Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v15 Chapter 84: puzzle game source of curse

Kirito invited the female ghost who lost her obsession and turned into a food soul to form a team.

But he wanted to use her to persuade himself to suppress the guilt in his heart with the idea of ​​letting the female ghost give up her resentment as an opportunity to free her.

The female ghost's feelings for that person, compared to resentment, obviously sadness and confusion prevail.

"Mr. Kirito, my name is Tyrol. Before I become a Buddha or you turn into a corpse, let's go to see the world in thirty years with you temporarily," she said.

Kirito went to shake Tyrol's icy cold, seemingly non-existent hand, and said, "I'm different from him, and you won't regret it."

After he put the pendant into the tool bar, Tyrol became the spirit behind him.

Even if Tyrol becomes a teammate and makes his name appear in the upper left corner, he still has no HP gauge, and it looks like he can't cause such a terrifying supernatural phenomenon without his own death. [Psychic Power] exists as a skill, but it is only equivalent to one without lethality. throwing skills.

But Tyrol has the skill [Trembling Breath] that can give the hostile units within a radius of five meters an abnormal state of chills. When there is a low probability of activating the skill in battle, the shiver will force the skill to fail. She can also report points and detect through walls. Although it cannot fight normally like mercenary NPCs, etc., it is quite useful as a teammate.

"Eh... You got along so well with her after meeting for the first time?" After meeting, Fei teased Kirito, "Kirito knows more and more girls, and when the time comes to defeat the snake warrior lord, Lyfa and How does Asuna look at you?"

"This, isn't there a conflict? It's not the stupid couple of Kurea and Akanari." Kirito said.

But Tyrol shivered while holding Kirito's head floating behind him.

"Hey, I really can't do anything about you. [Attribute Switching: Land]." Fei said, the wings around her waist disappeared, and her beige hair that glowed with rainbow light turned into a dull flaxen color.

"It turns out that you can completely turn into a human being, so why would you buy a cloak to cover your wings and enter the city?" Kirito was dumbfounded.

"This is how I used [Humanization] as a young dragon of the earth dragon before I evolved into a holy dragon, so the combat power will be halved. Although the combat power of the earth attribute can be improved as long as it stands on the ground, it is still better than the holy dragon. If it's not enough, it can't fly. Kirito, you can understand the idea of ​​wanting to go out in the strongest state, of course, another reason for me is that the appearance of the holy dragon is obviously more beautiful and glowing."

"Oh, what you said is very true." Kirito didn't want to refute either of the two reasons, thinking that Fei was really kind, which means that she temporarily gave up some of her strength and appearance for a new teammate.

"Then let's go to the next place. This way, we can earn more experience and money," he said.

They went to the dark goblin's territory and greeted the dark goblin knight Kizmel, who had become a friend.

Kizmel asked the whereabouts of Lyfa and Asuna, who had become friends with each other, and got the answer that she was outraged.

Looking at her appearance, Kirito could imagine that if she hadn't had her own responsibilities, she might have rushed directly to Thousand Snake City and cut down the Serpent Samurai Lord.

Whether it can be beaten is another matter.

However, Kizmel introduced them to the local garrison generals who were able to undertake some tasks. After completion, they obtained some materials for strengthening equipment. I heard that there was a new equipment strengthening mode. People strengthen weapons and armor, and enhance the basic value and magic transmission rate.

The magic power transmission rate is a new value, which can increase the positive relationship between the power of magic and magic sword skills and the concentration of oneself. Kirito, who has studied [Meditation] and [Awakening], is very happy to be able to utilize this characteristic.

Killing monsters all the way to Stacion, the main block on the sixth floor, but happened to bump into Argo who was crawling on the ground of the square.

"Yo, what are you doing, you found out that the puzzle games here have rich rewards?" Kirito greeted.

The tiles with a side length of 20 centimeters are all numbers, which is of course the original feature of this floor, and at the same time has a curse-like difficulty - a puzzle game.

"Oh, Tongzai, although I said to find a companion who can easily enter the external server without being reprimanded and attracting attention, is it really a good companion?" Argo glanced at Lingtyrol behind him and got up. Said, "Didn't you find 'that' quest for Yuuki recently, they actually took the crusade 'The; Cube)' is an object that can't be damaged without solving the Stakion Central Square puzzle game."

"It's true or not." Kirito said, "This puzzle game in the central square changes twice a day, and the town cannot communicate with the labyrinth area. Solve the game in the shortest time, and then rush through the wild area full of monsters and the labyrinth area where you need to explore the way to enter the boss room to fight, you can't fight without dying a few times, right?"

"That is to say, I'm lucky now, the boss is in another town, you can contact me."

"But Argo, do you know how difficult this game is?"

"I feel it for now."

"Hey, don't you know what happened to the people who participated in the puzzle game here during the beta test?"

"Hey, I wasn't an intelligence dealer at that time, but a beautiful girl killer with double daggers."

"Okay. At that time, it was rumored that there would be huge rewards for solving the games here. As a result, a group of enthusiasts did not leave here, nor did they go to fight monsters. In order to solve the mystery, they lived here until they had to sell all their belongings. UU reading, who still failed before the end of the beta test, they resorted to a taboo method—connecting a computer program outside the game to unlock the game. On the night of the end of the beta test, a group of naked people in only pants were happily singing and dancing here. ."

"Wow. I can't bear to look directly at this picture..."

"Okay, it just so happens that I have a place to go, so leave this to me." Kirito said to himself.

"Oh, does Tongzai have a clue? Do you know information that I don't even know?"

"It's not really, it just happens that I have to do something, just by the way, and it's the type that has many people and troubles, so let's separate it here first."

Fei thought for a while and said, "Then, I'll find other games to play here now, Kirito, go do your work."

"Okay, I'll be back in two days. Goodbye."

Looking at the back of Kirito leaving, Argo said, "You really trust his ability."

"It's so powerful, Kirito. No matter what the situation is, he can get through the difficulties. Although I also helped, but in fact, I feel that being a dragon has no effect at all. Kirito participated in a castle defense battle before. mission."

"Oh, you won?"

"It turned out to be a real win."

(to be continued)

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