Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 245: Undying Yuna

After Yuuki greeted Kraunpiss, she stared at the Lord of Blades who just stood up again: "However, why is this family being targeted? I have fought with these worm girls three times these days. Does it have nothing to do with you?" ?”

"Don't label it indiscriminately. If you say it's irrelevant, it's really irrelevant. If you say it's related... If I didn't kill them on a whim and cause you to be deeply disturbed, then it is related."

"Uh... If it's true, it's really irrelevant, sorry. Are you just visiting your new home today?"

"No, no, I came to recover Dorothy's magic items. I re-diffused the magic in this world, and those things were not hers in the first place. Isn't that too much to ask?"

"Eh..." Yuuki smiled shamelessly, "It's a bit difficult...I heard that those were dismembered by Lisbeth and used as weapon and armor materials to strengthen Kirito, Lyfa, Asuna and Saiwen, they It is the last hope to reach the upper level, Dorothy sauce is also willing to help, hahahaha, this is the only one left, although I was told not to use [Star Mode], but just holding it will help a lot in addition busy."

Saying that, Yuuki took out all the fragments of the killing stone.

"I...go..." Crohnpiss opened his mouth, and had no choice but to take the fragments of the killing stone and raised his hands, "I really can't help it, then I will take Dorothy's adventure memory and revisit the place where I can collect all Let's collect it, after all, Aincrad really doesn't have any more gathering places for magic materials."

"Wow, really? It won't cost us any trouble, will it?"

"The world now connected to Aincrad is so big, it's hard to imagine that there is still time to count you civilians. If you think I am a person who likes to kill children for fun, then say otherwise."

"Yeah... Forget it, I can't beat you anyway. It's not safe for Dorothy sauce and Yuna to be at home recently, so I'm counting on you. Then I can let go and fight the bug girls."

Crohnpiss thought to himself that he heard a familiar "new" name just now. Are you living together?


"It's almost suitable here." Crohnpiss took Yuna and Dorothy to a starting point of a series of missions that should have been based on "The Wizard of Oz", and asked, "Is it okay?"

Dorothy shook her head, for her, the only bad thing Crompiss did in front of her was to make Yuuki's head fall off, but now Yuuki is alive and well. Although that's not what Crounpiss asked at all.

Yuuna replied with a lonely face: "Is it a question of going home? Actually... my father and I have contacted Ari... Nokilas, but it's just my father... because of the various political disputes caused by the Sao incident, he was devastated. Although I thought that I would be able to do something by resurrecting myself as a resident of Aincrad, but my father didn't want me to be involved in those disputes and let me stay here for now. And, maybe it can help, but Having died once, I also understand how hurting my companions will be caused by rushing forward with only a moment of courage."

"However, it is also thanks to your spirit and deeds that your soul can be saved by Al, otherwise you would not even have a chance to be resurrected. In fact, more than 60,000 people have disappeared forever. Most of them are due to infighting and accidents among you players , crimes, and mutual dismantling, less than 30,000 people died 100% at the hands of monsters." Klaumpis teased.

To this, the girls did not answer, and there was no way to refute it.

"Let's go, it's okay to take it as a short trip to relax." Crohnpiss activated the history here, and a tornado swept them into the sky.

When it landed at the destination, the girls in skirts made a fool of themselves, but they were enthusiastically surrounded by local residents.

This is the place where Dorothy first came into contact with magic. For the residents here, Dorothy is the benefactor who got rid of the local evil witch. The same is true for the ideal plot of fairy tales.

The residents told Dorothy that after her lost companions failed to find her, although they did not give up, they returned here, hoping to rely on the power of other good witches and magicians, but later the magic power of the oldest source in this land They suddenly disappeared, making them anxious but unable to leave, hoping that Dorothy would go to see them as soon as possible.

In the end, Dorothy thanked Crounpiss for bringing her here, and waved goodbye surrounded by the locals.

"In this way, Yuuki can let go of the rest of the burden and go back. I really don't know whether you are a good person or a bad person." Yuuna said, looking at the back of Dorothy who was going away.

"Don't worry about it, it's purely an accident. Don't you worry about yourself? The monsters under Mary Ann Bell are still in this world. They attacked you just now. Is there any problem without Yuuki's strength?"

"It's okay, my father helped me well. Although it was something I did with regret and anger after the death of the other body, no one was harmed yet, and I got help after I came back to life, ah! "

The reason why he yelled before finishing his sentence was that Yuuna's body was suddenly slapped into pieces by Crohnpiss' slap.

"Wait, even if you know that my body won't die, you shouldn't play a prank." Yuna who reappeared said.

"What if you don't know?"

"That means you've really become a murderer, UU Reading is even worse!"

"But here comes the question—is it considered murder to send something that should have been in the cemetery back to the cemetery? Shouldn't it be picking up the lost things of everyone in the cemetery and returning them to their original owners? Not only innocent but also meritorious, hehehe."

"Absurd words, the premise of this theory is that the resurrection technique does not exist. But there is a concept of resurrection in SAO, even if the threshold is high. Don't push back the person who finally crawled out of hell!" Yuuna was really angry .

Crohnpiss quickly understood what was going on: "Hehehe, although I can see it, your father wants to take away all the memory data about you in other people's brains and reshape a virtual you. Considering this The world has become a reality, there is really nothing wrong with it. As a result, al has already stored your data. When the technology is used on you, you will become immortal Aincrad and you will live forever. Strong value is also the level of tactical weapons, but you have a physique that makes big countries want to obtain data even if they launch a nuclear war. It's a phenomenon unique to Engrante, no wonder your father won't let you out."

(to be continued)