Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 186: soul flower

The Terran looked back at Yoggsaro, sighed, and said, "Soft body, asexual, plant, bisexual... Reminds me of the profound lesson of fighting against a certain slime and goblin... Put it on."

She threw a long piece of cloth with several ropes on both sides and a hole in the middle. How to wear it?

"You can't use [Magic Book Technique] to change clothes with one click. This is a simple hooded jacket. Just put your head in the hole in the middle and tie the ropes on both sides to cover your body." The human race was a little impatient. road.


At the moment when the protection in the circle is lifted, it is really difficult to find vacant rooms that are still rented out.

For this large group, although renting is more cost-effective, they can only temporarily stay in cheap hotels with many public facilities, and the rooms are equipped with bathrooms.

Kirito was embarrassed, the girls went to the hotel public bath to wash first, and he fiddled with today's income in the room.

"The power is only about 80% of the basic single-shot sword skills, but considering that the range and power are higher than various throwing skills, the barrel forging does not require special rare materials, ordinary steel, even bronze and cast iron are sufficient. , the durability consumption is also within the budget range, and it failed to achieve the effect of disrupting the balance, but it is still acceptable." He thought about the small steel cannon built by Lisbeth.

Yes, I used to carry a gun instead of a gun to fight. The size of this small steel gun can fire several pounds of shells, but the gun body weighs more than 100 pounds, but this weight and size are not as good as some real door swords in sao, Weapons such as giant hammers and double-headed maces, their current physical fitness, swinging a small steel cannon with one hand is just like playing.

There is no doubt that this physical quality can be put into reality to play some roles with a Gatling in one hand and a large-caliber grenade launcher in the other hand and enough ammunition on the back.

"However, the light eagle cannon has this effect. The Fran Machine revolver that Lisbeth is challenging is worth looking forward to as my provider. Excuse me, when can I go to take a shower? Can you use me as a shield to block mucus? Your clothes are the most refreshing." Hamster Pisi sat in the corner and hugged his chest.

"I'll take you with me when I go to the wash," he said.


"It'll be troublesome if you say bad things to them again. Do you think I can't see the change in Prosham? It seems to be the same, but she has always been alone and teamed up with us, and she rarely helps others and messes up. The battle is over, I can understand the feeling of wanting to find someone who can lick each other's wounds after being malicious."

"I'm just answering some real questions truthfully. You know I've never lied to anyone in this regard. To be precise, the 'apocalypse' of God Stacia has never been allowed before."

Kirito nodded slightly, if the props information and mission route given by the npc in the rpg that mainly focuses on combat adventures can be adulterated, the player will definitely be sprayed to death, even if the plot needs lies, it only serves the plot atmosphere and must not affect it Action process and battle results; once Yuuki was confused as to why demi-human duels were banned by the system for the same reason, demi-humans are humanoid creatures, and some of them look similar to humans. Let’s not talk about the possible behaviors of players such as pvp and pvn, If there is a performance of realistic fighting in front of minors in the game's own project, it will further increase the age limit of the game, and it is not impossible for the government to stop the rectification before the release.

But he said: "There are truths that hurt more than lies? Even I tell lies to comfort people."

Hamster Pisi shook his head: "Well, honest words are good for your ears, understand? Didn't she make trouble for helping you like that before? Obviously, if she doesn't come, Yuuki won't have to die."

Kirito slammed the eagle gun up and was about to fall, but he finally put it down. The indestructible setting of the hotel no longer exists. Now the safety of the hotel depends on the protection of the lock. This is the cheapest hotel. The floor and ceiling between floors Because of the wood, he really seriously smashed it down, and he had to smash through two floors.

He decided to confirm the extent of the resurrection effect of the Soul Flower first.

He took out the Soul Flower, and then, at Yui's prompt, took out the objects that the al system used to store valuable players' appearances, feelings, memories, and action records—relics that were valuable to Yuuki herself.

"What are they?" Kirito said to himself while looking at the Yuuki's death drop that he had spread out on the ground.

"This is it." Yui appeared and pointed to the extra-large bento box.

"Really?" Kirito picked up the bento box suspiciously, thinking that if it was his own words, it must be the sword.

There was no food in the bento box, but a set of clothes was stuffed.

"Accurately speaking, this is the right thing, eh... middle school student uniforms? Where can they sell them?" Kirito complained.

"You don't understand this. The clothes made by Donghuang people seem to be sold at home." Hamster Pisi said.

"This counts?"

"Your thoughts don't count, they think it's fine. And they also exported a lot to your fellow clan."

"After all, students and teachers from many schools in Academy City have been locked up in groups, so it's not surprising that they would organize classes and buy school uniforms. It seems that Yuuki really wants to go to school, so it's not incomprehensible."

In short, Kirito decided to use it, and after returning the school uniform and lunch box to their original state, the effect of activating the flower of the soul on it. Not worried about waste, he has confirmed the effect of the item through the [Magic Book Technique]. If it is invalid, the flower of the soul will not be consumed.

Unexpectedly, a light curtain appeared in the sky above the flower of the soul, in which an image centered on Yuuki appeared.

Although the light curtain is translucent, Kirito, who is keen on this kind of data, still noticed the fact that Yuuki herself is also translucent. It seems that the state of the dead is indeed correct.

However, there are many people in the same state in the light curtain, and Yuuki's non-armor clothes are not the battle clothes he wore before his death, but the school uniforms in the lunch box, which should have been in Kirito's hands. black and white twin-sword gladiator and fire dancer, fighting those around.

Kirito even saw the figure of the murderer who said "it's showti." when he saw him, and the black cloak man who was suspected of being their boss. The clothes under the black cloak man's cloak were also different from the original ones. They were actually American military uniforms. , If that had something to do with his true identity, it wouldn't be a mystery to always trouble the Neon Man. He and his accomplices looked very happy in this space.

Yuuki's skills are obviously stronger than almost everyone. She killed several people in succession, but she was not without injuries. There were many scratches and holes on her body. Those who were killed by Yuuki or others would be quickly refreshed. .

Another formidable opponent in flames came to Yuuki.

To Kirito's surprise, that was Akanali! Is she dead too?

(to be continued)