Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 181: Women's clothing is only 0 times and cou

The latest website: Although Kirito threatened the hamster Pisi to be unable to do anything, he secretly figured that if there is a real thing called "divine power" that is actually related to system permissions, he intends to let Yui take action.

During this period of time, it failed to recruit other players who could go together - now the scattered island players can't find their base camp, and when the number of players from the enemy country is overwhelming, it can be said that they are quite afraid to go out, but doing some deals with them is still not enough. can do it. Therefore, with the help of Lisbeth and Tyrol, everyone strengthened their equipment to the limit as much as possible.

Although there are many girls here, they also specially used the places won by Kirito to go to the maze that induces the transfer of women's numbers to start with the highest performance women's clothing, and there is still a surplus after a set of staff.

Asuna said, "There is an English-speaking area over there. Have you acquired the skill [Automatic Translation] or can speak English fluently?"

After confirming that they can learn skills with humans and demihumans, they have also done these things. [Automatic translation] learned from Dorothy and Tyrol. This is a standard skill for NPCs, and even the speed of speech can be perfect. transition.

Seeing that everyone didn't say a word, Kirito said: "[Automatic translation] No problem, but Asuna, we know you are as knowledgeable as a foreign encyclopedia, but then you can be honest and practical [automatic translation], don't show off. English with a native accent can be worn immediately."

"You don't need to remind me of this kind of thing, but it's really humiliating to have to do this." Asuna said.

Because of Kayaba Akihiko's problem, players from other countries have a bad impression of the islanders. Although there are many good people who will not take anger, there are also malicious people, and they can't reveal their nationality in unfamiliar places - fortunately, they look good. The most populous country in the world with similar characteristics occupies a large proportion of players, and because they have become very active recently, there are very few forces that openly oppose them.

"However, even so, with the current team structure, it should be easy to leave a bad impression in the European area above the thirty-fifth floor." Saiwen said, looking at Kirito.

"Eh? Is long hair really bad?" Kirito still wore double ponytails for the parameters, but he learned the lesson of being misidentified by outsiders before, and the double ponytails were tied close to the back of the neck, like a braid commonly used by long-haired men.

"No, it seems that the harem-style team is unacceptable over there?"

"I...I didn't think about that!"

"But that's how you look, so let me ask you—whose clothes here are the best in your opinion?"

For a teenager who wants to open a harem, this is definitely a proposition, but Kirito, who really has no such intention and even maintains his RPG game brain, immediately adjusted the "midnight coat plus5" on his body with both hands, and replied in seconds: "You can tell at a glance. My clothes are the best."

This is true from a performance standpoint.

This made many girls roll their eyes speechlessly.

"Uh-huh. How can this level be considered the best, Tyrol, take out the supreme armor you improved with me after you were returned last time! The problem Saiwen said will be solved immediately!" Lisbeth Start booing.

She is the kind of girl who is usually serious, but likes to play tricks on Kirito without actually cheating on him. The result is naturally the returned "collar" and a black corset and denim shorts that look like a swimsuit.

"Don't go too far, Liz." The more serious Asuna warned.

"But this is really a masterpiece. If you don't wear it, it will be a waste. This equipment is suitable for high-speed swordsmen. Then, Asuna, are you going to wear it?"

"No, it's good to give Kirito-kun, whose performance is the first and second is faith." Asuna resolutely sold it.

"What about the hair? Is it a double ponytail like Silica or Gewei at this length?"

"The high ponytail is really good. It suits Kirito's face, but it's too young? Kirito-kun is the captain, so he has to be a bit domineering."

"Let's use some more hair restorer, how about another non-mainstream with different lengths of ponytails on both sides?"

"Although the nature of the armor makes it impossible to cover the chest and the base of the legs (as mentioned above, when the inner side activates the recoil force defense when attacked, the outer tightly wrapped clothes will be destroyed), it is really good to keep the midnight coat. Right? If you don't button up—"

"At least the boots have to be kept, right? It's not worth losing the parameters and effects of the shoes and socks."

"Of course, the recoil that erupted during defense can't reach that far, but it's a pity that I can't wear stockings to Kirito."

There, the girls babbled and put Kirito on the ground and forcibly changed his armor.

Although Kirito wanted to take a walk, Lyfa held him back and said, "It's okay, brother, I will stay with me till the end."

In fact, Kirito wants to say why his sister is still blushing in this situation, and he is a little fortunate that someone hit a restraint belt with a super high value when he went to the maze for girls again. To be put on yourself.

At the same time, his eyes, which were turned upward as he was brought down to the ground, spit out anger at Pisi the hamster.

This is not a description, the [Appraisal Eye] burst of light effects really spewed out.

"It's none of my business?" Hamster Pisi felt very innocent.

"If you didn't lose the original equipment column, how could outsiders be able to operate my equipment?!"

"Beautiful young people go out, remember to protect themselves. Hmm... hum, hum hum..."

"What the **** are you doing?!"

After Kirito finally roared out, the girls' clothes and hairstyle were also messed up by the girls.

But Kirito felt that the eyes that everyone looked at him were obviously wrong.

Lisbeth folded her hand, squinted her eyes and said, "I always feel... unacceptable, right, Asuna?"

Asuna: "...Indeed, what if Kirito-kun is so good?"

"Didn't you put it on for me! What's the matter, bring me a mirror!" Kirito said angrily, he lowered his head and glanced at him, feeling that it was barely acceptable to dress up as a rude and unrestrained non-mainstream boy, then What really happened?

"It's very suitable for big brother, I'll get it." Dorothy said and ran away. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Lyfa couldn't help covering her mouth and looked like she was holding back her excitement, and then spit out: "It's obviously a woman's dress...but brother's dress is really-good, cool, ah!"

Tyrol: "...My efforts have not been in vain."

Prosham: "It doesn't matter, it suits Kirito-kun very well."

Yui: "Dad, there is nothing to be ashamed of, daddy looks great!"

Silica: "Brother Kirito is really handsome!"

Lucas: "Lord Kirito... He's too handsome, sorry I can't think of a better adjective."

Ge Wei: "It's better to say that it should be a boy with long hair to look handsome in this way?"

Saiwen: "Mmmmmm... There should be hope for a debut if you cultivate well."

(to be continued)