Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 210: Go on an adventure with Dragon Girl 1

After the hamster Pissi and Stella went out, they used an excuse to ask about the characters they heard the children talk about before: "Hey, Stella, I heard that a few people came to help you some time ago, but it seems that they are going to save their companions together. What, it seems like I haven't seen them."

"Ah, you said that." Stella said without hesitation, "Shortly after 'Ground Cut', a few magicians who felt the same type as Akanali came to pick them up, and they said goodbye and left together. Honestly Said, they have helped us, but we failed to fulfill our promise, and I feel guilty, and we must pay back the favor when we have the opportunity."

"Now? Stella is going to Academy City, right?"

The hamster Pisi learned through chatting with the child that "Academy City" has become a general term for the area delineated by the many towns occupied by the Academy City forces, so she asked this question.

"That's right, but now it's for other things. Shopping or something," Stella said.

"Is that so?" Pisi the hamster thought Stella's shopping range was not very large, so she followed Stella's hands and feet.

"What, what are you looking at?" Stella asked sharply, looking unhappy.

"It's nothing, I just think your sleeves, gloves, shoes and socks are really good." Hamster Pisi said that the performance can be ranked the highest artifact level in SAO, and the appearance is quite good, in contrast, it is equivalent to the leather armor level. The priest's uniform seems a bit inferior.

"That's right, this is the best tailor in Academy City who customized the equipment for me to maximize my strength." Stella became excited, and seemed to be very satisfied with the equipment that was conducive to the use of fists.

"That must be a famous tailor, who is it?"


After all, the average consumer will not go out of his way to understand the source of the product in too much detail.

So, the hamster Pisi said: "Well, actually, I also want to make a set of clothes Kangkang, anyway, I know where the shop is, and that's the wrong direction, why don't you go to the transfer door?"

"What are you talking about, of course it's walking. You can also collect the materials you need for today's income when you walk in the field. If you are the type who can't fight, go there." Stella stretched his finger to the central square. direction.

"No, it doesn't matter. As long as the guy didn't show up yesterday. It should be said that it is rare to encounter that guy as soon as you go out."

After the cold reception yesterday, Pisi the hamster felt that if she wanted to do things in Academy City, she still had to go with herself. Stella might not be enough, but she should be qualified as a pedal.

"Looks like you're empty-handed, weapon?" Stella asked.

"Ah... It sounds like there was a battle yesterday that destroyed the sword." Hamster Pisi ignored most of the facts and told the truth.

"Here, this one was replaced by Merida after she hit the artifact-level equipment in the wild. It's a magic sword. I'll give it to you first." Stella opened the [Magic Book Technique] and took it out from the inventory. A single-edged short sword with a square sword grid and a length of two feet was handed to the hamster Pisi.

"Oh, thank you, you are rude, but you are a good person."

"Hmph, you're welcome. It takes 20 minutes to break through the field, half an hour to reach the upper floor, and another 10 minutes to go to Academy City, no problem, right?"

"Ah?" The hamster Pisi opened her mouth. She could use this body to do it within the time Stella suggested, but this is basically the standard of those magical girls, right?

But the hamster's character is not very weak, otherwise she insisted on going to the rescue of the magical girl, so she was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and added: "But I still can't do anything about the monsters that can't be cut with weapons."

"I'll protect you, let's go."

When they came to the gate of the city, they rushed out in a frenzy.

A few minutes later, a few tank-sized beetles rushed onto the road. Stella, without saying a word, smashed one's head with a punch, grabbed one of its legs and threw it as a meteor hammer and smashed several. Large beetles smashed together.

"Three of them went to your side! Do you want to help?" Stella smashed two beetles with one punch and one kick, shouted, and continued to fight with a few beetles around her.

"It's not necessary at this level." Hamster Pisi jumped over the first beetle and landed in the middle of them. With a turn of his body, the sharp blade wrapped around the flame-like sword light slammed into the ground, setting off a shock wave-like sword light scattering, which would be affected. All beetles are paralyzed.

Then stab at the vital and weak points with a sword and clean them up.

Although she can completely clean up by flat cutting, but then she will not be actively attacked by monsters. It is better to paralyze all of them first and then slowly clean up. As for why there were three of them running towards her - it was just a coincidence that the monsters were frightened and scurrying about because of Stella's strength.

Seeing this, Stella didn't say much. After getting rid of the monsters nearby, she indicated the direction with her eyes and continued to run.

"The skills she showed just now..." Hamster Pisi looked at Stella's back and said, "Probably she can reproduce most of her power in reality, and the part that the system does not recognize as skills is also achieved by Intentional skills. The rest is The upper limit of strength set by the SAO parameters..."

But before he was about to enter the Tianzhu Tower, he was blocked by a huge object.

Although Pisi the hamster knew that it was probably not the fault of the guy blocking the way, she probably caused part of it herself.

Although the Tianzhu Tower is large, the entrance can accommodate monsters with a height of two or three meters at most, but now there is a thick tail with acupuncture swept there.

Stella raised her head along the tail speechlessly, looked at the more than 20 meters "high" monster with a scorpion fore body and a centipede body along the tower of Tianzhu, pointed at the guy and said, "Hey, this is Could it be the life reaper you said yesterday?"

"Well, basically, right?"

"Why the question?"

"Compared to what I saw yesterday, it seems to be a bit thicker, and I have the impression that it should climb the wall as if it were walking on the ground, so why is it hanging here?"

"Because of eating fat?"

"What did you eat after gaining so much weight in less than a day?"

"Maybe it swallowed prey thicker than himself like a python, at the level of a domain guardian."

"I don't think those mouthparts can move like a boa constrictor...that's all."

"Anyway, it's a pest, isn't it? How about it? Since it's a problem that people are bothering about, it doesn't matter if I encounter it here and kill it by the way?" Stella put her hands on her chest and shook each other. Too bad it didn't make a sound.

"...Please. I don't think any normal weapon in front of that carapace is useless."

The hamster Pisi immediately stepped back several dozen meters. At the same time, Stella's body instantly disappeared from her eyes.

(to be continued)

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