Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 230: Babies of SAO will catch swords with bar

"This kind of thing can be sold for a few big gold coins and people will buy it. No wonder you are poor when you distribute it like this." Hamster Pisi said, and took out the "Rat Raiders Book Eighty" that she had picked up for free at the item store as a travel guidebook. Six-Story Synopsis" smacked Argo on the nose.

Argo snatched the binoculars when Pith the hamster turned into a one-handed telescope, raised the eyepiece and looked at the glass window of the temple at the mission location.

Skinny the hamster: "The stained glass window has its own mold effect, but you can still see what's going on. Don't regret it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Argo sat down blushing and covered his face with his hands and said, "Even if it is a task that can read brainwaves to determine success or failure, what's the trouble with them turning on the 'honesty mode' in such a place?"

Hamster Pisi: "After all, reproduction is a very sacred thing for any race. It's not surprising that it is done in a temple, right?"

"Humans don't have that custom!" Argo patted Pisi the hamster on the head with the back of his hand and complained.

"But this is the right choice. One of the reasons why the girl fell into that state before was that the boy failed to meet her needs. From the results I checked before, after finishing this round, Miss Akanari should be born. It's gone." Pisi the hamster said earnestly in a strange and persevering manner.

"Birth?!" Argo couldn't help but raised the binoculars again.


"Wow, Kureya, this is our child." Akanari affectionately hugged a small boy with the same hair color as her own but with a lot of volume in her arms. The child said with a happy face.

It's just that the actions and attitudes are not so much a mother holding a baby, but a girl seeing her favorite furry pet rubbing in her arms.

"It's not okay to treat children roughly like just now, hey, did you hear that, Clare?"

"I heard it, but what I saw just now was a ball, so I want to confirm whether I can catch the sword with my bare hands... And I actually caught it! It's better to think of this as a combat power replenishment system?"

"That can't be done!"

Someone who was held in Akanari's arms was almost in a panic at this time. He remembered that as a beta tester, he was obviously confident in technology and initial intelligence, but fell into a routine that did not exist in the beta test and died. But this... doesn't seem to be the plot of reincarnation in another world after death. Oops, my memory seems to be fading... Who am I?


"Argo, you just watched it for ten minutes? Is it so good to have a baby? Do you want to try it too?" Pith the hamster whispered in Argo's ear.

"Let's think about it when I grow up. As far as I know, giving birth is not like this... Forget it, let's not talk about these things. But if this is what needs to be done to complete the task, it would be too stupid, really not A death game for all ages... Please pretend you didn't hear this sentence. I'll prepare for the joint first, and you wait for me here." Argo handed the hamster Pisi a note.

"Can't you just send me a message?" Pith the hamster muttered after taking the note.

Argo: "If this paper leaves the inventory, the durability will be degraded in less than a minute. It is much safer than [The Art of Distant Book], which is good at programming... Editing magic can adjust the historical records to peek."

Pith the hamster: "So this is one of your private secret places? Tell me, is it alright?" The map coordinates that most people would not use were actually written on the paper instead of the name of the place.

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, Yeguo Reading,; install the latest version. 】

"You'll know when you get there." Argo turned around and ran a few steps after he finished speaking, his figure had completely disappeared.


"Isn't it the original safe zone for human adventurers to rest inside the Tianzhu Tower!" Pisi the hamster who came here at the appointed time shouted loudly towards the maze passageway that was structured like a fortress.

The echo continued for several seconds.

However, it is true to say that it is a passage, but there are almost all dead ends nearby, as well as some maze traps and guards. There are some warning signs near the walls that seem to be placed according to the situation. Hard benches to sit on, with non-free drinking water next to the chairs—no healing or buffs.

"Isn't this a place where criminal organizations formed by human adventurers would choose to reform?" she muttered.

"That's right, the boss of the criminal organization here is me. This cute little mouse seems to be able to sell for a good price, tsk tsk." A rough male voice sounded from behind Pisi the hamster.

Pisi the hamster drew out the knife and turned around with a [Burst Counterattack] horizontal slash.

The exploding red light swept across the nose tip of the visitor and the edge of the hood, and the opponent leaned back to avoid it, then rolled back to open the distance.

"I can't even take such a harmless joke. As a partner, I'm so hurt." Argo said in a cadence.

"Is that a ventriloquism just now? Even if you are not being attacked by the guardians in the tower of Tianzhu, you will always feel the multiple sights and their reactions. The acting skills and environment rendering are too good. I accidentally reacted too realistically. Please forgive me. "Hamster Pisi laughed.

"Okay, let's not talk about that, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand." Argo took out the Water Pendant, the Jade Amulet and the Ring of Light that emitted blue, green and silver rays of light respectively.

"No problem, do you want to transfer money or cash?"

"Cash ready."

"Even if you pay with big gold coins, it will kill people, right? No Make an exception and pay with gem coins that are basically not in circulation." Pisi the hamster took out a sack the size of a shot put and threw it to Argo.

After confirming, Argo handed over all the accessories to Pisi the hamster, and complained: "It's terrible to charge the rings, and people are usually reluctant to hand them over in such a situation. Fortunately, the rings are not very decorative. Only if it suits Akanari's preferences can I have an excuse to buy a copy with an agent and replace it with a pair of enchanted and radiant rings."

"That's your own problem, I won't add money."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if the content of the divination is something big, right?"

"If it's something I can relate to. Please allow me to decline such things as divination of everyone's death date and the end of the world."

"No. Then please do your divination. How can we not regret it when we climb to the top and return to our world."

Piss the hamster took out a deck of tarot cards in a serious manner: "You said a proposition that would never happen, because the contradictions you brought from there have made Aincrad miserable and miserable. However, If it’s just that moment, there’s still hope, let me see—”

(to be continued)