Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 197: Guns and Swords

The latest website: Facing the black sword glow that turned into a black wave, Cleopatra, who was blocked by the tornado, immediately put her hands together.

"[Woodun: Five-layer Rashomon]."

A set of wooden gates that look like ancient mythical beast totems rose from the ground.

The first gate persisted for less than a second and was broken down on the spot. The second gate lasted a little longer, but it also shattered with a bang. The third and fourth gates were also unable to resist, and finally Jianmang wasted on the fifth gate. After exhausting the kinetic energy of the advance, the energy accumulated and exploded on the spot, directly blowing the door over.

Kirito rushed forward when Cleopatra opened the door and got up, and took out a small steel cannon with his left hand with [Quick Switch].

He thinks that the opponent's flawed posture will definitely release a lot of snakes to buy time, and the best way is to spit it out of his mouth. All at once.

This output seems to be not enough to defeat the opponent. When Kirito was forced to swallow shells while Cleopatra was still there, he was shaking and shaking, Wuming Heijian took a moment to accumulate ten consecutive fencing skills [Nova Ascension]. He activated the magic sword skill [Brutal Freezing], which did not conflict with the inherent sword skill, in parallel, and the blue sword lights turned his lower body into multiple frozen pieces of meat.

"Brother, to the right!"

A hemispherical shield immediately appeared on Kirito's body, which was Lyfa's wind-attribute defense magic, which was immediately pierced by a long sword with a cold light.

But this was enough for Kirito to react, and he quickly turned around and crossed the cannon and the sword to open the sword that was stabbing at him, only to see Cleopatra, whose back and lower body were almost snakes, intact.

"What the **** is going on, did you escape by shedding skin as a stand-in in advance?"

"Although this answer is only 40 points, I basically understand why 'God' is so optimistic about you."

Cleopatra didn't even look at Lyfa and Lisbeth who had already rushed over, and she summoned a three-headed snake to stop them without any starting action.

"Which **** are you referring to? What is your purpose?" Kirito asked calmly, although he was frightened and worried.

Somewhat aware of it, this looks like Cleopatra's boss was not summoned to protect this place. Her AI is definitely more advanced than that Scythe of Destiny, at least she is not a full-time guardian here.

"You can understand, the more knowledge you have about the world and the more power you have, the more you can understand the despair that no matter how hard you try, you can't control the truth."

"Sorry, I don't understand at all."

The two sides confronted again.

Although Kirito faced Cleopatra in a sword fight, he was constantly forced back and knocked flying, but he could barely regain his posture before the next round. He continued: "But some of the similar tastes have already been tasted and experienced. The most self-righteous feeling, that feeling is really hard to give up, if there is a stronger guy in front of you, it will be difficult to accept it for a while. You are indeed strong, but it is far from the strong I have ever seen. "

Cleopatra said in a hoarse voice: "As you said, the limitations of my own life determine my upper limit, so I have given up, and I have decided to witness the birth of God with my own eyes and become a help in his process of becoming a god. Become his nourishment. This is not your full strength, or is it that I can make you serious and break through your own limits and constraints?"

Cleopatra has an extra layer of pale translucent armor on her body, which makes her look like she has swelled in a circle, and her arms have also increased to four, all holding swords!

Kirito frowned, how does this feel similar to Krampis' [Titan Goddess] mode, obviously the style is completely different.

But this sense of oppression made him understand that if the other party really wanted to kill them, then they would have died long ago. One sword makes them exhausted, not to mention four, people can also summon snakes.

Four swords swung down at the same time! The pattern of the burst of light made Kirito realize that if he did not follow up, the sword skill would shoot the sword light and attack the back of the companion who was fighting the dragon and the snake.

In the sight of golden eyes, time seemed to slow down, he took the initiative to rush to one of the swords, shouted and raised the small steel cannon to launch the dash technique [Furious Stab] and fired at the same time, so that the shooting power superimposed the dash technique. power.

This blow successfully blew the sword away, along with the hand holding the sword.

"Sure enough, if you can rely on the posture and the way of holding the weapon to make the system recognize that the sword skills are intertwined on different types of weapons, then this is much more powerful than the dual swords. However, if you want to exert the maximum power, the guns also have to be crafted. The magic sword or even the material of the artifact is made of materials and a bayonet that is easier to activate sword skills is required."

But before that, he must break through this difficulty. Kirito's active attack made him a little bit of time away from the other swords. In this less than half a second, the unmarked black sword in his left hand released [Ban Yue Po Kong] ] The energy that was about to burst out on the second sword was dissipated, and the small steel cannon in the right hand kept firing and turned the [Whirling Shield], and once again launched the magic sword skill [Brutal Freeze], which opened a circle in the shooting range. , freezes a large piece.

This level of ice naturally couldn't stop Cleopatra's stronger sword strike, but it successfully stuck Cleopatra, causing the sword beam from the third sword to hit the wall.

There was only a third of a second left before the final blow of the four-hit combo landed on his head!

But the weapons in both hands can't be drawn back for a short time!


This sword was completely blasted away by the black wave of [Weapon Strengthening Technique [e]], and the damage spread from the sword to the arm, sucking the destruction like life, and continued to soar upward, destroying the small half of Cleopatra's body. UU reading

Thanks to Kirito's current ★rock-shooter-style armor, which has anti-shock defense and knockback resistance, this is the result of his counterattack before being penetrated and taking advantage of the opponent's short-term inability to advance.

Kirito breathed a sigh of relief just because he deliberately revealed a door-opening flaw to induce the other party's plan, and this surplus immediately gave the other party another molt, as if the intact Cleopatra emerged from the suddenly dislocated mouth of the snake and was frightened. How to fight this?

Although in the eyes of his ability to measure the opponent's HP, the opponent has also become weaker, but it is also much better than his current state.

"[The Great Sword of the Sky: Zhanwu]."

Cleopatra's four swords stretched out, and the left and right sides were twisted into drill-like shapes, igniting a pale light, and pushed Kirito who forcibly raised the sword again against the defensive sword skill [Round Shield] against the wall. However, the impact of this blow was extraordinary, and he suffered deeply.

(to be continued)

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