Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 109: Lord of the Night and Lord of Shadows

After listening to Bercouli's guess, Cloenpiss pointed his chin and tilted his head and said, "Are you utilitarian? It is true that integrity knights are more powerful than royals, but are apprentice integrity knights only as powerful as upper nobles?" ? After all, adding too many fighters who are more difficult to control than the emperor will only cause trouble."

"That's right. There were still a few more, but they turned around and left when they heard that they could only be apprentices." Bercouli replied.

"In other words, the proportion of high-ranking nobles who have reached the standard in the Four Empires Unified Swordsmanship Conference this time is relatively high...Forget it, I will go to prepare for the ceremony, it will take some time. Knight Commander, take them up the ninety-nine stairs first. , Let them exercise more physical strength is not bad."

"Understood. But I have another suggestion."


"Eldorie Veruzbrook was the representative of the Knights who participated in the Unified Swordsmanship Conference of the Four Empires and won the attention. The other people on the list this time are not opponents, and his attainments in swordsmanship plus the experience of serving in the Knights , I’m still not capable enough to go to the battlefield of the Mountain Range at the End, but it should be enough to be a lower-ranking knight.” Bercouli said solemnly, his tone very fair.

"Hmph..." Crohnpiss thought that this was very biased towards the original time and space, raised his chin and thought for a while, and ordered, "Give him the test to obtain the approval of the artifact according to the rules. If he can do it, give him the corresponding artifact And the knight's armor and the flying dragon cub. As for the number, I'll ask for instructions when the highest priest is free."


Some time later, at the same place—

"Fantio, you really like to practice swords here early in the morning. Good morning." Klaumpis came here one morning and greeted Fanatio who was trying to discover continuous sword skills.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness Yuan Lao Fuzuo." After saluting, Fanatio said, "As for the previous incident, it is still almost there. I am afraid that there is only one person who can become a proper knight."

"I know, the captain of the knight also has a good opinion of that person. It's good for the others to work harder. But although integrity knights need to deal with a lot of cases, such troublesome things happen every now and then. Since you are here, be ready to obey orders." ” Klaumpis said.

"Has there been any criminals to be apprehended?"

"Hmmmmmm, rather than saying that they appeared, it is better to say that the victims appeared one after another, but the results of the monitoring by the Senate are a bit strange."


"People with severe photophobia occasionally appear in the southern part of the Southern Empire, and there are also completely missing persons. I can't find any clues, but I found the reaction of the appearance of two-body beasts."

Fanatio frowned: "During this period, the frequency of the appearance of the beasts is a bit high. I always feel that the total number of appearances of the beasts in the past few years has caught up with the total number of appearances of the last hundred years. Is it a sign of disaster? And However, the phenomenon accompanying the appearance of divine beasts is the same as the small-scale crimes of human beings, which is also very strange."

"But the sacred arts of our Senate will not have false results." Klaumpis shrugged and said, "By the way, there is another incident, that is, the Guardian Dragon of the South finally... no, it began to attack humans tendency."

"What?! I heard that the southern guardian dragon is very docile to humans, otherwise the highest priest wouldn't have ordered us to kill and seal almost all the dragons in the human world, but keep the southern guardian dragon?"

"This used to be the case, but there are two-bodied beasts in the south, so it's not surprising what happened. So I judged based on some clues, this matter needs you to come forward to solve it yourself, Deputy Knight Commander. There is no manpower that can be dispatched to you , but you are allowed to bring your own subordinates to train or call knights who are stationed there and have no combat missions." Cloenpiss ordered.

Hearing the mission, Fanatio immediately stood at attention and saluted as a knight: "Yes! What clues do you have so far?"

"At present, it can be confirmed that the two beasts should be 'Dominus Nocte' and 'The Shadow Master' respectively, and their races are similar to undead and demons, but there should be some differences, please proceed with caution."

Although Latin was mixed into the sacred language for some reason, Crohnpiss didn't feel that he had confirmed the wrong script. Even if the greatest possibility is that it is not a mythical beast but the name or title of an NPC, even if that is the case, Adominus Doret will regard it as a threat or an experimental product and attack it.

Fanatio: "Yes! Understood, this subordinate will complete the task."


Sachakuro Insnan Empire, by Lake Reind—

Fanatio finally chose not to bring his subordinates with him when he went on a mission, but was going to ask for the assistance of the high-ranking knights who were on duty at the southern border. After all, there were two divine beasts, and this was not something that low-ranking knights without artifacts could handle. UU reading www.

But despite the promises made, after arriving at the incident site, because of the chaos caused by the guardian dragon's rampage and wounding, the people in the nearby settlements were evacuated under the guidance of the guards, and the chaos was in a state of chaos. In addition, the integrity knights should not have too much contact with each other. The rules of the people made the investigation very troublesome.

Fortunately, the crest of the Axiom Church and the authority of the Integrity Knight's armor prevent other people from casually coming to talk to her, and any question she asks can be answered truthfully.

After asking people from all walks of life and sorting out the information a little, I feel that the basic flow of the incident is almost confirmed.

First, a demonic monster appeared to attack humans, and then the guardian dragon went to fight the demonic monster in order to protect humans.

But the strength of the guardian dragon was insufficient. After being defeated by the demon, the demon did not kill the guardian dragon. Dragons start attacking humans.

After that, it was the guardian dragon who kept attacking people and even started to attack the villages and towns. The demon never showed up again, so most people only knew that it was the guardian dragon who was making trouble.

Just when people were desperate to escape the dragon's pursuit, at night, a short swordsman dressed in black appeared and repelled the guardian dragon, and cut off one of the guardian dragon's claws with only one blow And half of the wings, let the opponent flee on the ground in embarrassment.

Because no one approached the battlefield, no one witnessed the exact appearance, but the scarlet eyes shining in the night and the great sword that could release red light from a long distance left a deep impression on all witnesses.

Some people want to thank the swordsman, and some people think that someone has done something wrong and angered the guardian dragon. For example, the recent disappearance of people and the emergence of strange diseases, the person who took the initiative to kill the guardian dragon must not be a good person.

to be continued