Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 48: Longlong miserable

Originally, Kraunpiss led a group of badass players to fight Virus Tira, just doing it with the mood of gods playing in the world.

Leaving Virus Tira in the game to isolate the memory is just a playful way to meet his training needs. Isn’t Hekatia Tempest in the Demon Kingdom interested in the practice of suppressing strength and limiting destruction? It seems that sao is quite literal of. Even if there is no result, there will be no loss.

Unexpectedly, the scene suddenly turned into a scene where the boys were bullying Virustila.

Therefore, Crompis was not happy, and deliberately launched a skill on the humanoid Virustila: "[Iron Maiden [ironmaiden]]."

Desire to give color to the hairy players who were too smooth just now, this move is of course almost useless in front of the humanoid Virustila.

After the spikes on the upright pillars raised from the ground caused a little damage to Verustila who hit him head-on, Verustila nonchalantly went around the huge unclosed gap between the pillars and rushed towards the Г team. Create a bright ball of fire.

"Isn't this the trick to fight Feldway? Even within the system limit, it's still possible to kill a team of players in seconds." Kraunpiss thought.

However, they saw that Team Г had already retreated ahead of time.

The ball held by Virus Tira's hand pressed down on the ground, and the flames that instantly constricted their energy and range turned into beams of welding sparks that sprayed out in front of her in a fan-like manner.

No one was hit by a direct hit, and the team was bathed in splashing sparks. The HP of the tank player dropped by nearly 40% in one breath, and the HP of other players fell to the yellow area.

They immediately and organizedly leave the sparking area and recover.

Crohnpiss then shot [elemental inferno] at Virustila, shooting out colorful magic—it looked beautiful but missed.

Therefore, there is no hatred.

Virustila clenched his fists and switched to [Physical Technique] to attack. While sprinting, the team of players who were about to be attacked simultaneously used the rush technique [Sonic Impact], and the rows of swords were like a wall, all brushed together. Zuo Liuguang knocked Verustila into the air.

"I see... the system cannot logically suppress Virus Tira's speed within the acceptable range of human beings, so this is the trick."

Crohnpith noticed that at this time, the prediction line of Verus Tira's attack path and range appeared in the eyes of the players. Although the interval between the appearance of the prediction line and the attack was very short, well-trained Gao Wan could cope with.

The key is that the timing of these players' team cooperation is really good. The combination of sword skills superimposes the knockback effect, but the method will fail if there is a slight distance and time difference. Even if different players use the same weapon and proficiency, considering It should be difficult to realize the differences among people. But they did.

"Although there is indeed a need to continue fighting, according to common sense, shouldn't you seek my opinion first after 'recovering' the human form? Only the type of cursor set by the system (world rules) on the npc's head can determine what to do What, can I use this to develop a type of magic eye?

"Well, by the way, I have to think about how to use these brats' scripts in the future. Mary Ann Bell is also on the move. Do you want to play with her before the world is completed?"


While Kraunpiss was thinking about irrelevant things there, what she couldn't ignore was that she knew that Virustila had tactical awareness despite blocking her original memory and thinking.

Virustila noticed that there were two teams of players running over and waiting near his landing point. In addition to the previous series of "God's predictions", he judged that the opponent might have the means to predict the moves themselves, and immediately adjusted his posture in the air. Wingless humanoids in SAO cannot fly, but if they attack with the speed gained by knocking themselves up—

However, the ripples on the shields of a group of heavily armored warriors with large shields forced her to turn her attention away—she had to attack the enemies with the taunt status first.

Her whip leg swept towards the three people within the attack range with the physical skill [Moon Wheel].

"Duang!" The three of them were hit so that their HP turned yellow, approaching the red danger zone, and their bodies fell back sharply.

Virus Tira rotated his body at high speed, and swept forward with the light effect of his other leg.

Immediately, the sound of crystal shattering sounded, and their hp was immediately restored to full capacity, and then more than half of them was cut off again with the sound of "duang".

[Moon Wheel] only had two consecutive strikes. Virustila who fell on the ground immediately raised his hand, condensed sharp ice on his hand and hardened it, and launched [Death Stabbing] to stab one of them.

Although the attack distance is not as good as weapons and kicks, but the speed is faster than any skills, and the attack power is enough to clear the HP of the target in front of him.

However, the player behind them suddenly shot a long spear with [Throwing Spear] and collided with Verustila's hand. Neither side bounced off, and the gun body was not damaged by the sharp hilt, but just like that It went in along her hand, and the tip of the gun protruded from the shoulder!

As a result, the arm could no longer move, and the [Death Stabbing] had to be interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, several spears flew behind her, piercing her body from behind.

Virustila vigorously jumped out of the tight encirclement of the player formation, the hand that was fixed by the gun kept trying to move, trying to force the gun out, while the other hand grabbed the end of the gun protruding from the chest, trying to push the gun out .

There are many barbs on the body of the gun, making the gun like a hard thorn.

The game sets that this type of weapon is not easy to pull out When it is penetrated and left in the body, it has a strong continuous blood loss effect, and it can also slow down the player's activities by disrupting the brain to send signals to the game character— This is a high-end product for pk high-level players to kill and steal. It is not surprising that there are a large number of these types of weapons.

It would be fine if it was still in the form of a three-headed dragon, not to mention that it couldn't be penetrated by this kind of weapon at all, even if it was stabbed, it could be escaped with any movement of the body.

Now she has to seriously remove the weapons that pierced her all over her body, but the player group didn't give her a chance.

Another group of players tapped their shields to launch [Provocation], causing Verustila to charge towards them involuntarily.

For the balance of the game, Virustila does not have an area skill that can easily instantly kill players who have reached the level of attacking her. If the small area skill is used well, it may kill five or six players who are close together at once, but they cooperate too well. , attacking a place with a high population density with a single skill will be forcibly offset or even sent flying by the sword skill with the superimposed effect of combined attacks.

Can only wait for the last hp gauge to drop to yellow, will the overlord state of the mode switch forcefully exclude the weapons in the body and activate the last mode?

(to be continued)