Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 191: Attribute swap, 2nd degree General Pisi

Asuna faced Clumpis who was able to kill her in an instant, and successfully blocked her blow by saying "Enhance-armament".

"Looks like I can barely fight." Asuna breathed a sigh of relief, but she could only say that the attributes of the sword presented by Krampis were quite "nonsense"—

When someone else uses it, the strength and potential value will be reset according to the new user's attributes. It can be said that the equipment is basically bound. The most peculiar thing is that if you have not comprehended magic to get related attributes, or the attributes are too complex, it will be based on The color of the user is directly determined. For example, Kirito has the same dark attribute as the main color of his own clothes; Lyfa has the same wind attribute as his own magic, and has nothing to do with her kendo-like clothing; and Asuna is actually a The same as the original red cape with hair—fire attribute!

With Asuna's character, if given a chance to choose, she thinks that she will choose the water attribute that places the most importance on survival and recovery. Wouldn't it be better to dye her blue hair earlier if she knew this? At the beginning, she tried peach red hair color, and when she felt awkward, she changed it back to the same maroon color as reality.

Thanks to this, he was able to face the blow of Clumpis head-on.

"Hehe, are you thinking that this attack attribute doesn't meet your expectations?" The other party seemed to see what Asuna was thinking, and smiled, "But this is what you want, I know that you value the life of your comrades and hope to get a reply. Ability, but you actually know very well in your heart that a great man said 'doing medicine can't save ○', your heart is full of offensive desire not to lose to this world, this flame is what you wanted to destroy everything in this world or burn yourself out The expression of your heart. It's the same as Kirito's black and indomitable. You can't protect anything. Right, Miss Asuna who dreams of becoming a 'Berserk Healer'."

"Nonsense." Asuna insisted, but the last sentence seemed difficult to deny in her heart.

Because, if she doesn't recognize that she is that kind of warrior from the bottom of her heart, her motivation to step out of the town of beginning and her origin in this world will be completely denied.

A heart was seen through, and he seemed to be toyed with applause, and a chill that was even worse than facing Nobuyuki Sugo spread all over his body.

The two sides wrestled with each other, but still her own feet were forced to slip and retreat. She had to summon the courage to dispel the chill and say loudly, "I'll hold it here, Yui and Saiwen go to the console!"

The interior furnishings are really recognizable.

With Yui's support, Saiwen held up his body, which was still in dull pain due to the heavy blow, although his defense was not penetrated, and walked to the console.

Asuna moved her body to cover the moving figures of Saiwen and Yui, while clenching her teeth and sweating profusely, she resisted Krampis. The only thing that was a little fortunate was that the sweat of this world did not have the stench of reality. Go fast, and then it's like never sweating.

"Really, I have mastered the strengthening and liberation of weapons to this extent. Originally, this was to make it easier for you to get rid of the guy who came from another world to possess Oberon, and it was more convenient to follow the three gods of creation. I went to the top floor according to the rules, and it ended up causing chaos for me!" The other party looked very unhappy.

"In the end, after killing Oberon, you came to interrupt my ritual, isn't this a strange change? You human adventurers really will go crazy when you see the commission that appears in the [Magic Book of Magic]. Done." The other party continued.

"No, if you are willing to help us go to the top floor, it will also be good for you. We will naturally accept it happily, but we can't stand you making Aincrad a floating city and letting so many people die needlessly!" Asuna said.

The wrestling became more and more unfavorable. She glanced around for a moment. There was nothing to use on the flat ground, console and screen. She twisted the blade with a clever move and shouted: "[Leaf-shaped line]!"

As the name suggests, this is a peculiar twisting sword skill that draws a leaf-shaped line of swords. It is a bit like stirring. She has used similar swords to defeat the arrow rain attack of the forest fairy before, and it may not be impossible to stir the flame to make it out of control. .

The other party, as she expected, immediately let the purple flames erupt and let her fly before she succeeded.

But what she used was actually a higher-level sword skill [Four Leaf Rose]. Although it was a similar sword skill, she drew a rose shape—such a complicated sword path, and the speed was four times that of [Leaf Line]!

"Are you crazy?"

Clumpis slammed the sword upwards, throwing all the power of the uncontrollable flame explosion to the ceiling.

There was a violent tremor in the room, causing Yui and Saiwen, who were operating the console not far away, to almost fall, so they couldn't help but turn around.

Asuna, who had lost her weapon, jumped back and forth, trying to dodge the machine-gun-like magic bullet.

A period of time after the weapon is released does not mean that the weapon has completely left its owner. Even if someone captures it, as long as it does not have a skill similar to [Strike], you can use [Quick Switch] to "change" the weapon back to your own equipment column. You can also start over with one click.

Therefore, Asuna can still operate the power of the unnamed rapier.

When the denser and denser magic bullets made it impossible to dodge no matter how fast she was, a flame that annihilated the magic bullets rose up in her hand, turned into a sword shape, and threw it violently at Klauenpis.

Clumpis turned her head away at will to avoid the blow and opened a new magic circle.

Asuna couldn't dodge the vines that suddenly emerged from the ground due to her vigorous throwing motion, and was tightly entangled.

But she was relieved—it worked.

She and Clumpis' bodies were switched as if they were teleported in reverse.

Asuna raised her hand to catch the unmarked rapier that fell from the ceiling. With the other hand, she pulled out the flame-covered sword that had pierced the wall behind her. She pointed at Crampey, who seemed to be unable to control the vines that belonged to her. Si, smiled and said, "General, the second time."

The flames faded, revealing the true face of the sword, which is "Unit Elimination Sword".


Klauenpis was very surprised: "I didn't expect such a prop?"

Although her pre-seeing eye can still perform a function similar to seeing the ballistic prediction line in SAO, it is impossible to think of such a method that is not included in the attack.

She found that she and Asuna exchanged not only positions, but also all parameters, attributes, skills, and states.

Although the clothes and appearance of the two sides have not changed, the parameters and attributes they have given are also taken away, and only the appearance is retained.

"This was originally a tool for us... adventurers to experience the opponent's body during a duel. Thanks to Miss Crampis, after you completely executed the 'Ground Severance', many props that were originally only for entertainment had unexpected and amazing effects. ." Asuna said.

(to be continued)