Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 229: hot and sour noodles

After Kirito confirmed the Templar Knight BOSS coping mode, he asked who would pretend to be a bride and groom with him to attack, but all his teammates except his daughter responded.

"Akanari" seemed to have heard it, and unhappily opened fire on the Temple Knight BOSS.

After Kirito briefly and carefully considered, he had no choice but to ask Nilunier.

"Hmph. That's fine." Nilu Nier also picked up the Oathkeeper, which was similar to a giant sword to her.

"Oh oh oh, is the young lady who serves you the number one in my heart?" Stoleya said without hesitation.

"Ahem." Kirito said in his heart that Nilu Nier's height was short enough to allow them to charge side by side without hindering him from swinging his sword upwards. For others, he would definitely have to stagger his body, causing a time difference and increasing the failure rate. But it would be too rude of the eldest lady to refute this point, because he can't guarantee that he really doesn't have the slightest idea mentioned by Stoleya.

"Stop talking, the battle begins, GO!"

Kirito and Niluniel immediately rushed up, went around Cureia's side and launched an assault, and cut the HP of the temple knight by half with one move without any flaws. Strike] made the temple knight spiral into the sky and fall **** "Akanari".

No matter how violent the "Akanari" attack was, it was useless, and was knocked to the ground by the temple knight in full plate armor.

"Akanari" just pushed the guy on her body away and tried to sit up on the ground, and Saiwen and Stoleya, who had circled around her, immediately made a gesture to attack.

"Akanari" is now in the state of pushing away the plate armor pressing on her body and holding the ground to get up with both hands. She casts a flame halo at them that no one can fully deal with except Fei, and when it suddenly expands around , Ling Yin [Thousand Blades Sword Rain] followed closely.

Although it cannot be completely suppressed, it is enough for a large number of long swords to penetrate the halo and stabilize it for a moment.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'" Kurea will not let go of the opportunity that everyone is fighting for. He doesn't care about where to touch, and directly jumps over the fixed flame halo like a hurdle, and swoops down on "Akanari" on the ground.

Kirito and Niluniel will continue to deal with the revived Temple Knight for the time being. I don't know if it will be refreshed, so be careful not to kill it.

Cureya activated [Purification] to suppress "Akanari" and asked, "You, it really wasn't just a phenomenon caused by a runaway magic power out of control, right? Who are you?"

"I...very angry. Every one of my masters is like this...I am the 'Love Heart of Chains (Love Heart of)', the love of a girl in love for 'him' is my life and motivation, but every master has to end up I feel 'him' in my heart, so I am very angry. All enemies who may have a relationship with 'him', I... all... will... kill!"


Currea didn't need to recall carefully, but he discovered that the targets of the "runaway" "Akanari" were: first of all, they existed as alumni and suppressed the problem of embarrassment because of what happened at the beginning. The magical girls who ran away with magic power and other female players, followed by Yuuki, Asuna, etc. who are relatively familiar in SAO... It is not that no men are attacked, but there must always be girls he knows present at the beginning of the initiative.

The result is equivalent to the reason of "the vinegar jar has been overturned"?

"Where is the real Akanari?" But Curea still wanted to ask.

"Right here, I won't let her out until I've done a situation that won't cause her pain."

Currea recalled Akanari's reaction when the "Love Heart of Chain" came out of a space that backed up the data of dead players.

Currea guessed that the vegetative state might be caused by the heart locked in the "Love Heart of" "leaving" with it, and the "Love Heart of" came back to return to Akanari In the middle, there is an ambiguous state like semi-activation, which makes Akanari react slightly, and then reunite and return to the "Love Heart of Chain (Love Heart of state, but due to the lack of rule changes after the "Earth Cut Off" An opportunity to activate the magic power, this opportunity is the marriage ceremony that connects a part of the [Phantom Book Technique] between the two parties. After all, [The Art of Phantom Book] is also magic.

He snapped, "Let her out! I'll tell her myself! It's useless to run away, not only her, but me too!"

"Chain of Love (Love Heart of was silent for a moment, it knew that it was very difficult to fight back in this state, during the time she sealed in the space where the player's dead data was saved, Currea's use of the power of the saint also She has become a lot more proficient, and she can already do contact suppression.

[Recommended, Yeguo Reading and Chasing Books is really easy to use, download it here; everyone can try it soon. 】

And, it's not entirely without expectations.

In the end, "Love Heart of Chains (Love Heart of put down a ruthless sentence, "If you make her sad to the day of autism, it will be the time when you will be wiped out", and released the control over Akanari's body.

"Crackling!" The Temple Knight BOSS exploded into fragments and disappeared during the siege of Kirito and Niluniel.

"Eh?" Kirito said that the HP of the boss is still equivalent to yellow, why?

At this time, the solemn voice with the same tone as before sounded again.

Akanari, who was awakened, saw her current position, and her cheeks flushed red as she struggled in panic.

"It seems that the mission can be restarted on the spot, let's go out first." Kirito said.

The other girls also silently agreed, and they all went outside together to break the news to "Love Heart of Chains (Love Heart of, it would be too rude to stay here and listen, besides—

As long as Curea is not a real scumbag I believe that kind of rampage will not happen immediately.


Pith the hamster: "Argo, you really can't worry about their random strategies, right? Even if there is a secret way, it's too risky. If the battle forces the royal family to flee from there, it will be over."

Argo: "It's one of our hopes that everyone can complete the goal safely. Is this a matter of course? I rented the telescope with money. If you don't return it, I will make it AA."

Hamster Pisi: "As an intelligence dealer, you should buy it as a must-have item."

Argo: "If the purchase of this kind of model that is not too small to look at the stars does not affect the activity funds. Regardless of the amount of money I earn, the funds required to distribute various strategy books that meet the number of adventurers in various places... Astronomical figures."

Hamster Pisi: "That's because you are too kind to the weak human race. It's not a scam to charge them a few gold coins or even a large gold coin."

(to be continued)