Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 122: Sanctuary Defense Exercise

The latest website: Kraunpith intends to hold a so-called exercise to test the defense of the sanctuary. The actual purpose is to show that even the unsuspecting Axiom Church has enough terrifying combat power, so that Kirito dare not really be in Kadina At the instigation of Seoul, he raised the anti-flag.

But of course the same cannot be said here.

"Look at this." Crounpiss pulled out a large worm and threw it in front of them.

"This is a familiar made by the Dark Arts for surveillance! Where did it come from!" Fanatio was shocked, she didn't believe that anyone here would use the Dark Arts to do this, and there was only one result.

"Hmph, that's right, people from the Dark Realm who sneaked into the Human Realm from the Dark Realm, probably. They were discovered in East Centoria." Cloenpiss replied.

In fact, if she intends to use the Senate to relax the regular inspection of criminals, it will be relatively easy, because the various detectable indexes of people from the Dark World and people from the Human World are not that small.

Now the spy in the dark domain has also been hypnotized by her and dragged into a dream that is no different from reality, except that she has been caught by the integrity knight in the dream and locked in a dungeon.

"In other words, we have to pretend to be the same as usual, let that guy in without warning, and fight in the temple? But they don't know our combat power, and they caught their familiar. Will you be fooled?" Bercouli asked.

"There is no need to worry about that, that guy has been 'captured', Bercouli, do you know the nature of my 【Armor Full Control Art】?"

"I see, in 'there, let's proceed."

Integrity knights and holy warlocks have a general understanding of their respective abilities, but due to various needs, they always hide their meticulous moves or ultimate moves. Bercouli guessed that Crampis's dream might be able to do it. Most people are pulled into the battlefield of creation at the same time.

"Yes, please don't resist. rese-re."

It should be said that even if it is really hostile, if there is no mind skill, it will be too late to deal with it after seeing it.

Because of this, Crohnpiss chose a place where almost the entire floor was filled with steaming hot tubs. Even if she didn't take a bath, at least she didn't have to worry about catching a cold and losing her energy when sleeping here.

But people didn't feel anything, they felt like they were still standing there listening to Crounpiss.

"By the way, there was a murder incident that was mistakenly believed to have occurred at the Imperial Sword Cultivation Academy in Northern Centoria last night. The parties were all excellent swordsmen who had surrendered themselves and were imprisoned. They brought them over to act as intruders belonging to the unknown intelligence enemy. Indis, you go, there is someone who has a chance with you."

"Oh, are there any cute girls?"

"Yes, but be serious, hey, hurry up!"


After Indis left, Alice said, "'Misunderstanding, it's really ambiguous."

(There is only Integrity Knight Alice here, to show the difference, Alice Ziberuk uses the full name for all of them)

Cloenpiss explained: "To put it simply, that's what happened. You know, there are many nobles who live a pedantic life and like to toss the people, um. In short, no crime has occurred, that's it. But because of this, as long as the They captured the Axiom Church, and there is an opportunity to stimulate them. They may regard us as the accomplices of the pedantic nobles and start a serious war. Isn't it appropriate to cooperate with the people of the dark world who are already enemies? Anyway, the duties of integrity knights are not only guarding The human world still catches criminals, isn’t it suitable?”…

"If it's an injustice, shouldn't we arrest and convict?" Alice asked honestly.

"There are suspicions until the conclusion of the interrogation. So the content of the exercise for them is to capture them rather than kill them." Cloenpiss replied.

"Pisspiss, since you have to send someone to bring them back, you've already caught them. How can you practice if you've already caught them?" Fidel, who didn't need to attend the meeting, waved from behind, "And take them out of the way." Released from prison?"

"Well, actually, I have doubts about the dungeon's strength. There is a record of the dungeon being pried in half once. So I think that if you only rely on the guards to guard it, the possibility of escape is very high. This is also one of the contents of the exercise.

. ’ Crohnpiss replied.

She was a little disturbed by the question, and said to Bercouli: "The church is arranged according to the unexpected situation when it is the most slack in daily life. Only in this way can the value of confirming the daily defense ability of the church be confirmed. The rest I will leave it to you and Fanatio to arrange."

"Yes, yes, it's really a messy mission. But it's also meaningful, so I'll accompany you to mess around this time, Mr. Fuzuo." Bercouli said lazily.

Then, after arranging the manpower, he just rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and left - riding a flying dragon to a famous natural medicinal hot spring resort that was famous but became sparsely populated due to the abnormal activity of monsters, and he also brought a basket of high-quality raw eggs along with him.

"Hey, hey, even if you want to relax at the beginning, you don't want to play like this? Could it be that he has worked hard for three hundred years so he really wants to take a vacation?" Crohnpiss began to look at the crystal board on the 98th floor Make complaints.

Of course, because Chudelkin was too annoying, of course he was not involved.


Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, basement level, dungeon—

After such a thing happened, as the "only" male in the "criminal group", he was thrown into a cell alone, and his wrists were locked by several meters of iron chains, and he was confined near the bed. Even though he was very tired, the previous The shock of the incident on his head, the loneliness with no one around him, and the involuntary question of whether Alice, who was only eleven years old, was here alone at the time made him toss and turn, and it was difficult to sleep.

It was not until late at night that he could barely fall asleep. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Wake up, Eugeo."

"Yeah... just fell asleep..."

"I don't have time, I'm going to play a prank on you if I don't get up."

Eugeo felt a warm feeling coming from his mouth. A similar feeling was only felt on his face and neck when he was drunk and raped Kirito. Panned half a meter away, covered his mouth and said, "Kirito, is it time to make fun of people... How did you get here?!"

"You have become a big sinner, you are more courageous than drunk." Kirito couldn't help standing up from the hard bed, touching the sore waist caused by Eugeo when he was drunk in the forest, and said, "Do you hate touching me when you're awake?"

" annoying, but Kirito's appearance...even if it doesn't violate the "Taboo Index", it still makes people nervous." Eugeo was embarrassed.

(to be continued).

void figure