Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 198: Hello Aunt Snake, Bye Uncle Snake

The latest website: Although Kirito's [Whirling Shield] was not broken, the wall behind him hit a pit full of cracks in a radius of five meters at the moment of contact.

"Oops, hit the trick! a! Can you do it to this extent!"

Only then did Kirito realize that the opponent's move really didn't come with special attributes. He just judged that Cleopatra's attack that swept away Asuna, which was similar to the [Titan Goddess], must have the same special attribute as that guy who couldn't rely on anti-shock defense. It was a defensive technique, but it turned out that this move was really just strong physical impact and penetrating power. When he used a weapon to use a defensive technique, it was equivalent to temporarily isolating the anti-shock effect that came with the armor, and the impact was directly transmitted to him through the weapon. His body, and the back crest defended by the Midnight Coat Plus5 had no anti-shock effect, and the impact caused his back to hit the wall, causing him to suffer greatly.

He spit out all the air in his lungs that he thought should not exist in the virtual world at once, and fell into a rigidity due to severe pain, and clamped his hands with Cleopatra's two swords, although it still did not penetrate due to the strong defense, But the knockback resistance was broken, and the impact damage made him miserable.

Immediately afterwards, Cleopatra's neck suddenly stretched, and she shot at Kirito, opening her mouth to reveal the snake's fangs and biting him.

Kirito forcibly drives the [Magic Book], which is somewhat different from the system menu. It is precisely because it belongs to magic that it can be manipulated by thoughts.

A large-caliber artillery slammed on the ground with the sound of "Winter". He didn't have a chance to aim. He kicked the simple flintlock device with the sole of his shoe. Depending on the situation, there were also ammunition that fired a large amount of gravel and metal debris like a loaded shotgun.

The head that was flying with its stretched neck was instantly smashed beyond recognition, but the mouth that was about to bite was dislocated again and tore the skin (literally) out of the neck and head that looked intact. Bitten on Kirito's neck!

"Ugh!" Kirito only felt that something cold and cold came in, but his HP did not drop, but his body was hot and painful, and he couldn't move.

"It's really good defense, but—" Cleopatra said at a time like this, "it's not an indestructible shield, it's a refusal to the rules of damage, so it's not considered an attack. Nothing can resist."

Isn't snake venom an attack? Or is it injected with something else? Kirito is unknown at the moment.

"elder brother!"


Lyfa and Lisbeth, who had just smashed the three-headed serpent, left their opponents who couldn't make up the knife and ran towards them.

Cleopatra retracted her neck, calmly summoned a large snake, and opened her mouth larger than the door towards the two of them.

"Liz, use that again!"

"I know!"

Lisbeth took out a thing from the [Magic Book Art] item column that was named "Flying Trash Can" decades ago.

They have tested it, and the effect of explosives on rough-skinned, thick-skinned and large monsters is not as good as that of swordsmanship, but under the "update" after "cutting the ground", the effect of throwing stomach-piercing objects and explosives into the monster's mouth is better than before. I don't know how much, as if they really have soft innards.

Unexpectedly, Cleopatra's right hand stretched out four fingers together, and the fingertips were placed in the center of her left hand, which was flat with the palm facing down, and she made a "t" gesture: "[Flipping Technique]."

The giant snake suddenly turned over like a removable holster, but unlike the holster, the pink flesh and the inner wall of the abdominal cavity were all hanging outside. This disgusting appearance scared the two of them for a while.

But the giant snake, who was absolutely unable to survive in the common sense, did not stop moving, and ate the two of them in one bite!

"You!" Kirito immediately thought of it. Although he didn't know why his consciousness seemed to be accelerated in the heat and pain, he immediately thought of what kind of trick it was—

The inner side of the snake is originally smaller than the outer radius, so when it is turned over, the elastic inner side will squeeze the original outer side inward, and the person who is swallowed into the inner side will be pressed firmly, and even squeezed into rotten meat like a python strangling, and Because of the strong defense on the original outer side, the tactic of being swallowed into the belly of the giant beast, and the tactic of being able to bloom in the center and die and then reborn could not be successful in a short period of time. Although the external defense has been greatly weakened, it is not easy to ignore the external internal organs that will spray venom, digestive juice and other liquids that will deplete HP.

As he expected, in his self-made status bar, Lyfa and Lisbeth's HP continued to drop.

On the other side of the battlefield separated by the magical flames of the Beast of Chaos, the battle between Silica and the others and the Beast of Chaos has also entered the ferocity of the boss's dying frenzy. Any mistakes and leaving the team may cause irreversible consequences, and there is no way to do it. Ask for support with [Talking from afar].

At this time, being attacked again is all over. When Kirito did not give up his struggle but was almost desperate, Cleopatra showed a somewhat unhappy but no regretful look, and unfolded the same magic circle as the previous summon, " Zixi" he got in and teleported away.

The snake that trapped Lyfa and Lisbeth also disappeared in a flash. Of course, Lyfa and Lisbeth did not disappear together, but Lisbeth's shield, which was almost the same in diameter, was crushed. His equipment was also somewhat damaged.

Just as he was thankful and puzzled for surviving, another fright rushed out of the room behind him screaming.


real world-

Sunflower confirmed that Orochimaru was temporarily logged out, so she moved the chair under her buttocks and came to another instrument, where UU read to read the new data.

"The affected values ​​in sao did not disappear due to the interruption of electromagnetic wave illusion, but this is not so much the actualization of game data, but the genetic mutation caused by radiation is more in line with the current theory of this world." Sunflower said.

Orochimaru took off the nervgear, adjusted his voice, and said, "It looks like you're enjoying yourself, Sunflower."

"You are, Uncle Snake... Should it be called Aunt Snake now? Unfortunately, the influence of real myths and history itself on ability does not exist. This variable can be crossed. Although it seems that some myths can be affected, but It all depends on whether al is willing to enter it into the system. In fact, manual manipulation of al's own myths and history will have a greater impact. If you want to witness the birth of God, at least wait for al to become a reality. What do you want to do when you were born? This kind of thing is the job of a 'leader' like Jiraiya? I don't know how many years that guy died, and you really live more and more. The id used is also, the original gender and skin color It's the exact opposite, when did you become the 'everyone else's is the best' doctrine?"

(to be continued)

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