Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 212: pocket array

【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

The hamster Pisi saw that Argo, who was blocked by the "thelieharvester, the reaper of life" in the outer wall of the Tower of Heaven, finally got out of trouble, and despised the intelligence dealer in his heart.

"I went to investigate that guy. Although I was a little greedy, my senses were much sharper than I thought." Argo said to the hamster Pisi.

"That guy doesn't have the senses like insects and dogs, let's just say-" The hamster Pisi turned to look at the life reaper who was swaying in the head by another punch, "Standing up so high in the wild, he has a vision If you have four wide eyes, isn't it natural to see clearly?"

"It's true in common sense, but it's the first time I've encountered this type in the wild with a wide field of vision. Before the completion of the 'earth cut', as long as they don't stray into their territory or approach a distance of tens of meters, they will basically not get angry and actively attack. —It used to be so for us. The descriptions of monsters and demihumans in Aincrad's ancient history do you know anything as a demihuman?" Argo asked.

"Oh, you're saying that we and monsters are cursed to simplify thinking?"

"That's right. So..." Argo held up his cheeks and thought for a while, and said, "For you, the completion of the 'Earth Severance' also restored your sanity? This can explain a lot of us and you. It looks different in the eyes.”

"...Well, maybe. You're so smart, where did you get the clues that connect all this?"

"I'm an intelligence dealer. My business targets are not limited to human adventurers, you can too."

"Is that so, anyway... I have something to look for, Miko-sama among your adventurers, can you help me introduce it?"

"Mmmmmmm... Miko] is also quite rare among unique skills. I'll be cheaper for this information. I'll charge you 300,000 koles... which is equivalent to thirty large gold coins."

"Eh... uh uh..." The hamster Pisi drooped his eyelids and looked up at Argo, who was slightly bending over and rubbing his hands.

"You have no money?"

So, Pisi the hamster stared: "No, that's what... the rules of the human race adventurer, isn't it to bring the information about us that has been entrusted to the adventurer, and then charge the adventurer for a fee?"

Argo picked up the back of his head and leaned against the outer wall of the Tower of Heavenly Pillars, looked at the battle between Stella and the Reaper of Life again, and said, "The world has changed. In the past, clients were an important source of rewards for adventurers. One, plus many of you are cursed beings with simple ways of thinking, so our intelligence dealers only negotiate with adventurers, but now because of the disappearance of the spell, many adventurers are less motivated and would rather live a simpler life. You are also reluctant to take risks, and you who have... regained your sanity are also completely negotiable objects, so the countermeasures of our intelligence quotient will naturally change. And—”

Argo glanced playfully between Stella and Pisi the hamster who were fighting hard, and said, "Since he has the ability to at least follow that dragon man through this field, it's not difficult to earn thirty big gold coins, right? "

It is not blackmail, but because the difficulty of the 75th floor is much higher than that of the lower floors, the price and income have risen.

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【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

"Is it alright to pay with that material and drop?" Hamster Pisi pointed to the Life Reaper and asked.

"Oh roar, don't hesitate to say it. You can make the three powerful and famous three obedient, your identity is not ordinary."

To tell the truth, recently I have been using reading books to keep up with updates, switching sources, and reading aloud tones. It can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

"Hey, who do you want to sell this information to? I don't care, but I'm really unhappy. It's okay to take advantage of the potential of this information... Wait, you don't seem to even answer my initial question, right?" The hamster skinner only remembered that what he asked was the reason why Argo had to hide here and consume the life reaper.

"It will be sooner or later that this guy will reach the city in the direction of his travels. Since he has set his sights on me, it is up to me to attract him, so that there will be time to organize a crusade team and leeway to formulate tactics." Argo replied.

"Oh hoo, doesn't this information charge money?" Hamster Pisi played with his taste.

"If it is more than a day before the arrival of the crusade team, I will sell it for money. Selling useless information that will soon become the facts will only tarnish my reputation. Thanks to Stella breaking a trump card ahead of time, the subsequent crusade seems to be It will become easier," Argo replied, and then whispered, "But if I knew that they were strong enough, I should be more active and cooperate with them, so that we can develop safer tactics. "

"Really, they won't refuse it because of their character." Hamster Pisi said.

It's just that Stella's strength is indeed much stronger now, but tactically, she still seems to be stubborn and deliberately trying to limit her skills training. Obviously she can fly, but she uses the energy of her sword skills to perform multiple jumps in the air. With the arm sickle, which has also begun to shine with sword skills, she seems to want to learn Milim's double ponytail fighting skills, trying to use the double ponytail as freely as her own arms, but it is obviously not home. UU reading

After a while, five magical girls flew from the northwest in various ways, and on the long, narrow and huge back of the Life Reaper, there was an indiscriminate bombardment of beams, ice arrows, water polo, rocks, and lightning. There were two people. He also used Skill Provocation] to completely attract the Life Reaper's attention to them, then turned around and flew away.

Stella didn't want to give up the fight, nor was she so ignorant that she had to fight one-on-one, so she spread her wings and took off to catch up.

"Yo Xi, in terms of crusade, my work is over." Argo stretched easily and asked, "Do you want me to take you to watch? It's just a piece of money to transfer crystals, you use No crystal, I'll take you."

"Can this be sold? Is it difficult to follow them?"

"It's really hard not to be able to fly. There are several huge bodies in the middle that can't be crossed on foot without the monster. It will take at least a few hours to detour, and there are probably no bones left. Don't pull it down."

"Okay, okay, I'll go, don't you just transfer the crystal money for a piece, whether you raise the price first and then sell it or something else, I can get what I want anyway."

"That's right, deal."

Argo used a double transfer crystal to bring the hamster Pisi to another city. From there, he walked for about ten minutes and came to a mountain canyon with a gentle river below. The mountains on both sides stood at least Two hundred players.

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【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

After a while, the group of magical girls almost flew across the canyon along the river, and the Life Reaper was chasing after them at a high speed.

to be continued