Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 234: Aincrad comes to reality


"It's too late, isn't it?" Otohime whispered to herself looking at the sacred tree that was disguised as an ordinary huge tree outside the window.

It doesn't matter about the war for the time being, but now she can perceive that a regular abnormal spherical area with a radius of 100 kilometers is approaching. Bringing Aincrad to the present world is also a transformation of the world's energy system. A region with a regular anomalous region embedded is enough to increase the failure rate to almost 100%.

"Forget it, the virtual reality technology has been guaranteed, how many years have I waited for this, it's not too late, this time-"

At this time, a few soldiers with live ammunition blasted open the door and broke in...

"Dr. Ryugu, please transfer to us immediately—"

Before they finished speaking, their souls were sucked away by Otohime, and the pieces of flesh, which were no different from complete corpses, fell down.

"Please also understand that I have specially cooperated with you in order to witness the result from a good perspective and an interesting position."

After finishing this, Otohime picked up the gun in the opponent's hand, "chug" a bunch of meaningless blood holes on the meat, and then shot herself in the head and fell down.

Inferior creatures are not worth mentioning, but some complicated tasks are more convenient to rely on their technical staff, and it is too early for their world view to collapse, no matter how small it is, it is a trouble. Be normal.

Otsutsuki Otohime, who was manipulating her in the poor head of Ryunggong Otohime, got out of her ears and walked away.

She, who was only the size of a bacterium, came near the sacred tree and looked at the surrounding smoke.

"Let's keep as much as you can pull it into reality. The size is a material that can be used as a reference. But first let the players and magician experimental subjects who are the main force in Academy City to influence people's hearts be preserved, [God·Tree World] Nativity】."

[Recommended, Yeguo Reading and Chasing Books is really easy to use, download it here; everyone can try it soon. 】

The roots of the sacred tree sprang up in Academy City and grew wildly everywhere. It rolled up and drained all the people who were fighting here into mummies, and formed a defensive circle on the outskirts of the city.

As for the players admitted to hospitals in other parts of the island country, they were only a fraction compared to those in Academy City, so she didn't bother to care about them. Although there is no problem with the root system of the sacred tree extending to all parts of the world, it is difficult to accurately use the fighters of the sacred tree to ensure those people. If you launch the normal [Infinite Monthly Reading] and then use the method of producing Baijue to hang them all up, it will be almost the same. Going back to the old ways makes the experiment pointless.

In fact, if the SAO world is compared to the common dream of all players, then in fact, the illusion comparable to [Infinite Moon Reading] has already been completed. Chakra can use various evasion techniques including thunder escape, and transform them into various signals based on electric energy. Sending and receiving is also very simple.

The illusion that makes people all over the world fall into their dreams and is ready to become the food of the sacred tree is called [Infinite Monthly Reading], so all the NERvGear transmission signals and host transmission signals are collected, and all players and NPCs who have obtained artificial souls recognize Ai. Engrante built an illusion world, and it doesn't matter if it's called [The Art of Infinite Online Games].

Although this mechanism is more or less borrowed from the magic bracelet that Kraunpith gave her on a date with her, which can enter the illusion space and play video games, Otohime liked it very much, even if she herself was taken down at the time. Forcibly liking Kronpith's physique, Otohime also expressed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

The rest is how to maintain the illusion in reality. Although Crompiss has her own way, Otohime has left her to work alone for a long time, so naturally she also has her own stubbornness.

Chakra can manipulate various elements, including the energy and matter contained in them. Matter and energy can be created directly with Chakra, such as Earth Dungeon, Water Dungeon representing matter, Thunder Dungeon and Fire Dungeon belonging to energy, etc., but the energy matter produced by Chakra cannot be maintained for a long time, and the real matter affected by Chakra Energy, even if the power is reduced if the spell is stopped, it can be retained. Then, how to accurately control the power of manipulating the energy of matter in the macroscopic level to the microscopic level?

Even if human beings obtain a large amount of chakra and develop extremely sophisticated techniques, they will not be able to do it.

But Otohime is Otsutsuki, who has swallowed the energy of an entire black hole and transformed it into his own chakra. When he turns his eyes serious, it is no problem to be an electron microscope. He can see it and manipulate it.

"Sarah, come down, Aincrad."

Otohime formed a seal, and huge flowers appeared on the sacred tree, which quickly opened, revealing the huge Samsara Sharingan.

In the projected direction of the vision of the huge Samsara Sharingan, within the huge conical range, a part of the material energy that would not affect the operation of the world disappeared, and a huge floating city with a radius of ten kilometers appeared in the clouds. At first, it was like a mirage, and gradually condensed into reality.

However, it seemed that the structure was a little weak. The lower end was rubbed by a passing hemispherical shield, and cracks appeared soon, and the stripped masonry fell to the sea below, hitting the shield and annihilated.


The current world/SAO world, Aincrad, the eighty-sixth floor—

Cloenpis came to the presidential suite where Kirito lived in the form of the original fallen fairy goddess, and knocked on the door.

It took some time before the door opened.

"Haha... There are still more than three hours before dawn, which classmate is it..." Sleepy Lyfa rubbed her eyes and yawned, opened the door and looked, and her sleepiness was quickly swept away.

"Aren't you too defenseless? I don't know who it is. Even if you open the door, at least put on your armor first. It's obvious that the magic [Phantom Book Technique] is so convenient, so you should make good use of it." Croynpiss taught.

She saw Lyfa wearing pajamas that were simple in style but enough for her Hee hee hee, were you too tired to comfort Kirito last night? Hahahaha. "Crown Piss covered his mouth and smiled.


While laughing, Lyfa had already changed her equipment, slid half a step back with one foot, leaned forward, held the scabbard and handle respectively, and said, "You know, bro... How troubled is it?"

"I know, after all, I have been watching from the window until you fell asleep. Congratulations, the raw rice is cooked and the rice is cooked, and the position is successful. But it is better to do this kind of thing when you are really happy. , It is true that you can get comfort for a while, but it may not be so good for a while afterwards."

"You!" Lyphadons blushed, with a look of embarrassment and indignation.

"Don't you draw your sword? It's the right choice. Let's not say that you are not my opponent when you team up together. There is nothing in the fight except adding a heartbroken corpse, right?" Kraunpi Nothing to worry about.

(to be continued)