Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 237: Technology house saves everything

Seeing that Crounpiss was just laughing, Argo started to work alone.

"If part of the attack mode can refer to Storea who is pretending to be a player, then you can refer to the rules of the mercenary NPC." She quickly recorded the weapons and equipment in the hands of those beautiful girls one by one, and inferred based on the existing weapon skills list their abilities.

"Why are they so still?" asked Argo.

"This time, it's just because al also realized that the system can't be maintained for much time, and urgently centered on Storea, who is currently the best final boss, with the same kind of convenient patchwork, so the personality can be generated in such a short time. It's impossible. Even the artificial soul can't hold it." Crompiss replied.

"After revealing your identity, you didn't even play the original role, but what is the virtual soul?"

"Ah, don't worry about it, you just understand that it doesn't even have AI, it's just a group of beautiful girl dolls that will keep attacking players when they encounter players."

"Really, I'm relieved. If Tong Zai hacks so many girls to death, he will definitely have a nervous breakdown."

"Why the emphasis on girls?" Crohnpith asked knowingly.

"...After all, it's Tongzai. Anyway, with him around, it must be a trip full of girls. Seeing Tongzai's life, there are already five NPCs who have approached Tongzai to propose marriage. There are nobles and commoners. They want to buy more detailed information. ?"

"No need, I'll do the divination. Anyway, Kirito has already pushed Lyfa away, and I'm still watching the whole process."

"Well, thank you for your patronage."

After hearing this, Crohnpiss slapped his head. It would be fine if he revealed some necessary information for the strategy. Just now, he seemed to be giving Argo a piece of information for nothing. Talking to her too recklessly is not okay. .

After a while, the others came to meet up.

I heard that there are still a few better and more powerful NPCs, but it seems that they still need some preparation time.

Asuna: "Kirito-kun, use crystal props for all consumables, and don't collect slow-acting things like potions to occupy the inventory and backpack load, how?"

Lyfa: "We have collected enough, bro."

Kirito: "So many? Where did they come from?"

But both of them were embarrassed, because they directly emptied the crystal props from the players who died nearby and the players who operated consumable stores.

Anyway, you can’t take these with you after customs clearance, so it’s not considered stealing, right?

But this can't be hidden from Kirito, because he will also do things like take out the props from the dead. Although the others are not dead yet, they are not far from death. But it's better not to mention it.

It's just that Tong Xindao may have made them hard for nothing, because the next battle probably won't be very troublesome. It's just that he didn't say it out loud. If his battle plan fails and turns into an ordinary storm, then these things will be useful.

Yuuki asked: "What is Kirito busy with? Can you save Storea?"

Kirito said proudly: "Ah, I went to the console on the seventy-sixth floor and stored Storea's AI data backup in my NERvGear, so as to ensure her life, and the next step is to remember Question, I found the data that Yui became the sword spirit of my black sword, and compiled a copy of it, as long as I use the sword that Lyfa gave me just now to defeat Storea, let al cooperate If the checkpoint deletes the erroneous data isolated, she can be completely saved."

Argo: "Tongzi, that console doesn't have such complicated functions, does it?"

Kirito: "But all the consoles here have the primitive function of directly inputting codes to run programs when necessary, and the consoles are all connected to the host, so I only need to spend a few minutes writing a program to hack in."

Argo: "Tongzi, from Sai Wen, we can tell that this is a system that the authorities can't crack with a large number of technical elites, right?"

Yuuki: "Go in black, is Kirito really carrying out the black system, as expected of—"

Lyfa: "Brother, don't commit a crime!"

Asuna: "Kirito-kun, no matter how good your skills are, you can't do bad things."

Kirito: "No way, I only did it when I forgot my account password. By the way...Miss Clampis looks so shocked?"

Crohnpiss: "That's right, I finally prepared you a choice between tortured souls, and it was solved so easily."

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Kirito: "I already understand your resentment towards the players. Although some things cannot be forgiven, if possible, I would like to try to help you."

Crohn Piss retreated more than ten meters like an electric shock: "I kind of understand what Argo meant when he said 'seeing Kirito for life'!"


Cloenpiss had to admit that she was a little excited when she heard Kirito's words just now. Although she has always been in a high position, it is also a fact that she can't find someone to act coquettishly, and Kirito's appearance in women's clothing has indeed hit her favor zone, so...

Playing the role of the original fallen goblin goddess, she shook her head violently to get rid of this strange idea. If she was not careful, she would end up with Frampis V. Groppi, one of Crohnpiss clones. Uz an ending.

"No need, no need. In the final analysis, this world is a huge experimental field. There are as many reasons to preserve my existence at this level." Cloenpiss said, spreading his hands.

"Wait, the test site? Is there any extension to the Suxiang incident!" Asuna said in surprise.

"No no come? Didn't Saiwen tell you about this? At least you should see that the existence of this world is of great help to the military and medical fields, right? It’s just a thief who stole the beard, so I will assist Miss Asuna’s companion to save you and teach him and the organization behind him that may exist.” Crohnpiss laughed.

"However, his equipment should not have the brain-destroying function of NERvGear."

"No, no, but the signal injected into his brain enough to imply his death still exists. At that time, his HP was so thick, and his defense power was so high, but it caused him to suffer with 100% pain. This attack that should have been fatal lasted for tens of minutes before it was able to exit, and now even if it does not die, it is useless."

"He's not dead? That's okay." Kirito, who felt that the man was too bad, couldn't help but have such irresponsible thoughts.

"Well, as an unknown **** of his level, even if he has achieved results, he will be snatched and silenced in the end. That's not bad... Eh, so far, it's not good to let you know more. It's kind of dead The only way is to know too much." Cloenpiss pretended to cover her mouth after speaking.

(to be continued)