Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 133: Battle of the Temple・Knights of 4 Rota

In the Dark Knights, there are only a few elites who can equip the magic sword, and the holders of the artifact can be counted on one hand, and they only increase the attack power without liberating power. Lipia still wanted to take back some of the equipment captured from the integrity knights as trophies.

But it's really not good to continue to increase the load, but even though the priority of these artifacts is lower than her authority, she doesn't have a hand.

Kirito Sword Yuki took the fake Kaitian Sword and couldn't put it down, thinking that he would ambush and sneak attack later, so he stretched out his hand to Deusolbert's flaming bow. A purplish black breath leaked from the clothes and invaded the bow...


Ninetieth floor—

The children who had finished rubbing their backs and soaked in the bath wrapped themselves in towels, put only their legs in the water, and sat in a row by the bathtub holding crystal boards to watch the battle on the lower floor.

"Aren't all knights too useless? It's too ridiculous."

"It's because they still pay attention to their reputation and status in battle that they will always be recruited by sneak attacks."

"It's the same with the hostages taken by goblins and lion-headed monsters last time."

"Sure enough, we should try our best to help, isn't it better? Otherwise, they will embarrass the knights."

Fizel and Linel spoke in turn.

"I said, don't you care about the phenomenon that Kirito's blazing bow turned black?" Crohnpiss asked twitchingly.

Probably a similar phenomenon occurred at the time of the sword of the blue rose and the crimson lily of the valley. Although this place is a dream, the transmission of this kind of mind may affect reality. If you think that you are dead here and completely give up thinking If there is no hope of living, then even if the destiny is not hindered, the artificial soul that will collapse due to some logical processing problems may also be in danger.

And this erosion is also real. Only Adominus Doret can easily restore and separate the artifacts, and it may be slightly more difficult for Cardinal. Crohnpiss can barely do it well, in other words, it takes a lot of energy and labor, and it is something she has never done in reality, and her existing mind skills are also ineffective for it.

"If the highest priest knows that the drill caused the artifact to be ruined, will he be angry?" Kroenpiss said.

"It's nothing unusual, Pith, the highest priest won't be angry."

"That divine beast in the forest is much more powerful than the phoenix, and he is also very obsessed with the archer girl, which is normal."

Fizel and Linel comforted.

"How did Nell know?" Crompiss asked.

"Because, the books that we knights can read say that the phoenix was brought back by killing the chief and deputy knight commanders, and the scythe of fate was not wiped out by almost all the members, right? Not reconciled," Linele said.

"Really, doesn't Pease even understand such a simple truth? Sitting in the house is stupid? Occasionally, you go to exercise with us." Figelclawn Pease patted the thin back and said .

"When will Jieer and Neil plan to go out?"

"Needless to say? Right, Neil."

"Well, of course they have to be wiped out before dispatching."

"Ah, even Fanatio is about to be killed?" Fizel suddenly grabbed the edge of the crystal plate and pulled him closer.

Linel said: "Ah, the Sky Piercing Sword was targeted, it's because of Fanatio's bad habit of explaining the abilities of the divine weapon in front of the opponent."

"Hey, the time for the women's soup should have passed." At this time, a majestic approaching voice came from the gate on the south side of the bathing place, "I was also concerned about that topic just now, can you talk to me?"

Knight Commander Bercouli, who looked as if his hair had just been blown by a strong wind, walked in with a basket. After noticing the turning eyes, he didn't care. Anyway, this place is just a group of children. He lifted the basket and said, "I I made hot spring eggs, good hot springs go with good eggs, do you want to try it?"


On the fiftieth floor, the Great Corridor of Spiritual Light—

The door on the south side connected to the stairwell was completely blocked by thick blue-green crystals. From time to time, there was a "bang" explosion sound from the outside that seemed to shake the building, and then some cracks appeared on the crystal.

This is a masterpiece created by Eugeo using the [Armor Full Control Art], and the knights who plan to break in are probably also in a hurry.

After confirming the personnel composition of the defense line, after a short discussion, they decided to defeat the defense line first and then turn around to deal with the reinforcements, because the reinforcements are still unknown, and there is a deputy knight commander among the five integrity knights in the defense line. It has the effect of damaging the overall morale of the integrity knights.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and small fragments began to fall off the crystal.

There was a trace of sweat on Eugeo's forehead. While concentrating on maintaining his ult, he paid attention to the battle situation from the corner of his eye. This is very important. Integrity knights controlled by the highest priest are basically upright, but after all, there is no guarantee that their companions will win or not. There will be stray bullets flying towards you.

The attack power of Tianpier Sword is extremely powerful. It is synthesized from the resources of thousands of mirrors, and it can shoot out converging sunlight and shoot out laser-like attacks.

However, the light beam shot by Fanatio was reflected back by the mirror synthesized by Kirito using the sacred art, breaking her helmet, revealing the beautiful face with makeup, and then she was "Miss Fanatio" one by one. " Kirito was enraged.

The two fell into a confrontation of sword wrestling and for the subordinate "Four-spinning Sword" trained by her, even though she was taught the "Ring Blade Dazzling Dance" of four people attacking in unison, it is enough to deal with it. Most of the dark knights, but one more opponent, who is still a person with strong swordsmanship, was directly defeated.

But Lipia and Yuuki held on tightly to the "Four-spinning Swords" in order not to let Fanatio care about his subordinates and prevent them from falling down, so that Fanatio could let go of all scruples and make no difference everywhere. Differential stray light.

Eugeo was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that among the official integrity knights, they could wear such heavy armor and walk like flying with a heavy sword, but they only knew one or two sets of sword skills and super basic secrets. knight. If they were singled out, they might not even be able to win the two trainee knights who were directly recruited and appointed.

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Perhaps, their status before their memory was sealed was the same as mine, but I had swung an ax that could be used as a weapon for a few years. It's just too sad to become an integrity knight who has to fight.