Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 203: Tongzi holds a gun and shows masculinity

【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

Seeing that some eyes were turned towards him, Kirito immediately spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me, I'm not behind her."

"Yi!" At this time, Silica also made a strange sound while covering her back.

"Don't move! There are bugs with tentacles!" Ge Wei squatted down and shouted at their skirts.

This caused the girls to jump around in a hurry to drive away the insect, which was the size of a normal unicorn and looked like a beetle.

I don't know why that guy was flying around and pulling their skirts back and forth. If it was a big bug that clearly belonged to a monster, they would have cut it directly. A bit of an ordinary bug and this kind of atmosphere aroused a conditioned reflex in reality.

"Get out of the way, I'll come." When Kirito who couldn't stand it took the initiative to protect the flower, the bug locked behind him again and pulled the back hem of Midnight's coat.

"What's the matter!" Kirito scolded, but saw that the bug bounced back and forth after landing, then turned around and flew away towards a fork in the maze.

Only then did he realize that the guy was not a spoof, but wanted to try to lead someone from the very beginning. Although he only had a bad premonition, he was not honest enough to turn a blind eye to this situation. With the characteristics of sao, this is definitely a trigger for the task. The precursor, combined with what happened before and just now, might be related.

As a result, the bug with the yellow cursor in Kirito's eyes flew into a crack in the wall that was not far from the Fountain of Recovery, but Pisi the hamster did not specify a short or secret way but was enough for people to pass sideways.

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"Hey, wait!" Kirito stuck his head in and asked Yui, "Yuyi, is there anything in here?"

"Dad, there are no units or mechanisms in it, but a limited-time transfer has been set up, perhaps a cloister crystal or other limited items, and the opposite is... Gilderstein."

Kirito breathed a sigh of relief. The suffix "Stan" is very common in Central Asia, as well as in South Asia and West Asia. The original meaning is region, and "Gildestan" means the guild area, which is the famous twenty-fiveth floor. Metropolis, if there is any problem, it is that Gildestan is now the core area of ​​Donghuang's sphere of influence.

If there is Argo, a young lady who also communicates a lot with foreign countries, there is nothing to worry about.

No, isn't there someone here who has an intersection with Donghuang players.

"Since I've been invited, the others will go back first, how about we go and see?" He said, glancing at Lisbeth and Prosham.

Lisbeth worked as a blacksmith clerk in the public area that Donghuang players would also visit, and Prosham bought equipment from Donghuang. Although Silica has dealt with 10 servers in Hong Kong, it is considered a bit of intersection, but she was automatically ignored because of her appearance as a primary school student.

"Kirito-kun, are you an idiot? It's so difficult to cross the desert with the original team configuration. How can you pass through the reduction of personnel? If you use the transfer crystal to return to Algort, you might as well go here and use the town transfer gate." Asuna囧 said.

Everyone also felt that it was reasonable. After Yui confirmed that the opposite was an ordinary street corner and alley and that there were no combat units within a radius of 20 meters, everyone decided to act.

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【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

However, Kirito plans to change his clothes back to men's clothes. The non-mainstream double ponytail hairstyles with different lengths on both sides are also changed to simple ponytails on the back of the neck. When hiding his identity, he will not mention it. Maybe they knew each other, so the joke would be big.

He also tried the small steel cannon that had fired a little coolly before. He planned to check the degree of wear and tear to increase the power, but unfortunately found that the parameter configuration of the men's clothing could not exert the previous power, because the kind of forced superposition of various The use of skills to improve firepower increases recoil. Without the "women's clothing" with passive anti-shock defense and high resistance to knockback, the high-speed attack and high-speed spear and sword flow with a clever idea would not work at all.

He didn't know how to complain about the ambiguous joke that gun maker Lisbeth said, "It turns out that Kirito can't stand a gun if he doesn't wear women's clothes, so women's clothes are more masculine."

But what they should do remains the same. After the preparations were completed, they walked in.

Passing through the "door", they came to a place with no features except for a flagstone road less than three meters wide and two or three-story white stone buildings on both sides. May be like this.

Insects flew for a while not far away, and flew towards the bustling street.

This is nothing to worry about. Everyone briefly discussed it. Kirito, Prosham, Lisbeth and Saiwen who planned to investigate some things here continued to follow. The others went to the store to replenish some consumables and then went to the transfer door to return. stronghold.

After a while, the bug stopped on a fingertip.

They extended their attention to the existence of the suspected bug owner. Although they were close to Lisbeth and dressed like their country's suit-style girls' college uniform, if they were produced by local players, they should belong to cosy. It was a kind of clothing, of course, it should be considered a formal dress that should not belong to combat equipment in general, but there were two dark green unbladed scimitars that looked to be made of monster materials. Her face is quite ordinary, featureless and expressionless, with a green glow in her piercing, and her hair is the usual black hair in a partial ponytail.

Although she had loose over-the-knee bubble socks on her legs, she still vaguely noticed that there was a lot of hair on her legs, so she didn't dare to complain in her heart.

Because what is more important is that Kirito's eyes determine that this is not a player. She has four purple translucent insect wings behind her, and the words "Blade Lord" are written on the yellow cursor above her head. Compared with showing her identity or name, this article is like a title. The display method is often the patent of powerful boss monsters, just like the name of Yoggsaro also has a title prefix, but it can't be careless because the machete is not edged.

"I knew that idiot couldn't catch you, so he brought my messenger and invited you here. The big master plans to talk to you," she said.

"Hey, it's you again, you chose to be here, is it an expression of your sincerity that you don't intend to harm you right now?" Prosham said.

"I don't know, the big master is negotiating with Donghuang Fang, and I am allowed to shout 'there are neon spies' when I am rejected."


"Although it is more to my liking to cut you down here, the great master said that if the forces that oppose you go too far, it will be bad luck, and even the original depravity will be admitted for a while. My colleague 'Plague Lord' suspects you after research. There are gods of Stacia or Cardinal, but this kind of protection will greatly weaken the struggle between you human adventurers, so it must be more troublesome for you.”