Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 53: Absolute Sword Arena

Argo didn't give the answer, but Kirito, who knew it, also had his own guess: "A neutral city outside the circle, right?"

In some places outside the circle, there are areas that can prohibit the use of crystal items and communication by hostile forces. If you take on a task that pits the players against each other, this will happen. If it can be used for a long time, it must have highly difficult epic tasks. Taking the geographical area occupied by the neon server and the density of epic tasks in the service area as a reference, two European and American servers are also the limit.

Argo: "This matter can't be attended by people with a completely oriental face, Tongzai, if you can constantly rely on plot quests to know combatable NPCs, you can find a way to take on more similar quests to get friendly NPCs, and the rest know what to do. Right. Let’s report safety first and let them stop being impulsive and concentrate on improving their strength first.”

At this moment, Argo's [Enemy Search] reacted.

"It doesn't matter, it's Fei back." Kirito stretched out his hand to stop Argo, who was subconsciously posing on guard. Unlike the fact that he personally obtained permission from the original fallen fairy goddess, even if Argo, who did not receive direct consent, could ride Fei, the system was still hostile. , and the object cannot be identified in advance due to the level gap.

"Huh? Is this Miss coming back late?" Fei asked in a humanoid shape, flapping her wings and gliding to the ground.

"No, I just came back. So, how?" Argo asked.

"It's similar to what you think." Fei pointed at the central tower of Aincrad and said, "Sure enough, the guardians of the floors outside the tenth floor have disappeared, most of them have their doors wide open, and only the third floor is left. The gate on the sixth floor leading to the seventh floor still cannot be activated—that is, the guardians of other floors have been attacked by players and city guards or occupied the town during the siege. Now some people hear the news and go to the master on the fourth and fifth floors. Street tour. Is there anything between the sixth and seventh floors? I don't seem to have any difference except style."

"So it is." Kirito put on an old man's tone, raised his chin and said, "I think in those days, people including the old man, all called people who were trapped on the sixth floor by the digital puzzle game and gave up the strategy with respect. 'Sudoku', I heard that there will be rewards for solving the puzzles, maybe now it has become a must to solve the puzzles to enter and open the door to the seventh floor."

"However, the worst thing there is that the puzzles change every day at midnight and 0:00, and there will be no duplicates for a month!" Kirito's last sentence was full of emotion, without any performance.

Argo patted Kirito again: "But this is good news, Tongzi, ride Fei up and take care of all the tasks on the sixth floor, come on. I'll be your full-time intelligence officer for the time being until I rescue Lyfa and the others. Asuna, the price is only 500,000 kel, is it interesting?"


"Tongzi? Are you too happy to react?"

"No, that, in short, let's go and explain to the others first." Kirito couldn't say it, and now Fei's appearance index as a girl is no less than Asuna's human form, and after turning into a dragon, she will naturally have no body. Equipped, Argo said that it made him feel like riding on a naked girl.

I haven't felt this way in the past. Argo deliberately teased him like this to make him feel like a dragon knight in the future?

However, for now, let's get in touch with everyone to report the situation first, it's not good to keep people in hotels all the time.

As a result, everyone who was eager to save people actually came to help.


Port ○ server, Verutia—

"Xiaoyou...Are you sure this method is ok?"

"It's okay, sister, it's outside the circle but it's a fairly safe place, right? The bounty ring is just right."

"But I've made a lot of money these days, but Xiaoyou hasn't forgotten her original purpose, right?"

"Don't forget, find a local resident (NPC) with suitable ability as a helper to hire? It's strange, I also think that in a world where you can earn money by fighting monsters, there should be a lot of people who are prone to bankruptcy for money. Woolen cloth."

Verutia is not a city, but a wild area in the middle of two casinos. It is a flat road and vast grass, and there are no dangerous monsters. Even the monsters here have been captured by the casino lords with special skills. A clan caught them and threw them into cages and fights in the Colosseum for viewing entertainment and betting.

Of course, there are many other games of all kinds. There are quite a few people who have lost everything because of this. Even the players who have lost most of their equipment in the SAO middle class to the point where they only have big pants - it should be said that they committed suicide because of this. Players are all there.

"Fairy Wood"

As for why high gambling is so prevalent, apart from the fact that the virtual currency here is no different from real money to players trapped in SAO, enough chips can be exchanged for various kinds of seemingly enough to disrupt the balance of the game, improve the survival rate or even live once and for all. The final equipment item.

Although there is no one who can win that kind of chips. UU Reading

There are also players who think that the system itself has determined that once the number of chips in possession is close to a 100% failure rate, powerful players will definitely not do this, but ordinary players and rich NPCs who are willing to give it a try still exist.

Under the background of this place, Kirito was doing tasks in a nearby city according to the information provided by Krampis, and the others did not know where to go to "preparing equipment and props", and Yuuki was accompanied by Ran outside the circle. To set the ring safely, in order to be more like a normal business so as not to be suspected, the challenger has to charge a challenge fee of 5,000 kel, and if you beat Yuuki, you can get 50,000 kel - this is not a lot of money for those who can enter the casino, It can also keep away **** players passing by.

At present, their team's net worth can make up hundreds of thousands of kels, not that they can't pay the bonus.

Ran didn't take part in the duel, but only existed as a brake to prevent Yuuki from slipping off.

The rules of the duel are "first hit to win", first use the sword skill-hit the opponent once or cut half of the HP (will lock blood) to win, plus most of the NPC's power is crushed by high attack and high defense - SAO can't It's designed to move beyond human nerves, so it doesn't matter if there is an opponent a little higher than Yuuki's level.

As a result, after a few days, Yuuki was invincible, earned a lot of money, and there were a lot of bets in the crowd, and there was not a single person who could hire a temporary companion.

After a while, an elegantly dressed man with a Western sword came over the crowd, expressed his intention to challenge, and threw a money bag at Lan.

Ran put it in the item column, confirmed that there was no increase in the item, but the number in the money column increased by 5,000 kel, and nodded to Yuuki.

Yuuki's operation dialog pops up to confirm that the system-approved duel begins.

(to be continued)