Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 49: chop, disagree

Maxim's heart tightened as he watched the last tube of HP of the Emperor Dragon Velustilla drop to yellow.

When the boss's HP turns yellow or red, there is a high probability of making a very violent attack. When trying to kill the boss at first, he sacrificed his comrades several times due to rash attacking or misjudging the attack mode at this stage.

He ordered everyone to retreat to a distance where they could safely evade a long-range attack, and watched Velustila, who had instantly summoned a blue dragon sword out of thin air after all the spears that had been inserted all over his body collapsed.

Seeing the shape of the broadsword, he breathed a sigh of relief.

SAO is quite fair and rigid in terms of weapons. Since she has taken out such a weapon, the attack skills she can use should be the same as the player's long-handled sword. At most, it has her own special attributes and stronger attack power. .

SAO sometimes has monsters and human race hostile NPCs holding weapons and armors similar to the players. Players can even grab those weapons and armors and use them. Although there is no potential value, they can also be sold or rebuilt, which is also considered as the income of frontline players. A small part of the source that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, the relevant skills of all known weapons have been rehearsed to the extreme. It's easier to deal with this type of monsters than to deal with monsters that unleash their destructive power.

"Д, Е, Ж, З step forward, pay attention to the starting position of the straight and long-range straight slashing sword skills to launch orbital and sweeping attacks!"

The Emperor Dragon Velustila, who had transformed into a human form, raised his sword and spun at high speed, sweeping away!

"Team Д, Е, block!"

This kind of sword skill can be easily resisted as long as he uses the linking method that he used to easily knock it flying.

However, at the moment when the row of weapons with the sword skill light effect resisted the scorching sword that burst in and burst in, both teams were ignited!

Although the other teams immediately attacked the Emperor Dragon Velustila from the other side according to the tactics, turning the hatred value, but the flames on everyone in the Д and Е teams did not disappear.

Maxim noticed that there was an abnormal status icon in the shape of a flame next to their HP bar.

It seems that it is an abnormal state of continuous loss of HP like poisoning, and it will also spread to other people through "contact spread", and the consumption rate is very high! Even for players with high HP, it may take less than ten seconds to go from full to zero!

Without his order, they used crystals one after another, namely recovery crystals and purification crystals, and only then did they escape the crisis.

Two people directly took out the transfer crystal and left the battlefield and returned to the circle to dispel the damage. This is the rule that is allowed by default among them. If you really can't use two crystals in time, or you don't have the props for recovery and you can't wait for teammates to support them, they are allowed to escape. This is different from the way of training and using the army in the outside world. Even if most ordinary players are excluded, although the soldiers are not afraid of sacrifice, not only those who have both high-level play and military level are now killed one less, in the battle against NPCs It's not worth the sacrifice.

"Everyone disperse!" Maxim hurriedly ordered, thinking about what to do next.

If there is such a thorny abnormal state, coupled with its movement speed, the team will simply die when they gather together. Each time each person needs two crystals to offset the damage, even the local tyrants can’t afford it, but the emperor dragon Velus Tira's attack can't be resisted by one person.

Dispersing in this way can at least ensure avoidance and avoid the spread of the abnormal burning state. The player who is hit can use the crystal item immediately to avoid danger, but this only reduces the loss of the item after being hit.

Watching the figure with the flame and knife light rampage in the team, from time to time, teammates who can't hold it are forced to use the transfer crystal to escape. Although the emperor dragon Velustila is not unattacked, the HP also slowly declines. But as her HP decreased, her speed and attack frequency increased, and even the number of people she could use to attack would not be able to maintain it sooner or later.

Is it better to mobilize external and backup personnel reinforcements from outside the door, or is it better to retreat in time to stop the loss while the crystal props are still available?

He glanced at Clumpis, who was constantly aiming at the Emperor Dragon Velustilla to prepare magic, but due to the fact that there were too many teammates who acted as obstacles, he couldn’t easily cast it—even so, the sporadic damage began to outweigh the player’s output.

Noticing the seemingly embarrassed face of Clumpis, and the question mark cursor on his head, which represented information that could be obtained through dialogue, he stepped forward with a ruthless heart.

But before that, the emperor dragon Velustra stared at her and charged at her with a knife.

Clumpis’s hand that kept attacking the magic circle trembled, and finally put it down and raised the other hand. A large tree with a canopy covering the ceiling appeared around her, and a drop of dew dripped from the leaves. The bead the size of a glass bead that fell into a solid state in her hand emitted a soft light and floated towards the Emperor Dragon Velustilla.

Just when most of the people, including Maxim, were relieved and felt that it was time to enter the plot animation mode—

The Emperor Dragon Velustila suddenly swung a knife in the air. It seemed like this, but a wind blade burst out, cutting off the trunk and Crampis' raised right arm together!

"Dangerous!" Maxim rushed up subconsciously, and when the rushing sword was about to stab Clumpis, he knocked her down and rolled several times in a row, out of the slashing range of the Emperor Dragon Velustilla.

"I'm sorry... Trouble the soldiers."

"What should I do now!" Maxime hurriedly asked.

"The power of the Holy Tree can no longer be condensed... It is the only one... It is too late to escape now. At least, I must make an end."

Clumpis pushed Maxime away, summoned a sword of light, and rushed up to fight the emperor dragon Velustilla.

When Maxim just started to think, a squad leader ran and said, "Lieutenant Colonel, maybe the quest rewards will not be available, but while they are entangled, now is a good opportunity to kill the boss to get experience points and drops! If they exchange When the damage reaches the end, the remaining HP is low enough that we can consider killing them all together."

Indeed, when the two "people" fought in melee combat, Clumpis was on one side, but the HP consumption was significantly greater. If it was a normal RPG, this would have been a cutscene for the bad ending of the mission where they were about to die together.

But they spent a lot of time finding out that as long as they are not in the circle, NPCs who go through the motions of other tasks can be killed and get experience points and drops. This will also cause some adverse effects.

For example, a team of players takes a task of collecting materials from a village outside the circle, and the reward is money, but during the task another team of players comes to slaughter the village, or loot the money, the village will be lost due to people or Mission terminated due to inability to pay.

(to be continued)