Kong Si said useless words. "I didn't ask you that! Wow!" At this moment, Silica was grabbed by the Drunk Ape King Kong. "West ***! Gewei, didn't you say it's alright?" Lucos exclaimed and sprinted towards them. "It shouldn't be a problem." Ge Wei followed up, "I originally had relevant exploration skills, but after the 'earth cut', the various cursor icons disappeared, so I couldn't check it, but I just found that the effect of the skills is still there, it seems Switched to the inner feeling... Could it be wrong? No... I think, right?" Her steps gradually stopped, and so did Lucos, because after Drunkard King lifted Silica, he held her Rubbing it on Mao Mao's face, it seems that there is a special effect of love behind it. "Help me, the smell of alcohol and stinking smells so bad!" Silica cried. Then the Drunken Ape King Kong put her down with a well-behaved look, bowing her head like a child who did something wrong. "Have you thought of a name? Let the domesticated monsters need a name independently from the colony, Xi***." Lucos ran over and asked. "Eh...the's the Drunken Ape King Kong, then 'Drunken Ape' or 'King Kong'... just King Kong." Silica lacked interest because she felt very bad. "No interest." She then discovered a somewhat tragic fact - she couldn't fully control Bina, King Kong, and Hamster Piss at the same time, and Hamster Piss occupied too much capacity. Now one of them must be replaced to the "backstage". Hamster Pisi's operation option is locked, which is no fun, otherwise Kirito would have let her do it.