Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 51: Daughter who inherits the characteristic

Maxim saw a pop-up window listing the word "!", and below it was a list of experience points and other money and item rewards. He was relieved when he heard the sounds of relief and cheers around him.

He glanced at Klampis, who was kneeling on the ground and turning the cursor into a friendly color, with her head resting on her lap, and found that the question mark on her head disappeared, and a new exclamation mark appeared.

He secretly thought that the previous choice was indeed right. He considered that not all soldiers here must be able to kill without batting an eyelid, and they will have to return to society in the future, so he chose the option that is less chilling, even though there are many orange names and soldiers here. Red-named players are also caused by hostile players and npcs who deal with and kill enemy servers.

Maxim came a few meters away from Clampis and saluted, "Your Majesty the Primordial Fairy, is there anything else we can help you with?"

"Yes...." Clampis looked very distressed, lowering her head and stroking Virustila's head.

If it wasn't for the cursor on his head judging that the conversation was still in progress, Maxim almost thought the conversation was over.

At this moment, the boss room was lit up, and everyone looked at him and Clampis, wondering if there would be a follow-up to this mission.

Crampis took off her hood and cloak, folded it under Virustila's head, stood up and said: "It may be harsh to say this—the human adventure that you suddenly came to this world that day. Those who have brought new vitality and development to this world that was on the verge of collapse due to the great upheaval of the "earth cut off", but generally caused more troubles. From the "Apocalypse", it seems that you did not come voluntarily. Don’t miss the world you used to live in and fight for it, right?”

Maxim was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes."

"Do you feel dissatisfied with the state of this world? You have unlimited potential and can easily gain stronger power, but many people hate fighting. Are you from a happy world without disputes?" Clampis asked.

Maxim thought that this is of course impossible, now he is not only here to participate in the PK war where he only lives once, but the motherland in the real world is also forming a "ball pact" organization with many countries where the hostile server is located, from economics to politics to military The people suffering in the war zone are waiting for them to go to rescue, and his family in the real world should also be waiting for him. He still has a lot of things he needs and wants to do.

So he shook his head and said, "No. So, I... no, we have to go back."

"Really." Clampis turned around and took a few steps, and said with his back to him, "I have seen the battle between you and those people just now. It was a life-and-death battle. There must be reasons why you can't reconcile, but Wanting to leave this world is not something you can do alone."

"Is it necessary to complete tasks in different regions (servers) at the same time to meet the conditions?"

Crampis was silent for another moment before slowly speaking: "It's strange to say... the place where the qualification to get the shortcut to leave this world is, there..."


After entrusting the next task to the Maozi player and instructing the handover point for the completion of the task, Crompis brought Verustila to the top of the Ruby Palace.

This location has no other meaning, but the scenery is good and it is not a place that players can reach.

In fact, someone tried to climb up, but fell down. If the crystal props were not used in time, they would probably die.

She woke up Virustila, and seeing that Verustila seemed unhappy, she began to stroke her head vigorously: "What's the matter, little Stella, can you afford to lose so much?"

Virustila lowered his head and shook his head lightly.

"Cultivation failed, I'm sorry, I let my mother down. My blood is gone, and I finally got my parents to forgive me, but now even the cultivation that you all value...even if the memory is temporarily blocked, but because of this, it becomes If not, am I really lazy by nature, the type that everyone hates..."

"Humph..." Crohn Piss made a speechless voice, mocking himself when did he arrange a real practice?

At the beginning, it was promised to train Virus Tila, Nine Demons Yuzao, Ninini, and Fuss, Stella, and Nim of the "Trinity", but Klaumpis didn't specify the time, so that Ben belonged to or For them who have evolved into long-lived species, it is not a breach of promise to let them wait for a few years.

"Hee hee, is it useful or not? Fans of the authorities may not be able to see it clearly. Can you tell me about your experience first?" Croynpiss planned to use the bone king's formula.

Virustila began to speak.

It turned out that Virustila thought it was a trial given by Crompis.

In the Demon Kingdom Hekatia Tempest, the three bosses who are absolutely related to the name of this country take the lead—

Veldora, the patron saint, suppresses her magic essence all the time, Rimuru, the lord of the Demon Kingdom, restrains her strength every day, and the "beautiful monster princess" Klaumpis plays down the sense of existence other than fame. Against this background , the strength of the three big bosses has shown a terrifying increase from the early days of the founding of the Demon Kingdom to a few years later.

Therefore, there has been a long-lasting wave of suppressing one's own personality for cultivation in the Demon Kingdom.

Crohnpiss said in her heart that you are as she expected-overthinking, they don't have such a deep way of doing this.

However, from the perspective of people who are "trained" by Kraunpiss, using the "poor" body and flawed moves in and the hp slot whose total life is much lower than the reality, to go It is indeed a difficult practice to deal with a large number of players who are constantly growing.

Although Crohnpith really intends to use this as an excuse to procrastinate, in fact, he just wants them to familiarize himself with the changes in the rules. The real practice is after Otohime's experiment is over and the world is transformed. It should be from sao Counting a few years after the server was launched, the world will definitely be in chaos by then, and you can fight as you like.

"Hee hee," Crohn Piss simply gave up and let them play together.

She stood up and pulled Verustila up, and said terrible words: "Then, let you deal with the enemies who were once exiled by me, if you are still so useless—"

"I know, Mom, am I going to die once?"

"No," Croyn Piss shook his head, "It seems that because of the resurrection ability, none of you feel nervous enough."

She pointed at Verustila's forehead and nodded, saying, "Although I won't give up a useful child easily, if I don't live up to it, I can go back to the stove and rebuild."

(to be continued)