Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 148: Decisive Battle・Infinite Integration R

"What are you talking about...?" Kirito's thinking didn't keep up with Crompis's words for a moment.

Then, Crohnpiss clarified a lot of things to the group who invaded the sanctuary—

"Hey, do you know, Cardinal is just a personality maintenance technique, and Adominus Doret is the one who manages everything, and knows much more than that guy. This is the will of the world, Once the median level exceeds a certain value, a disaster will automatically fall somewhere in the human world to balance it. It may be a natural disaster, or it may be a beast from another world. Ah, it seems to come from a foreign world called Aincrad. , Speaking of which, your genre is the Aincrad style that was unheard of in the past, right?

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"By the way, even if the order of magnitude of overcoming disasters without injury reaches a certain level, and the evaluation of the human world's coping ability is too strong but still does not meet the wishes of the gods, there will be a technique called 'coding reconstruction'. As recorded in the terminology list, it will probably directly drop the beam of light to destroy part of the human world. Therefore, the combat power must be in the hands of a few people and control the power to be given and withdrawn at any time to ensure that most people have no combat power. You The guy who only refers to the correctness of his own logic and corrects the world, doesn't understand anything at all."

"What—" Speaking of this is completely beyond the scope of Kirito's immediate response. If this world is used for experiments, it is not impossible. If this is the case, he has to log out of the underworld to solve the problem. We negotiated with these designers.

"Hey, if you really want to do good for this world, as a person who is connected with the alien world that injects natural disasters into the human world, don't you have to drag the gods who are watching this world from the heavens and clean them up?" Kraunpi Silk suggested another way of saying it.

But she didn't intend to let Kirito log out, and she continued immediately: "But there is already a way here that suits our wishes and will not disappoint God. You have experienced the changes in Eugeo's strength, right? It's a new product." She changed to the latest god-respecting module, shaking it in her hand.

Kirito was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "You mean, you can use that moment to increase the strength of a large number of Human World people at any time, and then recover them after the battle, right?"

"That's right, it's like the weapons issued to soldiers before the war that are only allowed to be used against the enemy, and they have to be recycled after the war. How about it? It's a great system, right?"

Crohnpiss waved his hand and launched several pre-prepared spells.

The High Priest's bed sank below the ground and the floor closed.

A light door appeared on the far wall behind Crounpis.

A girl with off-white hair with wings growing on her back, staring at her head with iridescent light, walked in with a group of children who were about the age of elementary school students in the current world.

Kirito: "Fei?!"

"Criminal, you...know me?" It was just that Fei, who was copied by Fei and used as a monster NPC in the underworld, was a little surprised.

"Well, I can probably understand what you are." Kirito, who also guessed that point, said helplessly, and glanced behind him for a moment.

Crohnpiss also glanced slightly, the sword seemed to be desperately saying something like "I'm going to kill her", because it was the dragon-slaying sword?

Speaking of which, after sao opened the server, the "Melancholy Nocturne" never killed a serious dragon solo like its setting.

Could it have been a mistake for the High Priest to reclaim that sword? The real power to unlock and activate "Melancholy Nocturne" is not simply contact but the influence of the mind, because Kirito has never left behind his oath of allegiance to Nilu Nier on the other side, that is, the The change of the sword has also affected Meng, I am afraid that no one can use that sword normally except Kirito.

Kirito asked, "Why bring so many children? Have they committed a crime?"

"No, they are all 'Bekuta Lost People'. It seems that they are organized by a force to destroy the monster... called Medina Ortinanos." After Fei replied, he added, "I just Just take these people to the church according to the order."

"Medina? Why did you mention her... relationship with amnesiacs..."

What Kraunpis wanted was to make Kirito's mouth can't keep up, so he explained: "You know what Ortinanos said?"

"Ah, because the highest priest called their family a 'defective product', they have been discriminated against and bullied for generations."

"They are 'flawed products' if they didn't complete the tasks that should have been easily completed. You know, when God Stacia gave the stress test to the human world, he also considered the possibility of being completely crushed and leading to the failure of all previous efforts, Ol The Thinanos family is the blood of the gods who have been endowed by the gods since ancient times with the ability to summon helpers from Aincrad. But those people can't do it, it's not a defective product, but I didn't expect that it has been several generations. After trying, Medina succeeded instead. Now Medina has hundreds of people who are stronger than the guards and many are called human adventurers. Maybe you are one of them? But sometimes you will call Some completely useless children like this can only be sent to the Axiom Church to raise the little ones who will increase the burden, so let's go here." Klaumpis shrugged and said.

By the way, let's see if I can sway and make him think that he is also a fake.

Kirito frowned, he guessed at the first time that it might be a player replica synthesized in a way similar to the resurrection of Yuki, and Sao was in the death game period, most children of elementary school age did not choose to fight but were taken in by adults' organizations, So I'm afraid I haven't practiced level.

I'm afraid that in Sao, for some reason, as a primary school student at the beginning, Silica couldn't play with primary school children, but got together with middle school students and uncles. Among these children, Silica has a higher combat effectiveness, and that's why the previous fight with Silica happened. battle.

As for whether he himself will be the same copy, Kirito doesn't think so, because the time is not right, and in this world where the soul will collapse once the logic of the individual is subverted and conflicted, he can make things that don't match. Kirito did pie things during the sao period, so he is not a copy.

"Come on, let you see it. Summon Aincrad's combat power, because there is no real soul, so you don't need to ask for permission to implant the god-respecting module." Croynpiss raised his hand to the children. refer to-

God-respecting modules appeared in the air and flew into the children's heads. They all began to chant sacred arts that they had never learned before, and used steel elements to form temporary weapons in their hands.