Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 149: Showdown・Sword Golem

The latest website: Crohn Piss raised his hand and ordered to the assembled combat units: "Come on, crusade against the rebels... Wait, Fei, don't transform, you will mess up the room!"

"Yes, I know, it won't destroy the highest priest's dormitory." After listening to what Klaumpis said, Fei clasped her hands together in front of her chest and "cracked" a few times, with one hand on her hip, and stretched out the other. One hand hooked its fingers towards Kirito.

With her destiny value, strength, and authority, she does have leisurely capital.

Even in the face of several times Kirito, she is enough to face off calmly.

Kirito pulled out the sword on his back, brandished both swords and began to charge - facing the children, there was a scuffle of swords, lights and swords in the bedroom, and the children soon began to be knocked down one by one by Kirito.

"Pick up the weak to fight? You bastard, stop!" Fei immediately leaned forward, squatted down, kicked the ground, flapped his wings and shot at Kirito.

She stretched out her claws, which were as hard as a divine weapon, and stabbed Kirito's back.

Kirito seemed to be concentrating on beating the child there, and didn't realize until the last moment that he shifted his body to avoid it.

"Slow!" Fei reckoned that even if the blow avoided the vitals, it would be enough to remove an arm and a piece of flesh from the waist, causing a great loss of destiny and losing combat effectiveness due to severe pain and high-speed blood loss.

Unexpectedly, the pitch-black translucent sword blade stabbed out from Kirito's waist to the back—not from the gap between the arm and waist, but actually passed through his body!

Fei shattered half of Kirito's arm with one blow, and at the same time, her body also hit the blade, and her body with extremely high defense was easily pierced like butter!

A burst of scarlet light converged on the blade, and suddenly turned into a light cannon and shot out.

"Damn it, false flash?!" Croynpiss complained in his heart, and the cat waist avoided the scarlet light that penetrated Fei's body and turned into stray bullets.

Fei, who was shot into the body by the scarlet light at a negative distance, looked down at the big hole in the center of the body, which was a miracle that did not break the body, just like that, the body went limp and fell into a pool of blood.

"Second kill? Is it really the dragon-slaying sword? Why does it feel like the corresponding props are specially prepared for the purpose of breaking through the level? Could it be that if this is not a dream, in fact, some actions of the Axiom Church are an ambush for Kirito's defeat?" Ke Ron Pease thought.

Not long after, the remaining children were all lying on the ground, and their weapons were shattered and evaporated.

Kirito walked towards Fei who had turned into a corpse, knelt down and helped her up and said softly, "Sorry, if you can remember this on the other side, you can beat me as many times as you want." Then he opened his mouth and bit his fangs. go down.

After Kirito drank the dragon's blood, there was no strengthening in strength, but he was able to restore his damaged body, destiny, physical strength and energy, and at the same time, transformed it into sufficient space resources in his body.

"Is this the same as forcibly injecting an MP on yourself?" Crohn Piss analyzed in his mind, and stretched out his hand towards Fei's body and pool of blood.

Kirito instantly purified and healed Alice and Eugeo who were in a coma, allowing them to get up one after another.

However, in order to achieve the original normal treatment, the damage calculated by the month or even the time of the new year must be healed instantly, and the tube of "mp" obtained by this is exhausted. In order to prevent Fei from being reused so efficiently, Kraunpiss decisively beat A blast of divine magic evaporated it, effectively throwing Fei out of the dream space.

Fortunately, Fei was killed instantly, and she didn't experience the feeling of going to death at all, so it didn't hinder her life in the underworld at all.

"Well, after all, you used the Anti-Dragon Artifact that you took out from the vault, and the others are a group of weak children, so it's not surprising that it would be like this." Crohnpiss rubbed his forehead and shook his head, looking at Kirito, who was somewhat out of breath, said, "But they can make you tired enough to defeat the veteran integrity knight, so how about an adult? You should understand that this method is very effective, right?"

"But their bodies obviously have a sense of unfamiliarity. If they are allowed to participate in training like apprentice knights, let's not talk about it. Giving them these temporarily is just using them as cannon fodder." Kirito said.

"Oh, I think this combat power is enough to make a good exchange ratio. Well, the exchange ratio of about 3:5 between the human world and the dark realm is not a problem, right?"

"But there are more people in the dark realm, and a miserable victory is more terrifying than being ravaged unilaterally!"

"Your words seem to take the enemy's losses into account."

"The monsters in the Dark Realm didn't become monsters voluntarily! The reason why they did that was because of the living environment there! Moreover, everyone's soul is the same."

"Oh, it's very boring for you to say that. Who can decide his own birth, and he can pity any life he wants. That person doesn't have to live anymore. Just eating is destroying other lives, isn't it? This won't be that little boy again. Pass it on to you guys. Cardinal, who has partial theocratic power, can live without eating at all. It really doesn’t hurt to stand and talk. As a person who has killed goblins and monsters and eaten meat, what qualifications do you have to say? This? However, if you want to win big—even make the Dark Territory afraid to invade and create peace, it’s not impossible to show you the corresponding means. Be happy, you are the first to see.”

Crohnpiss took out the third-generation god-worshipping module and shouted: "Release-re!"

The weapons that looked like decorations on the walls and pillars around the huge room flew into the air together, forming a huge sword golem. The god-respecting module was embedded in the core area to complete the command and control, and then fell to the ground.

When the others were dumbfounded, Kirito murmured, "Sword's... automaton?"

"You know a good If you don't want to be a knight and are afraid of being integrated, you can be a civil servant. The highest priest is really optimistic about you." Croynpiss said surrender.

At this time, she was also a little excited, because she followed the rules of the game as much as possible to copy Kirito's mind in SAO, but she never succeeded.

"But even if you agree, the highest priest may not trust it? And I haven't been defeated yet. Since you mentioned Aincrad, you should also understand that I use the Aincrad flow, and I have many advantages compared to myself. A much bigger opponent's means of fighting? We haven't lost yet." Kirito said.

"You are overwhelmed when you treat a large number of units combined with a single unit as the same kind of object. Do you think we will let it happen that its body is incoherent? Only you are not afraid, really The ignorant are fearless."

"I don't think you can listen to the words of the betrayer, but as a holy warlock, I have something to ask." At this moment, Alice took a step forward, knocking the tip of the sword heavily on the ground as if suppressing her emotions, knocking the ground Poked a crack...

(to be continued)