Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 159: 1st Tomahawk Knight

Latest URL: Crohnpiss did not intend to interrogate the newly brought prisoners, but was placed in the dungeon for a day according to the usual practice.

During this period of time, it is generally used various techniques of the Senate to confirm the hidden values ​​​​of various aspects, and to discuss how to deal with it better.

Being able to be a knight is the best, but if you can't, you can also erase your memory and part of your emotions, freeze your destiny and change your identity to some departments of the Axiom Church as simple coolies, and there is also the possibility of using it for some human experiments.

If it is completely useless, it will not be killed in vain. Using the [Material Transformation Technique] to turn it into gems, plates, vases, sugar pots, etc. may also be useful. Although in fact, the objects made by people are enough to pile up into a hill in the Axiom Church.

A day later, the Senate analyzed and concluded that the person's mind was active enough to be suitable for fighting. If he could wear the artifact, that person was capable of being an integrity knight, and his loyalty was easy to induce.

"It's a rare opportunity. I haven't used the god-respecting module for promoting knights in the name of atonement from fighting to death. Eh..." Crohnpiss got in touch—

【Well, what's it called... Anyway, Mr. Jailer, who is on duty today, brought that person to the interrogation hall on the ninety-seventh floor. Climbing the stairs was hard work. 】

More than an hour later, on the ninety-seventh floor, in the interrogation hall—

This is right next to the Senate House. If necessary, you can ask them to chant sacred spells to do anything about it at any time. Although the Senate House is on the ninety-sixth floor, the ceiling of the Senate House is actually very high, and it actually occupies nine floors. Part of the space on the 16th to 98th floors is used to fill as many elders as possible in the same room with a limited area. With so many elders performing spells together, most of the most complicated spells can be completed in a short period of time.

Ordering the Senate to prepare for integration, Crohnpiss sat tall, looking down at the muscular jailer wearing a metal mask like an iron bucket on his head, leading the panting one-eyed boy with chains.

"Ah, isn't this Luoge? I didn't expect to see you in this form." Crohnpiss said with a smile.

If it had been earlier, he would have been able to fight Kirito and Eugeo as an integrity knight, which is a pity.

"Well, actually...I was also very...surprised. I didn't expect things to turn out like this." Luoge said, if there were no handcuffs and chains, he would probably scratch his head vigorously.

"Although I probably know what you have done, please tell me yourself." Crohnpiss raised his chin.

"Yes, yes. I... went back to the village from hunting that day, and found that some villagers were being attacked by monsters. I wanted to save them, but the number of hunting prey that day had reached the upper limit. When I thought of this reason, I had to watch I couldn't bear the suffering of others, my right eye felt more and more painful and burst, and then I hacked the monster to save the villagers, but I don't know why... It should be the guard's dereliction of duty when the monster entered the village, but the responsibility is on me It was on my head. I heard that they were going to send me to the central capital, and then... I ran away and accidentally stepped into the dark realm."

"To be honest, if you don't run away, even if they frame you, we won't punish you. In fact, if it's the monster that launched the first attack, if it counterattacks and doesn't take the monster material as its own, it won't be counted. The amount of hunting, don’t you even understand this? It’s really a big sin to step into the dark realm.” Cloenpiss pinched the bridge of his nose and grinned.

"Uh, should I say that I'm in a panic, I have never thought of going to the dark realm."

"It has nothing to do with your thoughts. It is an iron fact that your actions constitute a crime."

"This is really... very sorry."

"Hey, then you can accept the integration and become an integrity knight to atone for your sins. Say the sacred words 'system-call-remove-core-prote.' and you will accept it."

"Eh? I... I, I, I, I, I'm going to be a knight? Did I make a mistake? I don't think it fits well with someone like me."

"Have you misunderstood something? It is indeed a great honor to become a knight in the normal way, and it can also win wealth for the family, but the biggest task of an integrity knight is to fight monsters in the dark realm. The honor is only temporary, and the wealth does not belong to you. As a criminal, you are not even worthy of the momentary honor and wealth that can be given to your family, so please fight to protect the human world until your life is exhausted. Don’t worry, that eye will heal you and give you better The equipment allows you to display your combat effectiveness, not for the dead."

"That's it, I understand. It's like the new wolves who join the wolf pack must act as dangerous bait for the wolf pack when they hunt, and they have to work harder to prove their ability and loyalty, right?"

"Eh...Do wolves have this ecology? Although it feels like a big gap, you can really think about it."

"I understand. system-call—remove-core-prote." Loge read out without hesitation.

Crohnpiss secretly thought that it's nice to be a fool.


Kirito can't do anything about Luo Ge's matter for the time being. At this time, he is encountering a kingly plot of some kind of game-provided that this is a game.

"Kirito-senpai...I...maybe...can't continue to aim for the knight and continue with short, I may drop out of school." Ronye said to Kirito after training one day.

"Did something happen?" Kirito felt that Ronye practiced a lot this In fact, the previous training was also very serious, and he probably didn't really want to drop out of school.

Ronnie looked embarrassed, and explained: "We lower-level nobles, because we are completely subject to the issue of nobles' jurisdiction, maybe we are not as comfortable as some wealthier commoners. Therefore, our lower-level nobles also target knights. Mostly it is to gain some honor and merit to reduce the influence of the ruling power. Of course, if we want to take up arms and fight, we must take the lead, so... because of the rumors that the invasion of the dark realm has become more frequent, the family members who do not want me to go to the battlefield hope I drop out."

"Are you worried about Ronnie's safety and give up the status and honor you might get? From the perspective of family, this is a good family. Then Ronnie, what do you think? It seems that you don't want to give up being a knight. It should be said that you With the current strength, after one or two more years of normal training, it is basically safe to be a guard knight, right?" Kirito asked.

Ronnie replied: "Usually even if you drop out of school, you won't be exempted from the military service of the lower nobles. So for my safety and future, the aunt of the fourth-class knight introduced me to a fiancé of the third-class Sir Berard, It seems that that person took the initiative to propose marriage to my family across the country, and my parents are really good for me, but I think my aunt will not let go of Gao Pan's opportunity."

(to be continued)