Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 52: National War Game

Recently, Virustila has been crying inexplicably a lot, making Crompiss annoyed because he doesn't know how to react.

The "rebooting" that Kroenpiss said to Virustila was not going back and starting over from the basics, but what she had done to Angie—destroying and resetting everything from body to personality and even soul. However, considering the impact, it is better not to do it or not to do it. It is difficult for Virustila to hide from Limulu's spiritual core Ciel.

Virustila didn't understand the true meaning, but Crohnpiss's smile gave off an aura that even she felt was dangerous, which made her swallow her saliva involuntarily, putting away the simple and easy-to-understand compassion of a child. , nodded cautiously.

"But...Mom, can...give me some time to adapt? This body..."

Although she didn't name her, she thought it might be Marian Bell, who was also a strong enemy to her, so she had to be cautious.

"Hee hee, then I will give you one year. If you want to increase your chances of winning, go find your partners from all over Aincrad. I will watch you in the dark and rate you (as a pastime). Come on, don't let my reputation be ashamed. Give me a little hint, now you can issue missions to Maozi and his friendly players." Crohnpiss turned around, waved his hand and left.

Virustila looked at the direction where Crompis disappeared, nodded for a moment, then turned and left.


Maxim took people back to the starting town of the Russian server, and went to the headquarters to report the new situation of the results of this expedition.

And the new mission information revealed by the original fallen goblin goddess, Clampis Lilith Radius, after the mission phase ended, has also received the attention of the superiors.

Colonel Xiong Wang—the id name of the person in charge of the Russian army who entered sao, he sat behind a huge desk with his hands on the table and his chin and asked: "The starting town of the American server has the so-called authority of God...that is, ours Do you think this kind of information is credible for the known software facilities related to administrator privileges?"

"Judging from the 'rationality' shown by sao so far, it is not impossible." Maxim said, "At present, we have discovered several enterprise employees who have entered the game debugging system but are also trapped here, so if necessary It is not surprising to give employees an area to exercise management authority within the game. As for the reason for the server in the United States, I think it is not worth thinking about because of the relationship between the United States and the island country.”

"What about the possibility that the npc is being manipulated by the outside world and deliberately revealing information?"

"The 'ball contract' led by the United States has been dealing with us. What harm will it do us if we continue to fight at this time?"

Colonel Xiongwang stood up, turned around and came to the window, overlooking the streets where the Maozi had lived for several months.

"If the Americans who entered sao die first, I would like to know how this will affect the war outside. However, regardless of whether the administrator authority exists, the benefits of completing the task are of great benefit to us, but considering To the scale that may trigger a battle, this task cannot be completed by us alone, and we must win Donghuang's support." He said.


While Argo went to collect information, he also asked Kirito to ask Fei to confirm some things.

But Argo came back earlier than expected, and Kirito frowned as he looked at the information Argo retrieved.

It's hard to imagine this place where everyone is supposed to live in unity, even if there are some conflicts between people and groups, it will reach this level.

"The US server isolates and imprisons foreign players in a fixed area. Can this kind of thing be done in the system? Anyone who tries to escape will be killed once they step out of the circle. Moreover, they also have large-scale PKs with players on the Russian and Asian servers. Does this bring in all the contradictions of reality?"

Argo patted Kirito's waist and said: "Although this body is just a player character composed of polygons, it is already the same as the real body, right? In addition to the large number of people and the addition of the army, players from different countries here The relationship is no different from the countries that are at war in reality. Moreover, since our compatriot Akihiko Kayaba is the chief culprit, and the outside "ball contract" organizations are at war with Russia, the news often reports that they are at a disadvantage and lead to domestic discord Steady, so it's not surprising that they hate the players who account for the majority."

If you want to say why the problem did not break out in a wider area of ​​sao, the answer is the proportion of the player population. Eastern and Maozi players accounted for more than 80% of the total number of players, among which more than half of the Eastern players did not like to fight against foreign countries, while European and American players only accounted for less than 20%.

Just don't underestimate the fact that this is less than 20%. The proportion of real identities over there are soldiers and civilians with guns seems to be quite high.

"However, what does this have to do with their targeting Fuyutsuki Mihoko, Akanari, and Kuria?" Kirito asked.

"They didn't hide it. They are all students of Academy City, right? Although it is not clear about the details, Academy City also assisted in the research and development of some key parts of Sao (the news was released). Although it is not good to be so suspicious , but since a few of them can quickly master skills that almost all players don’t know, maybe they have some special background in Academy City, that’s all I can find out.” Argo shrugged.

"In other words, hostages and sources of information? Even though it's just a virtual body, it's enough to hold your life in your hands..." Kirito still felt a little far-fetched, because he lacked key information.

But if the deduction in this direction is It should be safe if it is not the companions of other students in Academy City.

"Tong Zai, even if you want to rescue the person who was captured by the player, not only can't bear the risk, but you also have no time."

"Ah, I know. I can go alone to save Lyfa and Asuna, Argo and Fay please help—"

"I think you don't understand Tongzi at all! In short, you open the friend menu to have a look."

Kirito opened it and saw that it was exactly as he had expected. The names of Fuyutsuki Mihoko and Yuna, who had been registered for the time being, were in gray that could not be contacted, but since the names were still there, it meant they were alive.

Lyfa and Asuna are easier to confirm, their team formation has not even been cancelled, their hp slots are still hanging in Kirito's status bar window, and they have been upgraded. The treatment is very good?

Argo: "No matter what kind of restrictions are made in the circle, NPCs may have means, but players will never have the authority to block contact, and they will not waste a battle with such a strong monster for Fuyutsuki Mihoko and Yuuna. Strength, that is..."

(to be continued)