Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 33: Heathcliff's final candor

"Aiya, did my performance fail?" Heathcliff said, calling up an interface that did not belong to the player and clicked.

Kurea only felt that his body almost lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground. Looking at it, he found that there was an icon representing the abnormal state of paralysis next to his HP.

Fuyuki Mihoko also had her HP next to her, but she just hunched her back and straightened herself up again within two seconds.

"Oh, the existence of the breakthrough system has always been close at hand? No, should it be true, really." Heathcliff shrugged mockingly.

"The 'paralysis' under this system is not to cut off the user's operation signal to the player's character, right? It can also be reluctantly moved to use the operation interface and props to leave the way to relieve the abnormal state, understand the mechanism, and ignore the 'paralysis'. simple."

Of course, the actual operation is not so simple, and magic power is used, and the risk is not small, but that should not be said.

When the two were talking, Kurea moved her fingers that were barely able to move, and wanted to confirm the last call with Argo, Akanali, and Yuuki who were in the same labyrinth, and let them come... No, don't come. Here, that is the guy who can paralyze the audience with just one click!

Mihoko Fuyuki went on to say: Straight is the center of the experimental field, and I didn't take my juniors away just to avoid irritating the monitors. And as a player, your emotions are too indifferent and indifferent, at least - you are one of the researchers or related personnel who use so many people as some kind of experimental material. "

She has a secret mission given by the dean, and that is to protect the awakened rookies Natsuka and Akiha, and nurture them to the point where they can survive even if they die in-game.

For people like them, if the power is used properly, even if their heads are attacked by microwaves, they can prevent them from being attacked by microwaves, so they are not panic. The stability and solidarity of the - aware that the world is a testing ground, they do not intend to participate in the strategy game.

Not long ago, the user name of the dean among friends was crossed out, not blocked, but died. The dean said that he would work hard in the game, and he shouldn't change his mind without notice. Maybe it really happened, at least what the researched party did, or even silenced.

Therefore, Mihoko Fuyuki thinks that it is meaningless to pretend that she has not seen it, and recently she has been out with Kureya for a long time. Instead of returning to the hotel where she has paid the rent, she also made a deal with Argo and asked her to bring Akanali with her. Going in circles - although there is also a bit of selfishness involved.

"What's the purpose of doing things that are not like ordinary players?" she asked Heathcliff.

"Let me correct a little bit, I'm not just someone involved, but - Kayaba Akihiko himself." Heathcliff said, "It's pointless to argue here, but there's another point I must correct, I The purpose is to create this world, and then observe the world. Those who use sao as an experimental site are those sponsors, among them, there should be units that deliberately put my research in crisis and then take the opportunity to help, and—the officials of your Academy City.”


"Is that so?"

Unlike Kurrea's shock, Mihoko Fuyuki was somewhat expected.

"Originally, I planned to become the strongest player first, and then turn into the final boss, but for some reason, I'm afraid I can't stay in the sao." Heathcliff said.

Mihoko Fuyuki: "Could it be that you were arrested in reality? Then what can you do to us? Because from the very beginning we possessed this magic that obviously should have destroyed sao's original game concept, but could be recognized by the system?"

"How can it be just that, there are other people who can be found." Heathcliff shook his head and said, "I can modify data and create skills by myself to make myself stronger, and magic-like skills can also be easily written, But I also gave the system a judgment - the person with the fastest reaction speed and the sharpest battle becomes the hero, and gets the sword skill "two swords" against me. You are the one who got the two swords, why have you never seen you use it?"

"Ah, I'm still thinking that I've been majoring in two-handed epee and saber all the time. When did I practice that skill? It turns out that the sword skill that was written by a layman is full of loopholes and you did it?" The sword symbolically swung a few times in a standard stance and said, "Although dual-wielding weapons seem to have the advantage of attack frequency and range, they also require more body balance and attention distribution. Unfortunately, that is not the swordsmanship I learned. School, instead of giving up the accustomed swordsmanship for that little advantage, it is better to fight with the swordsmanship that is accustomed to holding only one sword. Moreover, the Starburst Air Slash] and Eclipse] are both continuous cuts that force the body to make a fixed routine once activated. It is difficult to change direction, the rigidity is too long, and the flaws are too large. If anyone fights with me in the form of 'first strike decisive victory', UU Kanshu uses the continuous sword skills of the two swords in front of me, and I can instantly kill other side."

"Really, in front of the real swordsman masters, are the continuous sword skills in sao all loopholes?" Heathcliff smiled wryly.

"Yes. But considering the strong attack power, most of the monsters also rely on fixed programs to move, and I admit that some sword skills are quite useful to me. The second sword style] is not completely useless, it gives me an extra weapon and equipment column. , you can stack one more weapon parameter." Mihoko Fuyuki patted the one-foot-long machete hanging from her waist.

"I always thought it was a backup weapon." Kurea complained.

"Of course, it can also be used as a backup weapon. Besides, the existing sword skills are indeed very powerful for those who have never practiced swords. So, what's the matter?" Mihoko Fuyuki asked.

"It's nothing, it's just to clear the doubts in your heart before exiting sao," Heathcliff said with a gesture, "Since you have made such a terrible list of sword skills I designed, then show me."

After all, he shook his arm and flew out a short sword.

Mihoko Fuyuki raised her sword and flicked the dagger down, and at the same time Heathcliff's cursor turned orange—criminal player.

"If you kill me like this, you won't become famous." Heathcliff raised his shield and charged towards Mihoko Fuyuki.

"Thank you for your concern. Can't you operate with system permissions? Transform."

Mihoko Fuyuki raised her hand, and a dazzling blue light burst out from her hand, which converged into a two-handed long sword with a silver-white hilt and gauntlet, a blue body, and a width that could be used as a shield. Only the blue dress suits that fit on stage.

To resist the paralyzed state granted by the system authority and to fight with gm with all her strength, she had to use the power of a magical girl.

to be continued